import AdComponent from "discourse/plugins/discourse-adplugin/discourse/components/ad-component"; import { default as computed, observes } from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators"; let _loaded = false, _promise = null; const propertyId = Discourse.SiteSettings.codefund_property_id; function loadCodeFund() { if (_loaded) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } if (_promise) { return _promise; } const url = "" + propertyId + "/funder.json"; _promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url); xhr.onreadystatechange = handler; xhr.responseType = "json"; xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); xhr.send(); function handler() { if (this.readyState === this.DONE) { _loaded = true; if (this.status === 200) { resolve(this.response); } else { reject( new Error( "getJSON: `" + url + "` failed with status: [" + this.status + "]" ) ); } } } }); return _promise; } export default AdComponent.extend({ classNameBindings: [":codefund-ad"], propertyId: propertyId, adRequested: false, adDetails: {}, displayPostBottom: Ember.computed.equal("placement", "post-bottom"), displayTopicAbovePostStream: Ember.computed.equal( "placement", "topic-above-post-stream" ), displayTopicAboveSuggested: Ember.computed.equal( "placement", "topic-above-suggested" ), displayTopicListTop: Ember.computed.equal("placement", "topic-list-top"), _triggerAds() { if (!propertyId) return; this.set("adRequested", true); loadCodeFund() .then(data => { _loaded = false; _promise = null; this.set("adDetails", data); this.set("adRequested", false); }) .catch(error => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(error); }); }, didInsertElement() { this._super(); if (!this.get("showAd")) { return; } if (this.get("listLoading")) { return; }"afterRender", this, this._triggerAds); }, @observes("listLoading") waitForLoad() { if (this.get("adRequested")) { return; } // already requested that this ad unit be populated if (!this.get("listLoading")) {"afterRender", this, this._triggerAds); } }, @computed("currentUser.trust_level") showToTrustLevel(trustLevel) { return !( trustLevel && trustLevel > this.siteSettings.codefund_through_trust_level ); }, @computed( "showToTrustLevel", "showToGroups", "showAfterPost", "showOnCurrentPage" ) showAd(showToTrustLevel, showToGroups, showAfterPost, showOnCurrentPage) { return ( this.siteSettings.codefund_property_id && showToTrustLevel && showToGroups && showAfterPost && showOnCurrentPage ); }, @computed("postNumber") showAfterPost(postNumber) { if (!postNumber) { return true; } return this.isNthPost(parseInt(this.siteSettings.codefund_nth_post)); } });