import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { inject as service } from "@ember/service"; import { createPopper } from "@popperjs/core"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import { caretPosition, getCaretPosition } from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import { INPUT_DELAY } from "discourse-common/config/environment"; import { afterRender, bind, debounce } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import { showComposerAIHelper } from "../../lib/show-ai-helper"; export default class AiHelperContextMenu extends Component { static shouldRender(outletArgs, helper) { return showComposerAIHelper(outletArgs, helper); } @service currentUser; @service siteSettings; @service modal; @tracked helperOptions = []; @tracked showContextMenu = false; @tracked caretCoords; @tracked virtualElement; @tracked selectedText = ""; @tracked newSelectedText; @tracked loading = false; @tracked lastUsedOption = null; @tracked showDiffModal = false; @tracked showThumbnailModal = false; @tracked diff; @tracked popperPlacement = "top-start"; @tracked previousMenuState = null; @tracked customPromptValue = ""; @tracked initialValue = ""; CONTEXT_MENU_STATES = { triggers: "TRIGGERS", options: "OPTIONS", resets: "RESETS", loading: "LOADING", review: "REVIEW", }; prompts = []; promptTypes = {}; minSelectionChars = 3; @tracked _menuState = this.CONTEXT_MENU_STATES.triggers; @tracked _popper; @tracked _dEditorInput; @tracked _customPromptInput; @tracked _contextMenu; @tracked _activeAIRequest = null; constructor() { super(...arguments); // Fetch prompts only if it hasn't been fetched yet if (this.helperOptions.length === 0) { this.loadPrompts(); } } willDestroy() { super.willDestroy(...arguments); document.removeEventListener("selectionchange", this.selectionChanged); document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown); this._popper?.destroy(); } get menuState() { return this._menuState; } set menuState(newState) { this.previousMenuState = this._menuState; this._menuState = newState; } async loadPrompts() { let prompts = await ajax("/discourse-ai/ai-helper/prompts"); prompts = prompts .filter((p) => p.location.includes("composer")) .filter((p) => !== "generate_titles"); // Find the custom_prompt object and move it to the beginning of the array const customPromptIndex = prompts.findIndex( (p) => === "custom_prompt" ); if (customPromptIndex !== -1) { const customPrompt = prompts.splice(customPromptIndex, 1)[0]; prompts.unshift(customPrompt); } if (!this._showUserCustomPrompts()) { prompts = prompts.filter((p) => !== "custom_prompt"); } prompts.forEach((p) => { this.prompts[] = p; }); this.promptTypes = prompts.reduce((memo, p) => { memo[] = p.prompt_type; return memo; }, {}); this.helperOptions = prompts; } @bind selectionChanged() { if (document.activeElement !== this._dEditorInput) { return; } const canSelect = Boolean( window.getSelection() && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.value ); this.selectedText = canSelect ? document.activeElement.value.substring( document.activeElement.selectionStart, document.activeElement.selectionEnd ) : ""; this.selectionRange = canSelect ? { x: document.activeElement.selectionStart, y: document.activeElement.selectionEnd, } : { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (this.selectedText?.length === 0) { this.closeContextMenu(); return; } if (this.selectedText?.length < this.minSelectionChars) { return; } this._onSelectionChanged(); } @bind updatePosition() { if (!this.showContextMenu) { return; } this.positionContextMenu(); } @bind onKeyDown(event) { if (event.key === "Escape") { return this.closeContextMenu(); } if (event.key === "Backspace" && this.selectedText) { return this.closeContextMenu(); } } @debounce(INPUT_DELAY) _onSelectionChanged() { this.positionContextMenu(); this.showContextMenu = true; } generateGetBoundingClientRect(width = 0, height = 0, x = 0, y = 0) { return () => ({ width, height, top: y, right: x, bottom: y, left: x, }); } get canCloseContextMenu() { if (document.activeElement === this._customPromptInput) { return false; } if (this.loading && this._activeAIRequest !