import { acceptance } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; acceptance("Chat Integration", { loggedIn: true, beforeEach() { const response = (object) => { return [ 200, {"Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8"}, object ]; }; server.get('/admin/plugins/chat/providers', () => { return response({ providers: [{name: 'dummy', id:'dummy',channel_regex:null}] }); }); server.get('/admin/plugins/chat/rules', () => { return response({ rules: [{"id":11,"provider":"dummy","channel":"#general","category_id":2,"tags":null,"filter":"follow","error_key":null}] }); }); server.put('/admin/plugins/chat/rules', () => { return response({ }); }); server.put('/admin/plugins/chat/rules/:id', () => { return response({ }); }); server.delete('/admin/plugins/chat/rules/:id', () => { return response({ }); });'/admin/plugins/chat/test', () => { return response({ }); }); } }); test("Rules load successfully", assert => { visit("/admin/plugins/chat"); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists('#admin-plugin-chat table'), "it shows the table of rules"); assert.equal(find('#admin-plugin-chat table tr td').eq(0).text().trim(), '#general', 'rule displayed'); }); }); test("Create rule works", assert => { visit("/admin/plugins/chat"); andThen(() => { click('#create_rule'); }); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists('#chat_integration_edit_rule_modal'), 'it displays the modal'); assert.ok(find('#save_rule').prop('disabled'), 'it disables the save button'); fillIn('#channel-field', '#general'); assert.ok(find('#save_rule').prop('disabled'), 'it enables the save button'); }); click('#save_rule'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(!exists('#chat_integration_edit_rule_modal'), 'modal closes on save'); }) }); test("Edit rule works", assert => { visit("/admin/plugins/chat"); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists('.edit:first'), 'edit button is displayed'); }); click('.edit:first'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists('#chat_integration_edit_rule_modal'), 'modal opens on edit'); assert.ok(!find('#save_rule').prop('disabled'), 'it enables the save button'); }); click('#save_rule'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(!exists('#chat_integration_edit_rule_modal'), 'modal closes on save'); }); }); test("Delete rule works", function(assert) { visit("/admin/plugins/chat"); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists('.delete:first')); click('.delete:first'); }); }); test("Test provider works", assert => { visit("/admin/plugins/chat"); andThen(() => { click('#test_provider'); }); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists('#chat_integration_test_modal'), 'it displays the modal'); assert.ok(find('#send_test').prop('disabled'), 'it disables the send button'); fillIn('#channel-field', '#general'); fillIn('#choose-topic-title', '9318'); }); andThen(() => { debugger; click('#chat_integration_test_modal .radio:first'); }); andThen(() => { assert.ok(!find('#send_test').prop('disabled'), 'it enables the send button'); }); andThen(() => { click('#send_test'); }); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists('#chat_integration_test_modal'), 'modal doesn\'t close on send'); assert.ok(exists('#modal-alert.alert-success'), 'success message displayed'); }) });