David Taylor
Use real ActiveRecord for the “Rule” model by extending the PluginStoreRow class.
This gives us all the activerecord awesomeness for free, like validations, safe form params etc.
2017-07-12 18:28:45 +01:00
David Taylor
Automatically mount provider’s engines at /chat-integration/{provider_name}
Provider controllers are automatically disabled when the provider is disabled (works the same way as plugin controllers)
2017-07-05 15:03:02 +01:00
David Taylor
Handle errors on trigger_notification
Providers can define their own errors, and these are presented in the user interface. e.g. Slack can define an error that says “That channel doesn’t exist”.
Errors in the UI disappear once a message has been sent successfully, or the rule is edited.
2017-07-04 19:37:56 +01:00
David Taylor
Allow providers to be disabled, and tidy up translations
2017-07-03 15:53:26 +01:00
David Taylor
Move lib files inside a discourse_chat directory, and make the notifications run on a delay after post creation
2017-06-30 11:10:11 +01:00