import { get } from "@ember/object"; import { h } from "virtual-dom"; import categoriesBoxes from "discourse/components/categories-boxes"; import categoriesBoxesWithTopics from "discourse/components/categories-boxes-with-topics"; import categoryTitleLink from "discourse/components/category-title-link"; import CategoryHashtagType from "discourse/lib/hashtag-types/category"; import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; import { isRTL } from "discourse/lib/text-direction"; import { escapeExpression } from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import Category from "discourse/models/category"; import getURL from "discourse-common/lib/get-url"; import { helperContext } from "discourse-common/lib/helpers"; import { iconHTML, iconNode } from "discourse-common/lib/icon-library"; import I18n from "I18n"; class CategoryHashtagTypeWithIcon extends CategoryHashtagType { constructor(dict, owner) { super(owner); this.dict = dict; } generateIconHTML(hashtag) { const opt = this.dict[]; if (opt) { const newIcon = document.createElement("span"); newIcon.classList.add("hashtag-category-icon"); newIcon.innerHTML = iconHTML(opt.icon); = opt.color; return newIcon.outerHTML; } else { return super.generateIconHTML(hashtag); } } } export default { name: "category-icons", initialize(owner) { withPluginApi("0.8.26", (api) => { let categoryThemeList = settings.category_icon_list.split("|"); let lockIcon = settings.category_lock_icon || "lock"; categoryTitleLink.reopen({ lockIcon, }); categoriesBoxes.reopen({ lockIcon, }); categoriesBoxesWithTopics.reopen({ lockIcon, }); function getIconItem(categorySlug) { if (!categorySlug) { return; } let categoryThemeItem = categoryThemeList.find((str) => str.indexOf(",") > -1 ? categorySlug.indexOf(str.substr(0, str.indexOf(","))) > -1 : "" ); if (categoryThemeItem) { let iconItem = categoryThemeItem.split(","); // Test partial/exact match if (iconItem[3] === "partial") { return iconItem; } else if (iconItem[0] === categorySlug) { return iconItem; } } } function buildTopicCount(count) { return `× ${count}`; } function categoryIconsRenderer(category, opts) { let siteSettings = helperContext().siteSettings; let descriptionText = escapeExpression( get(category, "description_text") ); let restricted = get(category, "read_restricted"); let url = opts.url ? opts.url : getURL(`/c/${Category.slugFor(category)}/${get(category, "id")}`); let href = === false ? "" : url; let tagName = === false || === "false" ? "span" : "a"; let extraClasses = opts.extraClasses ? " " + opts.extraClasses : ""; let html = ""; let parentCat = null; let categoryDir = ""; let dataAttributes = category ? `data-category-id="${get(category, "id")}"` : ""; /// Add custom category icon from theme settings let iconItem = getIconItem(category.slug); if (!opts.hideParent) { parentCat = Category.findById(get(category, "parent_category_id")); } let classNames = `badge-category ${iconItem ? "--has-icon" : ""}`; if (restricted) { classNames += " restricted"; } if (parentCat) { classNames += ` --has-parent`; dataAttributes += ` data-parent-category-id="${}"`; } html += ``; if (iconItem) { let itemColor = iconItem[2] ? `style="color: ${iconItem[2]}"` : ""; let itemIcon = iconItem[1] !== "" ? iconHTML(iconItem[1]) : ""; html += `${itemIcon}`; } /// End custom category icon let categoryName = escapeExpression(get(category, "name")); if (siteSettings.support_mixed_text_direction) { categoryDir = isRTL(categoryName) ? 'dir="rtl"' : 'dir="ltr"'; } if (restricted) { html += iconHTML(lockIcon); } html += `${categoryName}`; html += ""; if (opts.topicCount) { html += buildTopicCount(opts.topicCount); } if (href) { href = ` href="${href}" `; } let afterBadgeWrapper = ""; if (opts.plusSubcategories && opts.lastSubcategory) { afterBadgeWrapper += ` ${I18n.t("category_row.plus_subcategories", { count: opts.plusSubcategories, })} `; } return `<${tagName} class="badge-category__wrapper ${extraClasses}" ${href}>${html}${afterBadgeWrapper}`; } api.replaceCategoryLinkRenderer(categoryIconsRenderer); api.createWidget("category-icon", { tagName: "div.category-icon-widget", html(attrs) { let iconItem = getIconItem(attrs.category.slug); if (iconItem) { let itemColor = iconItem[2] ? iconItem[2].match(/categoryColo(u*)r/g) ? `color: #${attrs.category.color}` : `color: ${iconItem[2]}` : ""; let itemIcon = iconItem[1] !== "" ? iconNode(iconItem[1]) : ""; return h("span.category-icon", { style: itemColor }, itemIcon); } }, }); if (api.registerCustomCategorySectionLinkLockIcon) { api.registerCustomCategorySectionLinkLockIcon(lockIcon); } if (api.registerCustomCategorySectionLinkPrefix) { const site = api.container.lookup("service:site"); categoryThemeList.forEach((str) => { const [slug, icon, color, match] = str.split(","); if (slug && icon) { const category = site.categories.find((cat) => { if (match === "partial") { return cat.slug.toLowerCase().includes(slug.toLowerCase()); } else { return cat.slug.toLowerCase() === slug.toLowerCase(); } }); if (category) { const opts = { categoryId:, prefixType: "icon", prefixValue: icon, prefixColor: color, }; // Fix for legacy color declaration if (color?.match(/categoryColo(u*)r/g)) { opts.prefixColor = category.color; } api.registerCustomCategorySectionLinkPrefix(opts); } } }); } if (api.registerHashtagType) { const site = api.container.lookup("service:site"); const dict = {}; for (const str of categoryThemeList) { let [slug, icon, color, match] = str.split(","); if (slug && icon) { slug = slug.toLowerCase(); for (const cat of site.categories) { const catSlug = cat.slug.toLowerCase(); if ( match === "partial" ? !catSlug.includes(slug) : catSlug !== slug ) { continue; } const opts = { icon, color, }; if (!color || color?.match(/categoryColo(u*)r/g)) { opts.color = `#${cat.color}`; } dict[] = opts; } } } api.registerHashtagType( "category", new CategoryHashtagTypeWithIcon(dict, owner) ); } }); }, };