121 lines
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Executable File
121 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
no_ads_for_personal_messages: "Don't show ads when viewing personal messages"
no_ads_for_restricted_categories: "Don't show ads in categories that aren't visible to everyone."
no_ads_for_groups: "Don't show ads to users in these groups."
no_ads_for_categories: "Don't show ads on topic list and topic pages belonging to these categories."
no_ads_for_tags: "Don't show ads on topic list and topic pages belonging to these tags."
house_ads_after_nth_post: 'If "Between posts" house ads are defined, show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value.'
house_ads_frequency: "If other ad networks are configured to show in an ad slot, how often should house ads be shown, as a percentage."
ads_txt: "Contents of your ads.txt file. More details available at <a href='https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/7532444?hl=en' target='_blank'>this Google AdSense help page</a>."
dfp_publisher_id: "Input your Google Ad Manager (formerly called DFP) network code, which is found in your network settings."
dfp_publisher_id_mobile: "(Optional) If you want to use a different Ad Manager publisher id for the mobile version of the site, enter it here. Leave blank to use dfp_publisher_id on mobile."
dfp_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads."
dfp_topic_list_top_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above topic lists. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_topic_list_top_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit above topic lists."
dfp_mobile_topic_list_top_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above topic lists on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_topic_list_top_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit above topic lists on mobile view."
dfp_target_topic_list_top_key_code: "Input custom targeting keys - inventory Level"
dfp_target_topic_list_top_value_code: "Input custom targeting values - inventory Level"
dfp_topic_above_post_stream_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above the title of a topic on the topic page. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_topic_above_post_stream_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit at the top of the topic page."
dfp_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above the title of a topic on the topic page on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit at the top of the topic page on mobile view."
dfp_target_topic_above_post_stream_key_code: "Input custom targeting keys - inventory Level"
dfp_target_topic_above_post_stream_value_code: "Input custom targeting values - inventory Level"
dfp_topic_above_suggested_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display after the last post in a topic, above the suggested topics. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_topic_above_suggested_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit after the last post in a topic."
dfp_mobile_topic_above_suggested_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display after the last post in a topic, above the suggested topics on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_topic_above_suggested_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit after the last post in a topic on mobile view."
dfp_target_topic_above_suggested_key_code: "Input custom targeting keys - inventory Level"
dfp_target_topic_above_suggested_value_code: "Input custom targeting values - inventory Level"
dfp_nth_post_code: "Show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value."
dfp_post_bottom_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display in between posts after every nth post. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_post_bottom_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit shown in between posts."
dfp_mobile_post_bottom_code: "Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display in between posts after every nth post on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_post_bottom_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size for the ad unit shown in between posts on mobile view."
dfp_target_post_bottom_key_code: "Input custom targeting keys - inventory Level"
dfp_target_post_bottom_value_code: "Input custom targeting values - inventory Level"
adsense_publisher_code: "Your publisher ID. Enter only the number, excluding 'pub-'."
adsense_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads."
adsense_topic_list_top_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display at topic list top location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_topic_list_top_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at topic list top location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_topic_list_top_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_mobile_topic_list_top_ad_size: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_topic_above_post_stream_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display at topic above post stream location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at topic above post stream location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_topic_above_post_stream_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_ad_size: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_topic_above_suggested_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display at topic above suggested location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_topic_above_suggested_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at topic above suggested location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_topic_above_suggested_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_mobile_topic_above_suggested_ad_size: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_post_bottom_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display ads at post bottom location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_post_bottom_code: "Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at post bottom location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_post_bottom_ad_sizes: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_mobile_post_bottom_ad_size: "Choose your ad size"
adsense_nth_post_code: "Show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value."
amazon_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads."
amazon_topic_list_top_src_code: "Enter src code to display at topic list top location"
amazon_topic_list_top_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width"
amazon_topic_list_top_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height"
amazon_mobile_topic_list_top_src_code: "Enter src code to display mobile ads at topic list top location"
amazon_mobile_topic_list_top_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width (mobile)"
amazon_mobile_topic_list_top_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height (mobile)"
amazon_topic_above_post_stream_src_code: "Enter src code to display at topic above post stream"
amazon_topic_above_post_stream_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width"
amazon_topic_above_post_stream_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height"
amazon_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_src_code: "Enter src code to display mobile ads at topic above post stream"
amazon_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width (mobile)"
amazon_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height (mobile)"
amazon_topic_above_suggested_src_code: "Enter src code to display at topic above suggested"
amazon_topic_above_suggested_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width"
amazon_topic_above_suggested_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height"
amazon_mobile_topic_above_suggested_src_code: "Enter src code to display mobile ads at topic above suggested"
amazon_mobile_topic_above_suggested_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width (mobile)"
amazon_mobile_topic_above_suggested_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height (mobile)"
amazon_post_bottom_src_code: "Enter src code to display at post bottom"
amazon_post_bottom_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width"
amazon_post_bottom_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height"
amazon_mobile_post_bottom_src_code: "Enter src code to display mobile ads at post bottom"
amazon_mobile_post_bottom_ad_width_code: "Input your ad width (mobile)"
amazon_mobile_post_bottom_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height (mobile)"
amazon_nth_post_code: "Show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value."
codefund_property_id: "Your CodeFund property ID"
codefund_advertiser_label: "Label that appears before the advertisement (e.g. Advertiser or Supporter)"
codefund_advertiser_short_label: "Abbreviated label that appears before the advertisement (e.g. Ad)"
codefund_display_advertiser_labels: "Show the advertiser label (e.g. 'Advertiser') on the ads"
codefund_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads"
codefund_nth_post: "Show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value"
codefund_below_post_enabled: "Show an ad below each post"
codefund_above_post_stream_enabled: "Show an ad above the post stream"
codefund_above_suggested_enabled: "Show an ad above the suggested topic list"
codefund_top_of_topic_list_enabled: "Show an ad above the topic list"
carbonads_serve_id: "Your Carbon Ads Serve ID"
carbonads_placement: "Your Carbon Ads Placement"
carbonads_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads."
carbonads_topic_list_top_enabled: "Show an ad above the topic list"
carbonads_above_post_stream_enabled: "Show an ad above the post stream"
adbutler_publisher_id: "AdButler Publisher ID"
adbutler_mobile_topic_list_top_zone_id: "Zone ID for mobile topic list top location"
adbutler_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_zone_id: "Zone ID for mobile topic above post stream location"
adbutler_mobile_post_bottom_zone_id: "Zone ID for mobile post bottom location"
adbutler_mobile_topic_above_suggested_zone_id: "Zone ID for mobile topic above suggested location"
adbutler_topic_list_top_zone_id: "Zone ID for topic list top location"
adbutler_topic_above_post_stream_zone_id: "Zone ID for topic above post stream location"
adbutler_post_bottom_zone_id: "Zone ID for post bottom location"
adbutler_topic_above_suggested_zone_id: "Zone ID for topic above suggested location"
adbutler_nth_post: "Show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value"
adbutler_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads"
adbutler_adserver_hostname: "The hostname that AdButler is serving your ads from"