import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { Input } from "@ember/component"; import { on } from "@ember/modifier"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { htmlSafe } from "@ember/template"; import DButton from "discourse/components/d-button"; import DModal from "discourse/components/d-modal"; import discourseLater from "discourse-common/lib/later"; import I18n from "I18n"; import copyConversation from "../../lib/copy-conversation"; const t = I18n.t.bind(I18n); export default class ShareModal extends Component { @tracked contextValue = 1; @tracked htmlContext = ""; @tracked maxContext = 0; @tracked allPosts = []; @tracked justCopiedText = ""; constructor() { super(...arguments); const postStream = this.args.model.topic.get("postStream"); let postNumbers = []; // simpler to understand than Array.from for (let i = 1; i <= this.args.model.post_number; i++) { postNumbers.push(i); } this.allPosts = postNumbers .map((postNumber) => { let postId = postStream.findPostIdForPostNumber(postNumber); if (postId) { return postStream.findLoadedPost(postId); } }) .filter((post) => post); this.maxContext = this.allPosts.length / 2; this.contextValue = 1; this.updateHtmlContext(); } @action updateHtmlContext() { let context = []; const start = this.allPosts.length - this.contextValue * 2; for (let i = start; i < this.allPosts.length; i++) { const post = this.allPosts[i]; context.push(`


`); context.push(post.cooked); } this.htmlContext = htmlSafe(context.join("\n")); } @action async copyContext() { const from = this.allPosts[this.allPosts.length - this.contextValue * 2].post_number; const to = this.args.model.post_number; await copyConversation(this.args.model.topic, from, to); this.justCopiedText = t("discourse_ai.ai_bot.conversation_shared"); discourseLater(() => { this.justCopiedText = ""; }, 2000); } }