# frozen_string_literal: true module DiscourseAi module AiHelper class SemanticCategorizer def initialize(input, user) @user = user @text = input[:text] end def categories return [] if @text.blank? return [] unless SiteSetting.ai_embeddings_enabled candidates = nearest_neighbors(limit: 100) candidate_ids = candidates.map(&:first) ::Topic .joins(:category) .where(id: candidate_ids) .where("categories.id IN (?)", Category.topic_create_allowed(@user.guardian).pluck(:id)) .order("array_position(ARRAY#{candidate_ids}, topics.id)") .pluck("categories.slug") .map .with_index { |category, index| { name: category, score: candidates[index].last } } .map do |c| c[:score] = 1 / (c[:score] + 1) # inverse of the distance c end .group_by { |c| c[:name] } .map { |name, scores| { name: name, score: scores.sum { |s| s[:score] } } } .sort_by { |c| -c[:score] } .take(5) end def tags return [] if @text.blank? return [] unless SiteSetting.ai_embeddings_enabled candidates = nearest_neighbors(limit: 100) candidate_ids = candidates.map(&:first) ::Topic .joins(:topic_tags, :tags) .where(id: candidate_ids) .where("tags.id IN (?)", DiscourseTagging.visible_tags(@user.guardian).pluck(:id)) .group("topics.id") .order("array_position(ARRAY#{candidate_ids}, topics.id)") .pluck("array_agg(tags.name)") .map(&:uniq) .map .with_index { |tag_list, index| { tags: tag_list, score: candidates[index].last } } .flat_map { |c| c[:tags].map { |t| { name: t, score: c[:score] } } } .map do |c| c[:score] = 1 / (c[:score] + 1) # inverse of the distance c end .group_by { |c| c[:name] } .map { |name, scores| { name: name, score: scores.sum { |s| s[:score] } } } .sort_by { |c| -c[:score] } .take(5) end private def nearest_neighbors(limit: 100) strategy = DiscourseAi::Embeddings::Strategies::Truncation.new vector_rep = DiscourseAi::Embeddings::VectorRepresentations::Base.current_representation(strategy) raw_vector = vector_rep.vector_from(@text) vector_rep.asymmetric_topics_similarity_search( raw_vector, limit: limit, offset: 0, return_distance: true, ) end end end end