# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe DiscourseAi::AiHelper::Assistant do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:prompt) { CompletionPrompt.find_by(id: mode) } let(:english_text) { <<~STRING } To perfect his horror, Caesar, surrounded at the base of the statue by the impatient daggers of his friends, discovers among the faces and blades that of Marcus Brutus, his protege, perhaps his son, and he no longer defends himself, but instead exclaims: 'You too, my son!' Shakespeare and Quevedo capture the pathetic cry. STRING describe "#generate_and_send_prompt" do context "when using a prompt that returns text" do let(:mode) { CompletionPrompt::TRANSLATE } let(:text_to_translate) { <<~STRING } Para que su horror sea perfecto, César, acosado al pie de la estatua por lo impacientes puñales de sus amigos, descubre entre las caras y los aceros la de Marco Bruto, su protegido, acaso su hijo, y ya no se defiende y exclama: ¡Tú también, hijo mío! Shakespeare y Quevedo recogen el patético grito. STRING it "Sends the prompt to the LLM and returns the response" do response = DiscourseAi::Completions::LLM.with_prepared_responses([english_text]) do subject.generate_and_send_prompt(prompt, text_to_translate, user) end expect(response[:suggestions]).to contain_exactly(english_text) end end context "when using a prompt that returns a list" do let(:mode) { CompletionPrompt::GENERATE_TITLES } let(:titles) do "The solitary horse*The horse etched in gold*A horse's infinite journey*A horse lost in time*A horse's last ride" end it "returns an array with each title" do expected = titles.split("*") response = DiscourseAi::Completions::LLM.with_prepared_responses([titles]) do subject.generate_and_send_prompt(prompt, english_text, user) end expect(response[:suggestions]).to contain_exactly(*expected) end end end end