import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { service } from "@ember/service"; import { modifier } from "ember-modifier"; import { eq } from "truth-helpers"; import DButton from "discourse/components/d-button"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import { bind } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import I18n from "discourse-i18n"; import AiHelperButtonGroup from "../components/ai-helper-button-group"; import AiHelperLoading from "../components/ai-helper-loading"; import AiHelperOptionsList from "../components/ai-helper-options-list"; import ModalDiffModal from "../components/modal/diff-modal"; import ThumbnailSuggestion from "../components/modal/thumbnail-suggestions"; export default class AiComposerHelperMenu extends Component { @service modal; @service siteSettings; @service aiComposerHelper; @service currentUser; @service capabilities; @tracked newSelectedText; @tracked diff; @tracked initialValue = ""; @tracked customPromptValue = ""; @tracked loading = false; @tracked lastUsedOption = null; @tracked thumbnailSuggestions = null; @tracked showThumbnailModal = false; @tracked lastSelectionRange = null; MENU_STATES = this.aiComposerHelper.MENU_STATES; prompts = []; promptTypes = {}; documentListeners = modifier(() => { document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown, { passive: true }); return () => { document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown); }; }); get helperOptions() { let prompts = this.currentUser?.ai_helper_prompts; prompts = prompts .filter((p) => p.location.includes("composer")) .filter((p) => !== "generate_titles") .map((p) => { // AI helper by default returns interface locale on translations // Since we want site default translations (and we are using: force_default_locale) // we need to replace the translated_name with the site default locale name const siteLocale = this.siteSettings.default_locale; const availableLocales = JSON.parse( this.siteSettings.available_locales ); const locale = availableLocales.find((l) => l.value === siteLocale); const translatedName = I18n.t( "discourse_ai.ai_helper.context_menu.translate_prompt", { language:, } ); if ( === "translate") { return { ...p, translated_name: translatedName }; } return p; }); // Find the custom_prompt object and move it to the beginning of the array const customPromptIndex = prompts.findIndex( (p) => === "custom_prompt" ); if (customPromptIndex !== -1) { const customPrompt = prompts.splice(customPromptIndex, 1)[0]; prompts.unshift(customPrompt); } if (!this.currentUser?.can_use_custom_prompts) { prompts = prompts.filter((p) => !== "custom_prompt"); } prompts.forEach((p) => { this.prompts[] = p; }); this.promptTypes = prompts.reduce((memo, p) => { memo[] = p.prompt_type; return memo; }, {}); return prompts; } get reviewButtons() { return [ { icon: "exchange-alt", label: "discourse_ai.ai_helper.context_menu.view_changes", action: () =>, { model: { diff: this.diff, oldValue: this.initialValue, newValue: this.newSelectedText, revert: this.undoAiAction, confirm: () => this.updateMenuState(this.MENU_STATES.resets), }, }), classes: "view-changes", }, { icon: "undo", label: "discourse_ai.ai_helper.context_menu.revert", action: this.undoAiAction, classes: "revert", }, { icon: "check", label: "discourse_ai.ai_helper.context_menu.confirm", action: () => this.updateMenuState(this.MENU_STATES.resets), classes: "confirm", }, ]; } get resetButtons() { return [ { icon: "undo", label: "discourse_ai.ai_helper.context_menu.undo", action: this.undoAiAction, classes: "undo", }, { icon: "discourse-sparkles", label: "discourse_ai.ai_helper.context_menu.regen", action: () => this.updateSelected(this.lastUsedOption), classes: "regenerate", }, ]; } get canCloseMenu() { if ( document.activeElement === document.querySelector(".ai-custom-prompt__input") ) { return false; } if (this.loading && this._activeAiRequest !== null) { return false; } if (this.aiComposerHelper.menuState === { return false; } return true; } get isExpanded() { if (this.aiComposerHelper.menuState === this.MENU_STATES.triggers) { return ""; } return "is-expanded"; } @bind onKeyDown(event) { if (event.key === "Escape") { return this.closeMenu(); } if ( event.key === "Backspace" && && this.aiComposerHelper.menuState === this.MENU_STATES.triggers ) { return this.closeMenu(); } } @action toggleAiHelperOptions() { this.updateMenuState(this.MENU_STATES.options); } @action async updateSelected(option) { this._toggleLoadingState(true); this.lastUsedOption = option; this.updateMenuState(this.MENU_STATES.loading); this.initialValue =; this.lastSelectionRange =; try { this._activeAiRequest = await ajax("/discourse-ai/ai-helper/suggest", { method: "POST", data: { mode:, text:, custom_prompt: this.customPromptValue, force_default_locale: true, }, }); const data = await this._activeAiRequest; // resets the values if new suggestion is started: this.diff = null; this.newSelectedText = null; this.thumbnailSuggestions = null; if ( === "illustrate_post") { this._toggleLoadingState(false); this.closeMenu(); this.thumbnailSuggestions = data.thumbnails;, { model: { thumbnails: this.thumbnailSuggestions, }, }); } else { this._updateSuggestedByAi(data); } } catch (error) { popupAjaxError(error); } finally { this._toggleLoadingState(false); } return this._activeAiRequest; } @action cancelAiAction() { if (this._activeAiRequest) { this._activeAiRequest.abort(); this._activeAiRequest = null; this._toggleLoadingState(false); this.closeMenu(); } } @action updateMenuState(newState) { this.aiComposerHelper.menuState = newState; } @action closeMenu() { if (!this.canCloseMenu) { return; } this.customPromptValue = ""; this.updateMenuState(this.MENU_STATES.triggers); this.args.close(); } @action undoAiAction() { if (this.capabilities.isFirefox) { // execCommand("undo") is no not supported in Firefox so we insert old text at range // we also need to calculate the length diffrence between the old and new text const lengthDifference = - this.initialValue.length; const end = this.lastSelectionRange.y - lengthDifference; this._insertAt(this.lastSelectionRange.x, end, this.initialValue); } else { document.execCommand("undo", false, null); } // context menu is prevented from closing when in review state // so we change to reset state quickly before closing this.updateMenuState(this.MENU_STATES.resets); this.closeMenu(); } _toggleLoadingState(loading) { if (loading) {"loading"); return (this.loading = true); }"loading"); this.loading = false; } _updateSuggestedByAi(data) { this.newSelectedText = data.suggestions[0]; if (data.diff) { this.diff = data.diff; } this._insertAt(,, this.newSelectedText ); this.updateMenuState(; } _insertAt(start, end, text) {, end);; document.execCommand("insertText", false, text); } }