# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "../../../support/sentiment_inference_stubs" RSpec.describe DiscourseAi::Sentiment::EntryPoint do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } describe "registering event callbacks" do context "when creating a post" do let(:creator) do PostCreator.new( user, raw: "this is the new content for my topic", title: "this is my new topic title", ) end it "queues a job on create if sentiment analysis is enabled" do SiteSetting.ai_sentiment_enabled = true expect { creator.create }.to change(Jobs::PostSentimentAnalysis.jobs, :size).by(1) end it "does nothing if sentiment analysis is disabled" do SiteSetting.ai_sentiment_enabled = false expect { creator.create }.not_to change(Jobs::PostSentimentAnalysis.jobs, :size) end end context "when editing a post" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } let(:revisor) { PostRevisor.new(post) } it "queues a job on update if sentiment analysis is enabled" do SiteSetting.ai_sentiment_enabled = true expect { revisor.revise!(user, raw: "This is my new test") }.to change( Jobs::PostSentimentAnalysis.jobs, :size, ).by(1) end it "does nothing if sentiment analysis is disabled" do SiteSetting.ai_sentiment_enabled = false expect { revisor.revise!(user, raw: "This is my new test") }.not_to change( Jobs::PostSentimentAnalysis.jobs, :size, ) end end end describe "custom reports" do before { SiteSetting.ai_sentiment_inference_service_api_endpoint = "http://test.com" } fab!(:pm) { Fabricate(:private_message_post) } fab!(:post_1) { Fabricate(:post) } fab!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post) } describe "overall_sentiment report" do let(:positive_classification) { { negative: 2, neutral: 30, positive: 70 } } let(:negative_classification) { { negative: 65, neutral: 2, positive: 10 } } def sentiment_classification(post, classification) Fabricate(:sentiment_classification, target: post, classification: classification) end it "calculate averages using only public posts" do sentiment_classification(post_1, positive_classification) sentiment_classification(post_2, negative_classification) sentiment_classification(pm, positive_classification) report = Report.find("overall_sentiment") positive_data_point = report.data[0][:data].first[:y].to_i negative_data_point = report.data[1][:data].first[:y].to_i expect(positive_data_point).to eq(1) expect(negative_data_point).to eq(-1) end end describe "post_emotion report" do let(:emotion_1) do { sadness: 49, surprise: 23, neutral: 6, fear: 34, anger: 87, joy: 22, disgust: 70 } end let(:emotion_2) do { sadness: 19, surprise: 63, neutral: 45, fear: 44, anger: 27, joy: 62, disgust: 30 } end let(:model_used) { "emotion" } def emotion_classification(post, classification) Fabricate( :sentiment_classification, target: post, model_used: model_used, classification: classification, ) end it "calculate averages using only public posts" do post_1.user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[0]) post_2.user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[3]) pm.user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[0]) threshold = 30 emotion_classification(post_1, emotion_1) emotion_classification(post_2, emotion_2) emotion_classification(pm, emotion_2) report = Report.find("post_emotion") tl_01_point = report.data[0][:data] tl_234_point = report.data[1][:data] tl_01_point.each do |point| expected = emotion_1[point[:x].downcase.to_sym] > threshold ? 1 : 0 expect(point[:y]).to eq(expected) end tl_234_point.each do |point| expected = emotion_2[point[:x].downcase.to_sym] > threshold ? 1 : 0 expect(point[:y]).to eq(expected) end end it "doesn't try to divide by zero if there are no data in a TL group" do post_1.user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[3]) post_2.user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[3]) emotion_classification(post_1, emotion_1) emotion_classification(post_2, emotion_2) report = Report.find("post_emotion") tl_01_point = report.data[0][:data].first expect(tl_01_point[:y]).to be_zero end end end end