# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ ko: js: discourse_automation: scriptables: llm_report: fields: sender: label: "발신자" topic_id: label: "토픽 ID" title: label: "제목" categories: label: "카테고리" tags: label: "태그" llm_triage: fields: category: label: "카테고리" tags: label: "태그" canned_reply: label: "댓글쓰기" discourse_ai: modals: select_option: "옵션 선택..." ai_persona: back: "뒤로" name: "그룹명" edit: "편집" description: "내용" user: 사용자 save: "저장" enabled: "활성화?" allowed_groups: "허용 된 그룹" delete: "삭제하기" rag: uploads: title: "업로드된 파일" uploading: "업로드 중..." tools: back: "뒤로" name: "그룹명" description: "내용" summary: "요약" save: "저장" parameter_required: "필수" edit: "편집" delete: "삭제하기" next: title: "다음" llms: display_name: "그룹명" save: "저장" edit: "편집" back: "뒤로" delete: 삭제하기 usage: ai_summarization: "요약하기" next: title: "다음" tests: success: "성공!" providers: google: "구글" fake: "사용자 정의" ai_helper: context_menu: cancel: "취소" regen: "다시 시도" confirm: "확인" discard: "포기" post_options_menu: close: "닫기" copy: "복사" copied: "복사되었습니다!" cancel: "취소" thumbnail_suggestions: select: "선택" image_caption: save_caption: "저장" automatic_caption_dialog: confirm: "활성화" ai_bot: debug_ai_modal: request: "요청" response: "응답" next_log: "다음" previous_log: "이전값" share_modal: copy: "복사" summarization: chat: title: "메시지 요약" description: "선택된 시간 동안 전송된 대화 내역을 요약하기 위한 옵션을 선택하십시오." summarize: "요약하기" since: other: "약 %{count}시간"