import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { fn } from "@ember/helper"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import didInsert from "@ember/render-modifiers/modifiers/did-insert"; import willDestroy from "@ember/render-modifiers/modifiers/will-destroy"; import { inject as service } from "@ember/service"; import CookText from "discourse/components/cook-text"; import DButton from "discourse/components/d-button"; import FastEdit from "discourse/components/fast-edit"; import FastEditModal from "discourse/components/modal/fast-edit"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import { clipboardCopy } from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import { bind } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import eq from "truth-helpers/helpers/eq"; import not from "truth-helpers/helpers/not"; import AiHelperCustomPrompt from "../../components/ai-helper-custom-prompt"; import AiHelperLoading from "../../components/ai-helper-loading"; import { showPostAIHelper } from "../../lib/show-ai-helper"; export default class AIHelperOptionsMenu extends Component { static shouldRender(outletArgs, helper) { return showPostAIHelper(outletArgs, helper); } @service messageBus; @service site; @service modal; @service siteSettings; @service currentUser; @service menu; @tracked helperOptions = []; @tracked menuState = this.MENU_STATES.triggers; @tracked loading = false; @tracked suggestion = ""; @tracked showMainButtons = true; @tracked customPromptValue = ""; @tracked copyButtonIcon = "copy"; @tracked copyButtonLabel = "discourse_ai.ai_helper.post_options_menu.copy"; @tracked showFastEdit = false; @tracked showAiButtons = true; MENU_STATES = { triggers: "TRIGGERS", options: "OPTIONS", loading: "LOADING", result: "RESULT", }; @tracked _activeAIRequest = null; constructor() { super(...arguments); if (this.helperOptions.length === 0) { this.loadPrompts(); } } @action async showAIHelperOptions() { this.showMainButtons = false; this.menuState = this.MENU_STATES.options; = "bottom"; } @bind subscribe() { const channel = `/discourse-ai/ai-helper/explain/${}`; this.messageBus.subscribe(channel, this._updateResult); } @bind unsubscribe() { this.messageBus.unsubscribe( "/discourse-ai/ai-helper/explain/*", this._updateResult ); } @bind _updateResult(result) { this.suggestion = result.result; } @action async performAISuggestion(option) { this.menuState = this.MENU_STATES.loading; if ( === "explain") { this.menuState = this.MENU_STATES.result; const fetchUrl = `/discourse-ai/ai-helper/explain`; this._activeAIRequest = ajax(fetchUrl, { method: "POST", data: { mode: option.value, text:, post_id:, }, }); } else { this._activeAIRequest = ajax("/discourse-ai/ai-helper/suggest", { method: "POST", data: { mode:, text:, custom_prompt: this.customPromptValue, }, }); } if ( !== "explain") { this._activeAIRequest .then(({ suggestions }) => { this.suggestion = suggestions[0].trim(); if ( === "proofread") { this.showAiButtons = false; if ( { this.showFastEdit = true; return; } else { return, { model: { initialValue:, newValue: this.suggestion, post:, close: this.closeFastEdit, }, }); } } }) .catch(popupAjaxError) .finally(() => { this.loading = false; this.menuState = this.MENU_STATES.result; }); } return this._activeAIRequest; } @action cancelAIAction() { if (this._activeAIRequest) { this._activeAIRequest.abort(); this._activeAIRequest = null; this.loading = false; this.menuState = this.MENU_STATES.options; } } @action copySuggestion() { if (this.suggestion?.length > 0) { clipboardCopy(this.suggestion); this.copyButtonIcon = "check"; this.copyButtonLabel = "discourse_ai.ai_helper.post_options_menu.copied"; setTimeout(() => { this.copyButtonIcon = "copy"; this.copyButtonLabel = "discourse_ai.ai_helper.post_options_menu.copy"; }, 3500); } } async loadPrompts() { let prompts = await ajax("/discourse-ai/ai-helper/prompts"); prompts = prompts.filter((item) => item.location.includes("post")); // Find the custom_prompt object and move it to the beginning of the array const customPromptIndex = prompts.findIndex( (p) => === "custom_prompt" ); if (customPromptIndex !== -1) { const customPrompt = prompts.splice(customPromptIndex, 1)[0]; prompts.unshift(customPrompt); } if (!this._showUserCustomPrompts()) { prompts = prompts.filter((p) => !== "custom_prompt"); } if (! { prompts = prompts.filter((p) => !== "proofread"); } this.helperOptions = prompts; } _showUserCustomPrompts() { const allowedGroups = this.siteSettings?.ai_helper_custom_prompts_allowed_groups .split("|") .map((id) => parseInt(id, 10)); return this.currentUser?.groups.some((g) => allowedGroups.includes(; } @action async closeFastEdit() { this.showFastEdit = false; await; } }