import AdComponent from "discourse/plugins/discourse-adplugin/discourse/components/ad-component"; import discourseComputed, { on } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import loadScript from "discourse/lib/load-script"; let _loaded = false, _promise = null, ads = {}, nextSlotNum = 1, renderCounts = {}; function getNextSlotNum() { return nextSlotNum++; } function splitWidthInt(value) { let str = value.substring(0, 3); return str.trim(); } function splitHeightInt(value) { let str = value.substring(4, 7); return str.trim(); } // This creates an array for the values of the custom targeting key function valueParse(value) { let final = value.replace(/ /g, ""); final = final.replace(/['"]+/g, ""); final = final.split(","); return final; } // This creates an array for the key of the custom targeting key function keyParse(word) { let key = word; key = key.replace(/['"]+/g, ""); key = key.split("\n"); return key; } // This should call adslot.setTargeting(key for that location, value for that location) function custom_targeting(key_array, value_array, adSlot) { for (let i = 0; i < key_array.length; i++) { if (key_array[i]) { adSlot.setTargeting(key_array[i], valueParse(value_array[i])); } } } const DESKTOP_SETTINGS = { "topic-list-top": { code: "dfp_topic_list_top_code", sizes: "dfp_topic_list_top_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_topic_list_top_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_topic_list_top_value_code", }, "topic-above-post-stream": { code: "dfp_topic_above_post_stream_code", sizes: "dfp_topic_above_post_stream_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_topic_above_post_stream_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_topic_above_post_stream_value_code", }, "topic-above-suggested": { code: "dfp_topic_above_suggested_code", sizes: "dfp_topic_above_suggested_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_topic_above_suggested_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_topic_above_suggested_value_code", }, "post-bottom": { code: "dfp_post_bottom_code", sizes: "dfp_post_bottom_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_post_bottom_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_post_bottom_value_code", }, }; const MOBILE_SETTINGS = { "topic-list-top": { code: "dfp_mobile_topic_list_top_code", sizes: "dfp_mobile_topic_list_top_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_topic_list_top_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_topic_list_top_value_code", }, "topic-above-post-stream": { code: "dfp_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_code", sizes: "dfp_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_topic_above_post_stream_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_topic_above_post_stream_value_code", }, "topic-above-suggested": { code: "dfp_mobile_topic_above_suggested_code", sizes: "dfp_mobile_topic_above_suggested_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_topic_above_suggested_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_topic_above_suggested_value_code", }, "post-bottom": { code: "dfp_mobile_post_bottom_code", sizes: "dfp_mobile_post_bottom_ad_sizes", targeting_keys: "dfp_target_post_bottom_key_code", targeting_values: "dfp_target_post_bottom_value_code", }, }; function getWidthAndHeight(placement, settings, isMobile) { let config, size; if (isMobile) { config = MOBILE_SETTINGS[placement]; } else { config = DESKTOP_SETTINGS[placement]; } if (!renderCounts[placement]) { renderCounts[placement] = 0; } const sizes = (settings[config.sizes] || "").split("|"); if (sizes.length === 1) { size = sizes[0]; } else { size = sizes[renderCounts[placement] % sizes.length]; renderCounts[placement] += 1; } if (size === "fluid") { return { width: "fluid", height: "fluid" }; } const sizeObj = { width: parseInt(splitWidthInt(size), 10), height: parseInt(splitHeightInt(size), 10), }; if (!isNaN(sizeObj.width) && !isNaN(sizeObj.height)) { return sizeObj; } } function defineSlot( divId, placement, settings, isMobile, width, height, categoryTarget ) { if (!settings.dfp_publisher_id) { return; } if (ads[divId]) { return ads[divId]; } let ad, config, publisherId; if (isMobile) { publisherId = settings.dfp_publisher_id_mobile || settings.dfp_publisher_id; config = MOBILE_SETTINGS[placement]; } else { publisherId = settings.dfp_publisher_id; config = DESKTOP_SETTINGS[placement]; } ad = window.googletag.defineSlot( "/" + publisherId + "/" + settings[config.code], [width, height], divId ); custom_targeting( keyParse(settings[config.targeting_keys]), keyParse(settings[config.targeting_values]), ad ); if (categoryTarget) { ad.setTargeting("discourse-category", categoryTarget); } ad.addService(window.googletag.pubads()); ads[divId] = { ad: ad, width: width, height: height }; return ads[divId]; } function destroySlot(divId) { if (ads[divId] && window.googletag) { window.googletag.destroySlots([ads[divId].ad]); delete ads[divId]; } } function loadGoogle() { /** * Refer to this article for help: * */ if (_loaded) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } if (_promise) { return _promise; } // The boilerplate code let dfpSrc = ("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https:" : "http:") + "//"; _promise = loadScript(dfpSrc, { scriptTag: true }).then(function () { _loaded = true; if (window.googletag === undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log("googletag is undefined!"); } window.googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Infinite scroll requires SRA: window.googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); // we always use refresh() to fetch the ads: window.googletag.pubads().disableInitialLoad(); window.googletag.enableServices(); }); }); window.googletag = window.googletag || { cmd: [] }; return _promise; } export default AdComponent.extend({ classNameBindings: ["adUnitClass"], classNames: ["google-dfp-ad"], loadedGoogletag: false, refreshOnChange: null, lastAdRefresh: null, width: Ember.computed.alias("size.width"), height: Ember.computed.alias("size.height"), @discourseComputed size() { return getWidthAndHeight( this.get("placement"), this.siteSettings, ); }, @discourseComputed( "siteSettings.dfp_publisher_id", "siteSettings.dfp_publisher_id_mobile", "site.mobileView" ) publisherId(globalId, mobileId, isMobile) { if (isMobile) { return mobileId || globalId; } else { return globalId; } }, @discourseComputed("placement", "postNumber") divId(placement, postNumber) { let slotNum = getNextSlotNum(); if (postNumber) { return `div-gpt-ad-${slotNum}-${placement}-${postNumber}`; } else { return `div-gpt-ad-${slotNum}-${placement}`; } }, @discourseComputed("placement", "showAd") adUnitClass(placement, showAd) { return showAd ? `dfp-ad-${placement}` : ""; }, @discourseComputed("width", "height") adWrapperStyle(w, h) { if (w !== "fluid") { return `width: ${w}px; height: ${h}px;`.htmlSafe(); } }, @discourseComputed("width") adTitleStyleMobile(w) { if (w !== "fluid") { return `width: ${w}px;`.htmlSafe(); } }, @discourseComputed( "publisherId", "showToTrustLevel", "showToGroups", "showAfterPost", "showOnCurrentPage", "size" ) showAd( publisherId, showToTrustLevel, showToGroups, showAfterPost, showOnCurrentPage, size ) { return ( publisherId && showToTrustLevel && showToGroups && showAfterPost && showOnCurrentPage && size ); }, @discourseComputed("currentUser.trust_level") showToTrustLevel(trustLevel) { return !( trustLevel && trustLevel > this.siteSettings.dfp_through_trust_level ); }, @discourseComputed("postNumber") showAfterPost(postNumber) { if (!postNumber) { return true; } return this.isNthPost(parseInt(this.siteSettings.dfp_nth_post_code, 10)); }, // 3 second delay between calls to refresh ads in a component. // Ember often calls updated() more than once, and *sometimes* // updated() is called after _initGoogleDFP(). shouldRefreshAd() { const lastAdRefresh = this.get("lastAdRefresh"); if (!lastAdRefresh) { return true; } return new Date() - lastAdRefresh > 3000; }, @on("didUpdate") updated() { if (this.get("listLoading") || !this.shouldRefreshAd()) { return; } let slot = ads[this.get("divId")]; if (!(slot && { return; } let ad =, categorySlug = this.get("currentCategorySlug"); if (this.get("loadedGoogletag")) { this.set("lastAdRefresh", new Date()); window.googletag.cmd.push(() => { ad.setTargeting("discourse-category", categorySlug || "0"); window.googletag.pubads().refresh([ad]); }); } }, @on("didInsertElement") _initGoogleDFP() { if (Ember.testing) { return; // Don't load external JS during tests } if (!this.get("showAd")) { return; } loadGoogle().then(() => { this.set("loadedGoogletag", true); this.set("lastAdRefresh", new Date()); window.googletag.cmd.push(() => { let slot = defineSlot( this.get("divId"), this.get("placement"), this.siteSettings,, this.get("width"), this.get("height"), this.get("currentCategorySlug") || "0" ); if (slot && { // Display has to be called before refresh // and after the slot div is in the page. window.googletag.display(this.get("divId")); window.googletag.pubads().refresh([]); } }); }); }, willRender() { this._super(...arguments); if (!this.get("showAd")) { return; } }, @on("willDestroyElement") cleanup() { destroySlot(this.get("divId")); }, });