import { isBlank } from "@ember/utils"; import { attributeBindings, classNameBindings, classNames, } from "@ember-decorators/component"; import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import AdComponent from "discourse/plugins/discourse-adplugin/discourse/components/ad-component"; const adIndex = { topic_list_top: null, topic_above_post_stream: null, topic_above_suggested: null, post_bottom: null, topic_list_between: null, }; @classNames("house-creative") @classNameBindings("adUnitClass") @attributeBindings("colspanAttribute:colspan") export default class HouseAd extends AdComponent { adHtml = ""; @discourseComputed colspanAttribute() { return this.tagName === "td" ? "5" : null; } @discourseComputed("placement", "showAd") adUnitClass(placement, showAd) { return showAd ? `house-${placement}` : ""; } @discourseComputed( "showToGroups", "showAfterPost", "showAfterTopicListItem", "showOnCurrentPage" ) showAd( showToGroups, showAfterPost, showAfterTopicListItem, showOnCurrentPage ) { return ( showToGroups && (showAfterPost || showAfterTopicListItem) && showOnCurrentPage ); } @discourseComputed("postNumber", "placement") showAfterPost(postNumber, placement) { if (!postNumber && placement !== "topic-list-between") { return true; } return this.isNthPost( parseInt("house_creatives.settings.after_nth_post"), 10) ); } @discourseComputed("placement") showAfterTopicListItem(placement) { if (placement !== "topic-list-between") { return true; } return this.isNthTopicListItem( parseInt("house_creatives.settings.after_nth_topic"), 10) ); } chooseAdHtml() { const houseAds ="house_creatives"), placement = this.get("placement").replace(/-/g, "_"), adNames = this.adsNamesForSlot(placement); // filter out ads that should not be shown on the current page const filteredAds = adNames.filter((adName) => { const ad = houseAds.creatives[adName]; return ( ad && (!ad.category_ids?.length || ad.category_ids.includes(this.currentCategoryId)) ); }); if (filteredAds.length > 0) { if (!adIndex[placement]) { adIndex[placement] = 0; } let ad = houseAds.creatives[filteredAds[adIndex[placement]]] || ""; adIndex[placement] = (adIndex[placement] + 1) % filteredAds.length; return ad.html; } } adsNamesForSlot(placement) { const houseAds ="house_creatives"); if (!houseAds || !houseAds.settings) { return []; } const adsForSlot = houseAds.settings[placement]; if (Object.keys(houseAds.creatives).length > 0 && !isBlank(adsForSlot)) { return adsForSlot.split("|"); } else { return []; } } refreshAd() { this.set("adHtml", this.chooseAdHtml()); } didInsertElement() { super.didInsertElement(...arguments); if (!this.get("showAd")) { return; } if (adIndex.topic_list_top === null) { // start at a random spot in the ad inventory const houseAds ="house_creatives"); Object.keys(adIndex).forEach((placement) => { const adNames = this.adsNamesForSlot(placement); if (adNames.length === 0) { return; } // filter out ads that should not be shown on the current page const filteredAds = adNames.filter((adName) => { const ad = houseAds.creatives[adName]; return ( ad && (!ad.category_ids?.length || ad.category_ids.includes(this.currentCategoryId)) ); }); adIndex[placement] = Math.floor(Math.random() * filteredAds.length); }); } this.refreshAd(); } }