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discourse_ai_enabled: "Enable the discourse AI plugin."
ai_toxicity_enabled: "Enable the toxicity module."
ai_toxicity_inference_service_api_endpoint: "URL where the API is running for the toxicity module"
ai_toxicity_inference_service_api_key: "API key for the toxicity API"
ai_toxicity_inference_service_api_model: "Model to use for inference. Multilingual model works with Italian, French, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish."
ai_toxicity_flag_automatically: "Automatically flag posts / chat messages that are above the configured thresholds."
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_toxicity: "Toxicity: a rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable comment that is somewhat likely to make you leave a discussion or give up on sharing your perspective"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_severe_toxicity: "Severe Toxicity: a very hateful, aggressive, or disrespectful comment that is very likely to make you leave a discussion or give up on sharing your perspective"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_obscene: "Obscene"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_identity_attack: "Identity Attack"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_insult: "Insult"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_threat: "Threat"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_sexual_explicit: "Sexual Explicit"
ai_toxicity_groups_bypass: "Users on those groups will not have their posts classified by the toxicity module."
ai_sentiment_enabled: "Enable the sentiment module."
ai_sentiment_inference_service_api_endpoint: "URL where the API is running for the sentiment module"
ai_sentiment_inference_service_api_key: "API key for the sentiment API"
ai_sentiment_models: "Models to use for inference. Sentiment classifies post on the positive/neutral/negative space. Emotion classifies on the anger/disgust/fear/joy/neutral/sadness/surprise space."
ai_nsfw_detection_enabled: "Enable the NSFW module."
ai_nsfw_inference_service_api_endpoint: "URL where the API is running for the NSFW module"
ai_nsfw_inference_service_api_key: "API key for the NSFW API"
ai_nsfw_flag_automatically: "Automatically flag NSFW posts that are above the configured thresholds."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_general: "General Threshold for an image to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_drawings: "Threshold for a drawing to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_hentai: "Threshold for an image classified as hentai to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_porn: "Threshold for an image classified as porn to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_sexy: "Threshold for an image classified as sexy to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_models: "Models to use for NSFW inference."
ai_openai_api_key: "API key for OpenAI API"
ai_anthropic_api_key: "API key for Anthropic API"
composer_ai_helper_enabled: "Enable the Composer's AI helper."
ai_helper_allowed_groups: "Users on these groups will see the AI helper button in the composer."
ai_helper_allowed_in_pm: "Enable the composer's AI helper in PMs."
ai_helper_model: "Model to use for the AI helper."
ai_embeddings_enabled: "Enable the embeddings module."
ai_embeddings_discourse_service_api_endpoint: "URL where the API is running for the embeddings module"
ai_embeddings_discourse_service_api_key: "API key for the embeddings API"
ai_embeddings_models: "Discourse will generate embeddings for each of the models enabled here"
ai_embeddings_semantic_related_model: "Model to use for related topics."
ai_embeddings_generate_for_pms: "Generate embeddings for personal messages."
ai_embeddings_semantic_related_topics_enabled: "Use Semantic Search for related topics."
ai_embeddings_semantic_related_topics: "Maximum number of topics to show in related topic section."
ai_embeddings_pg_connection_string: "PostgreSQL connection string for the embeddings module. Needs pgvector extension enabled and a series of tables created. See docs for more info."
ai_embeddings_semantic_search_model: "Model to use for semantic search."
ai_embeddings_semantic_search_enabled: "Enable full-page semantic search."
ai_embeddings_semantic_related_include_closed_topics: "Include closed topics in semantic search results"
ai_summarization_enabled: "Enable the summarization module."
ai_summarization_discourse_service_api_endpoint: "URL where the Discourse summarization API is running."
ai_summarization_discourse_service_api_key: "API key for the Discourse summarization API."
ai_summarization_model: "Model to use for summarization."
ai_summarization_rate_limit_minutes: "Minutes to elapse after the summarization limit is reached (6 requests)."
ai_bot_enabled: "Enable the AI Bot module."
ai_bot_allowed_groups: "When the GPT Bot has access to the PM, it will reply to members of these groups."
ai_bot_enabled_chat_bots: "Available models to act as an AI Bot"
ai_helper_add_ai_pm_to_header: "Display a button in the header to start a PM with a AI Bot"
ai_stability_api_key: "API key for the stability.ai API"
ai_stability_engine: "Image generation ngine to use for the stability.ai API"
ai_stability_api_url: "URL for the stability.ai API"
ai_google_custom_search_api_key: "API key for the Google Custom Search API see: https://developers.google.com/custom-search"
ai_google_custom_search_cx: "CX for Google Custom Search API"
flagged_by_toxicity: The AI plugin flagged this after classifying it as toxic.
flagged_by_nsfw: The AI plugin flagged this after classifying at least one of the attached images as NSFW.
prompt_message_length: The message %{idx} is over the 1000 character limit.
invalid_prompt_role: The message %{idx} has an invalid role.
completion_request_failed: "Something went wrong while trying to provide suggestions. Please, try again."
translate: Translate to English
generate_titles: Suggest topic titles
proofread: Proofread text
markdown_table: Generate Markdown table
default_pm_prefix: "[Untitled AI bot PM]"
topic_not_found: "Summary unavailable, topic not found!"
categories: "List categories"
search: "Search"
tags: "List tags"
time: "Time"
summarize: "Summarize"
image: "Generate image"
google: "Search Google"
time: "Time in %{timezone} is %{time}"
summarize: "Summarized <a href='%{url}'>%{title}</a>"
image: "Prompt: %{prompt}"
one: "Found %{count} category"
other: "Found %{count} categories"
one: "Found %{count} tag"
other: "Found %{count} tags"
one: "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>result</a> for '%{query}'"
other: "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>results</a> for '%{query}'"
one: "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>result</a> for '%{query}'"
other: "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>results</a> for '%{query}'"