Improve slack transcript formatting

This commit is contained in:
David Taylor 2017-07-26 19:27:22 +01:00
parent 05d38e2b4f
commit 95f99e5fcf
1 changed files with 38 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -91,27 +91,60 @@ module DiscourseChat::Provider::SlackProvider
return error_text unless json['ok']
post_content = ""
post_content << "[quote]\n"
users_in_transcript = []
last_user = ''
json["messages"].reverse.each do |message|
next unless message["type"] == "message"
username = ""
if message["user"]
username = users.find{|u| u["id"] == message["user"]}["name"]
if user_id = message["user"]
user = users.find{|u| u["id"] == user_id}
users_in_transcript << user
username = user["name"]
elsif message.key?("username")
username = message["username"]
post_content << "[quote='@#{username}']\n"
same_user = last_user == username
last_user = username
post_content << "\n![#{username}] " if message["user"] and not same_user
post_content << "**@#{username}:** " if not same_user
text = message["text"]
# Format links (don't worry about special cases @ # !)
text.gsub!(/<(.*?)>/) do |match|
group = $1
parts = group.split('|')
link = parts[0].start_with?('@','#','!') ? '' : parts[0]
text = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : parts[0]
# Add an extra * to each side for bold
text.gsub!(/\*(.*?)\*/) do |match|
post_content << message["text"]
if message.key?("attachments")
message["attachments"].each do |attachment|
next unless attachment.key?("fallback")
post_content << "\n[quote]\n#{attachment["fallback"]}\n[/quote]"
post_content << "\n> #{attachment["fallback"]}\n"
post_content << "\n[/quote]\n\n"
post_content << "\n"
post_content << "[/quote]\n\n"
users_in_transcript.uniq.each do |user|
post_content << "[#{user["name"]}]: #{user["profile"]["image_24"]}\n" if user
secret = DiscourseChat::Helper.save_transcript(post_content)