== null) { return false; } if (this.menuState === { return false; } return true; } closeContextMenu() { if (!this.canCloseContextMenu) { return; } this.showContextMenu = false; this.menuState = this.CONTEXT_MENU_STATES.triggers; this.customPromptValue = ""; } _updateSuggestedByAI(data) { this.newSelectedText = data.suggestions[0]; if (data.diff) { this.diff = data.diff; } this._insertAt( this.selectionRange.x, this.selectionRange.y, this.newSelectedText ); this.menuState =; } _insertAt(start, end, text) { this._dEditorInput.setSelectionRange(start, end); this._dEditorInput.focus(); document.execCommand("insertText", false, text); } _toggleLoadingState(loading) { if (loading) { this._dEditorInput.classList.add("loading"); return (this.loading = true); } this._dEditorInput.classList.remove("loading"); return (this.loading = false); } _showUserCustomPrompts() { const allowedGroups = this.siteSettings?.ai_helper_custom_prompts_allowed_groups .split("|") .map((id) => parseInt(id, 10)); return this.currentUser?.groups.some((g) => allowedGroups.includes(; } handleBoundaries() { const textAreaWrapper = document .querySelector(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper") .getBoundingClientRect(); const buttonBar = document .querySelector(".d-editor-button-bar") .getBoundingClientRect(); const boundaryElement = { top: buttonBar.bottom, bottom: textAreaWrapper.bottom, }; const contextMenuRect = this._contextMenu.getBoundingClientRect(); // Hide context menu if it's scrolled out of bounds: if ( < { this._contextMenu.classList.add("out-of-bounds"); } else if (contextMenuRect.bottom > boundaryElement.bottom) { this._contextMenu.classList.add("out-of-bounds"); } else { this._contextMenu.classList.remove("out-of-bounds"); } // Position context menu at based on if interfering with button bar if (this.caretCoords.y - contextMenuRect.height < { this.popperPlacement = "bottom-start"; } else { this.popperPlacement = "top-start"; } } @afterRender positionContextMenu() { this._contextMenu = document.querySelector(".ai-helper-context-menu"); this.caretCoords = getCaretPosition(this._dEditorInput, { pos: caretPosition(this._dEditorInput), }); // prevent overflow of context menu outside of editor this.handleBoundaries(); this.virtualElement = { getBoundingClientRect: this.generateGetBoundingClientRect( this._contextMenu.clientWidth, this._contextMenu.clientHeight, this.caretCoords.x, this.caretCoords.y ), }; this._popper = createPopper(this.virtualElement, this._contextMenu, { placement: this.popperPlacement, modifiers: [ { name: "offset", options: { offset: [10, 0], }, }, ], }); } @action setupContextMenu() { document.addEventListener("selectionchange", this.selectionChanged); document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown); this._dEditorInput = document.querySelector(".d-editor-input"); if (this._dEditorInput) { this._dEditorInput.addEventListener("scroll", this.updatePosition); } } @action setupCustomPrompt() { this._customPromptInput = document.querySelector( ".ai-custom-prompt__input" ); this._customPromptInput.focus(); } @action toggleAiHelperOptions() { // Fetch prompts only if it hasn't been fetched yet if (this.helperOptions.length === 0) { this.loadPrompts(); } this.menuState = this.CONTEXT_MENU_STATES.options; } @action undoAIAction() { document.execCommand("undo", false, null); // context menu is prevented from closing when in review state // so we change to reset state quickly before closing this.menuState = this.CONTEXT_MENU_STATES.resets; this.closeContextMenu(); } @action async updateSelected(option) { this._toggleLoadingState(true); this.lastUsedOption = option; this.menuState = this.CONTEXT_MENU_STATES.loading; this.initialValue = this.selectedText; this._activeAIRequest = ajax("/discourse-ai/ai-helper/suggest", { method: "POST", data: { mode:, text: this.selectedText, custom_prompt: this.customPromptValue, }, }); this._activeAIRequest .then((data) => { // resets the values if new suggestion is started: this.diff = null; this.newSelectedText = null; if ( === "illustrate_post") { this._toggleLoadingState(false); this.closeContextMenu(); this.showThumbnailModal = true; this.thumbnailSuggestions = data.thumbnails; } else { this._updateSuggestedByAI(data); } }) .catch(popupAjaxError) .finally(() => { this._toggleLoadingState(false); }); return this._activeAIRequest; } @action viewChanges() { this.showDiffModal = true; } @action confirmChanges() { this.menuState = this.CONTEXT_MENU_STATES.resets; } @action cancelAIAction() { if (this._activeAIRequest) { this._activeAIRequest.abort(); this._activeAIRequest = null; this._toggleLoadingState(false); this.closeContextMenu(); } } @action togglePreviousMenu() { this.menuState = this.previousMenuState; } }