import { setupTest } from "ember-qunit"; import { module, test } from "qunit"; import sinon from "sinon"; module( "Unit | Route | discourse-ai-shared-conversation-show", function (hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test("it redirects based on currentUser preference", function (assert) { const transition = { intent: { url: "" }, abort() { assert.ok(true, "transition.abort() was called"); }, }; const route = this.owner.lookup( "route:discourse-ai-shared-conversation-show" ); const windowOpenStub = sinon.stub(window, "open"); const routeRedirectStub = sinon.stub(route, "redirect"); // external_links_in_new_tab = true route.set("currentUser", { user_option: { external_links_in_new_tab: true, }, }); windowOpenStub.callsFake((url, target) => { assert.equal( url, "", " was called with the correct URL" ); assert.equal(target, "_blank", ' was called with "_blank"'); }); route.beforeModel(transition); // external_links_in_new_tab = false route.set("currentUser", { user_option: { external_links_in_new_tab: false, }, }); routeRedirectStub.callsFake((url) => { assert.equal( url, "", "redirect was called with the correct URL" ); }); route.beforeModel(transition); }); } );