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115 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
# A facade that abstracts multiple LLMs behind a single interface.
# Internally, it consists of the combination of a dialect and an endpoint.
# After recieving a prompt using our generic format, it translates it to
# the target model and routes the completion request through the correct gateway.
# Use the .proxy method to instantiate an object.
# It chooses the best dialect and endpoint for the model you want to interact with.
# Tests of modules that perform LLM calls can use .with_prepared_responses to return canned responses
# instead of relying on WebMock stubs like we did in the past.
module DiscourseAi
module Completions
class Llm
UNKNOWN_MODEL = Class.new(StandardError)
def self.with_prepared_responses(responses)
@canned_response = DiscourseAi::Completions::Endpoints::CannedResponse.new(responses)
yield(@canned_response).tap { @canned_response = nil }
def self.proxy(model_name)
dialect_klass = DiscourseAi::Completions::Dialects::Dialect.dialect_for(model_name)
return new(dialect_klass, @canned_response, model_name) if @canned_response
gateway =
new(dialect_klass, gateway, model_name)
def initialize(dialect_klass, gateway, model_name)
@dialect_klass = dialect_klass
@gateway = gateway
@model_name = model_name
delegate :tokenizer, to: :dialect_klass
# @param generic_prompt { Hash } - Prompt using our generic format.
# We use the following keys from the hash:
# - insts: String with instructions for the LLM.
# - input: String containing user input
# - examples (optional): Array of arrays with examples of input and responses. Each array is a input/response pair like [[example1, response1], [example2, response2]].
# - post_insts (optional): Additional instructions for the LLM. Some dialects like Claude add these at the end of the prompt.
# - conversation_context (optional): Array of hashes to provide context about an ongoing conversation with the model.
# We translate the array in reverse order, meaning the first element would be the most recent message in the conversation.
# Example:
# [
# { type: "user", name: "user1", content: "This is a new message by a user" },
# { type: "assistant", content: "I'm a previous bot reply, that's why there's no user" },
# { type: "tool", name: "tool_id", content: "I'm a tool result" },
# ]
# - tools (optional - only functions supported): Array of functions a model can call. Each function is defined as a hash. Example:
# {
# name: "get_weather",
# description: "Get the weather in a city",
# parameters: [
# { name: "location", type: "string", description: "the city name", required: true },
# {
# name: "unit",
# type: "string",
# description: "the unit of measurement celcius c or fahrenheit f",
# enum: %w[c f],
# required: true,
# },
# ],
# }
# @param user { User } - User requesting the summary.
# @param &on_partial_blk { Block - Optional } - The passed block will get called with the LLM partial response alongside a cancel function.
# @returns { String } - Completion result.
# When the model invokes a tool, we'll wait until the endpoint finishes replying and feed you a fully-formed tool,
# even if you passed a partial_read_blk block. Invocations are strings that look like this:
# <function_calls>
# <invoke>
# <tool_name>get_weather</tool_name>
# <tool_id>get_weather</tool_id>
# <parameters>
# <location>Sydney</location>
# <unit>c</unit>
# </parameters>
# </invoke>
# </function_calls>
def completion!(generic_prompt, user, &partial_read_blk)
model_params = generic_prompt.dig(:params, model_name) || {}
dialect = dialect_klass.new(generic_prompt, model_name, opts: model_params)
gateway.perform_completion!(dialect, user, model_params, &partial_read_blk)
attr_reader :dialect_klass, :gateway, :model_name