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synced 2025-03-08 02:29:07 +00:00
What does this change do? This change uses the experimental `registerCustomCategorySectionLinkLockIcon` and `registerCustomCategorySectionLinkPrefix` plugin API added to core to add support for custom category icons in Sidebar. Note that the plugin APIs are marked as experimental because Discourse core may soon support first class category icons so this theme component may eventually become redundant.
220 lines
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220 lines
7.1 KiB
import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api";
import Category from "discourse/models/category";
import { helperContext } from "discourse-common/lib/helpers";
import { iconHTML, iconNode } from "discourse-common/lib/icon-library";
import { isRTL } from "discourse/lib/text-direction";
import { h } from "virtual-dom";
import getURL from "discourse-common/lib/get-url";
import categoryTitleLink from "discourse/components/category-title-link";
import categoriesBoxes from "discourse/components/categories-boxes";
import categoriesBoxesWithTopics from "discourse/components/categories-boxes-with-topics";
import I18n from "I18n";
import { get } from "@ember/object";
import { escapeExpression } from "discourse/lib/utilities";
export default {
name: "category-icons",
initialize() {
withPluginApi("0.8.26", (api) => {
let categoryThemeList = settings.category_icon_list.split("|");
let lockIcon = settings.category_lock_icon || "lock";
function categoryStripe(color, classes) {
let style = color ? "style='background-color: #" + color + ";'" : "";
return "<span class='" + classes + "' " + style + "></span>";
function getIconItem(categorySlug) {
if (!categorySlug) {
let categoryThemeItem = categoryThemeList.find((str) =>
str.indexOf(",") > -1
? categorySlug.indexOf(str.substr(0, str.indexOf(","))) > -1
: ""
if (categoryThemeItem) {
let iconItem = categoryThemeItem.split(",");
// Test partial/exact match
if (iconItem[3] === "partial") {
return iconItem;
} else if (iconItem[0] === categorySlug) {
return iconItem;
function buildTopicCount(count) {
return `<span class="topic-count" aria-label="${I18n.t(
{ count }
)}">× ${count}</span>`;
function categoryIconsRenderer(category, opts) {
let siteSettings = helperContext().siteSettings;
let description = get(category, "description_text");
let restricted = get(category, "read_restricted");
let url = opts.url
? opts.url
: getURL(`/c/${Category.slugFor(category)}/${get(category, "id")}`);
let href = opts.link === false ? "" : url;
let tagName =
opts.link === false || opts.link === "false" ? "span" : "a";
let extraClasses = opts.extraClasses ? " " + opts.extraClasses : "";
let color = get(category, "color");
let html = "";
let parentCat = null;
let categoryDir = "";
if (!opts.hideParent) {
parentCat = Category.findById(get(category, "parent_category_id"));
const categoryStyle = opts.categoryStyle || siteSettings.category_style;
if (categoryStyle !== "none") {
if (parentCat && parentCat !== category) {
html += categoryStripe(
get(parentCat, "color"),
html += categoryStripe(color, "badge-category-bg");
let classNames = "badge-category clear-badge";
if (restricted) {
classNames += " restricted";
let style = "";
if (categoryStyle === "box") {
style = `style="color: #${get(category, "text_color")};"`;
html +=
`<span ${style} ` +
'data-drop-close="true" class="' +
classNames +
'"' +
? 'title="' + escapeExpression(description) + '" '
: "") +
/// Add custom category icon from theme settings
let iconItem = getIconItem(category.slug);
if (iconItem) {
let itemColor = iconItem[2]
? iconItem[2].match(/categoryColo(u*)r/)
? `style="color: #${color}"`
: `style="color: ${iconItem[2]}"`
: "";
let itemIcon = iconItem[1] !== "" ? iconHTML(iconItem[1]) : "";
html += `<span ${itemColor} class="category-badge-icon">${itemIcon}</span>`;
/// End custom category icon
let categoryName = escapeExpression(get(category, "name"));
if (siteSettings.support_mixed_text_direction) {
categoryDir = isRTL(categoryName) ? 'dir="rtl"' : 'dir="ltr"';
if (restricted) {
html += iconHTML(lockIcon);
html += `<span class="category-name" ${categoryDir}>${categoryName}</span></span>`;
if (opts.topicCount && categoryStyle !== "box") {
html += buildTopicCount(opts.topicCount);
if (href) {
href = ` href="${href}" `;
extraClasses = categoryStyle
? categoryStyle + extraClasses
: extraClasses;
let afterBadgeWrapper = "";
if (opts.topicCount && categoryStyle === "box") {
afterBadgeWrapper += buildTopicCount(opts.topicCount);
return `<${tagName} class="badge-wrapper ${extraClasses}" ${href}>${html}</${tagName}>${afterBadgeWrapper}`;
api.createWidget("category-icon", {
tagName: "div.category-icon-widget",
html(attrs) {
let iconItem = getIconItem(attrs.category.slug);
if (iconItem) {
let itemColor = iconItem[2]
? iconItem[2].match(/categoryColo(u*)r/g)
? `color: #${attrs.category.color}`
: `color: ${iconItem[2]}`
: "";
let itemIcon = iconItem[1] !== "" ? iconNode(iconItem[1]) : "";
return h("span.category-icon", { style: itemColor }, itemIcon);
if (api.registerCustomCategorySectionLinkLockIcon) {
if (api.registerCustomCategorySectionLinkPrefix) {
const site = api.container.lookup("service:site");
categoryThemeList.forEach((str) => {
const [slug, icon, color, match] = str.split(",");
if (slug && icon && color) {
const category = site.categories.find((cat) => {
if (match === "partial") {
return cat.slug.toLowerCase().includes(slug.toLowerCase());
} else {
return cat.slug.toLowerCase() === slug.toLowerCase();
if (category) {
const opts = {
categoryId: category.id,
prefixType: "icon",
prefixValue: icon,
if (!color.match(/categoryColo(u*)r/g)) {
opts.prefixColor = color.replace(/^#/, "");