import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { getOwner } from "@ember/application"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { service } from "@ember/service"; import { htmlSafe } from "@ember/template"; import Category from "discourse/models/category"; export default class DiscourseCategoryBanners extends Component { @service router; @service site; @service categoryBannerPresence; @tracked category = null; @tracked keepDuringLoadingRoute = false; get hasIconComponent() { return getOwner(this).hasRegistration("component:category-icon"); } get categorySlugPathWithID() { return this.router?.currentRoute?.params?.category_slug_path_with_id; } get shouldRender() { return ( this.categorySlugPathWithID || (this.keepDuringLoadingRoute &&"loading")) ); } get isVisible() { if (this.categorySlugPathWithID) { return true; } else if ("loading")) { return this.keepDuringLoadingRoute; } return false; } get safeStyle() { return htmlSafe( `background-color: #${this.category.color}; color: #${this.category.text_color};` ); } get consoleWarn() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console return console.warn( "The category banners component is trying to use the category icons component, but it is not available." ); } get displayCategoryDescription() { return settings.show_description && this.category.description?.length > 0; } #parseExceptions(exceptionsStr) { return exceptionsStr .split("|") .filter(Boolean) .map((value) => value.toLowerCase()); } #checkTargetCategory() { if (settings.categories.length === 0) { return true; } const currentCategoryId = this.category?.id; const activeCategory = settings.categories.find((category) => { return category.category_id[0] === currentCategoryId; }); if ( activeCategory && ( === "all" || === "no_sub") ) { return true; } const parentCategoryId = this.category?.parentCategory?.id; if (parentCategoryId) { const activeParentCategory = settings.categories.find((category) => { return category.category_id[0] === parentCategoryId; }); if ( activeParentCategory && ( === "all" || === "only_sub") ) { return true; } } return false; } @action teardownComponent() { document.body.classList.remove("category-header"); this.category = null; this.categoryBannerPresence.setTo(false); } @action getCategory() { if (!this.isVisible) { return; } if (this.categorySlugPathWithID) { this.category = Category.findBySlugPathWithID( this.categorySlugPathWithID ); this.categoryBannerPresence.setTo(true); this.keepDuringLoadingRoute = true; } else { if (!"loading")) { return (this.keepDuringLoadingRoute = false); } } const exceptions = this.#parseExceptions(settings.exceptions); const isException = exceptions.includes(this.category?.name.toLowerCase()); const isTarget = this.#checkTargetCategory(); const hideMobile = && !settings.show_mobile; const hideSubCategory = this.category?.parentCategory && !settings.show_subcategory; const hasNoCategoryDescription = settings.hide_if_no_description && !this.category?.description_text; if ( isTarget && !isException && !hasNoCategoryDescription && !hideSubCategory && !hideMobile ) { document.body.classList.add("category-header"); } else { document.body.classList.remove("category-header"); this.categoryBannerPresence.setTo(false); } } }