# frozen_string_literal: true module DiscourseAi module Sentiment class EmotionDashboardReport def self.register!(plugin) Emotions::LIST.each do |emotion| plugin.add_report("emotion_#{emotion}") do |report| query_results = DiscourseAi::Sentiment::EmotionDashboardReport.fetch_data report.data = query_results.pop(30).map { |row| { x: row.day, y: row.send(emotion) } } report.prev30Days = query_results.take(30).map { |row| { x: row.day, y: row.send(emotion) } } end end def self.fetch_data DB.query(<<~SQL, end: Time.now.tomorrow.midnight, start: 60.days.ago.midnight) SELECT posts.created_at::DATE AS day, #{ DiscourseAi::Sentiment::Emotions::LIST .map do |emotion| "COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE (classification_results.classification::jsonb->'#{emotion}')::float > 0.1) AS #{emotion}" end .join(",\n ") } FROM classification_results INNER JOIN posts ON posts.id = classification_results.target_id AND posts.deleted_at IS NULL AND posts.created_at BETWEEN :start AND :end INNER JOIN topics ON topics.id = posts.topic_id AND topics.archetype = 'regular' AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL WHERE classification_results.target_type = 'Post' AND classification_results.model_used = 'SamLowe/roberta-base-go_emotions' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 ASC SQL end end end end end