require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe DiscourseChat::Provider::SlackProvider::SlackTranscript do let(:messages_fixture) { [ { "type": "message", "user": "U6JSSESES", "text": "Yeah, should make posting slack transcripts much easier", "ts": "1501801665.062694" }, { "type": "message", "user": "U5Z773QLS", "text": "Oooh a new discourse plugin???", "ts": "1501801643.056375" }, { "type": "message", "user": "U6E2W7R8C", "text": "Which one?", "ts": "1501801634.053761" }, { "type": "message", "user": "U6JSSESES", "text": "So, who's interested in the new ?", "ts": "1501801629.052212" }, { "type": "message", "user": "U6E2W7R8C", "text": "I'm interested!!", "ts": "1501801634.053761", "thread_ts": "1501801629.052212" }, { "text": "", "username": "Test Community", "bot_id": "B6C6JNUDN", "attachments": [ { "author_name": "@david", "fallback": "Discourse can now be integrated with Mattermost! - @david", "text": "Hey , what do you think about this?", "title": "Discourse can now be integrated with Mattermost! [Announcements] ", "id": 1, "title_link": "http://localhost:3000/t/discourse-can-now-be-integrated-with-mattermost/51/4", "color": "283890", "mrkdwn_in": [ "text" ] } ], "type": "message", "subtype": "bot_message", "ts": "1501615820.949638" }, { "type": "message", "user": "U5Z773QLS", "text": "Let’s try some *bold text*", "ts": "1501093331.439776" }, ] } let(:transcript) { "#general", channel_id: "G1234") } before do SiteSetting.chat_integration_slack_access_token = "abcde" end describe 'loading users' do it 'loads users correctly' do stub_request(:post, "") .with(body: { token: "abcde" }) .to_return(status: 200, body: { ok: true, members: [{ id: "U5Z773QLS", name: "awesomeguy", profile: { image_24: "" } }] }.to_json) expect(transcript.load_user_data).to be_truthy end it 'handles failed connection' do stub_request(:post, "") .to_return(status: 500, body: '') expect(transcript.load_user_data).to be_falsey end it 'handles slack failure' do stub_request(:post, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: { ok: false }.to_json) expect(transcript.load_user_data).to be_falsey end end context 'with loaded users' do before do stub_request(:post, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: { ok: true, members: [{ id: "U5Z773QLS", name: "awesomeguy", profile: { image_24: "" } }] }.to_json) transcript.load_user_data end describe 'loading history' do it 'loads messages correctly' do stub_request(:post, "") .with(body: hash_including(token: "abcde", channel: 'G1234')) .to_return(status: 200, body: { ok: true, messages: messages_fixture }.to_json) expect(transcript.load_chat_history).to be_truthy end it 'handles failed connection' do stub_request(:post, "") .to_return(status: 500, body: {}.to_json) expect(transcript.load_chat_history).to be_falsey end it 'handles slack failure' do stub_request(:post, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: { ok: false }.to_json) expect(transcript.load_chat_history).to be_falsey end end context 'with loaded messages' do before do stub_request(:post, "") .with(body: hash_including(token: "abcde", channel: 'G1234')) .to_return(status: 200, body: { ok: true, messages: messages_fixture }.to_json) transcript.load_chat_history end it 'ignores messages in a thread' do expect(transcript.messages.length).to eq(6) end it 'loads in chronological order' do # API presents in reverse chronological expect(transcript.messages.first.ts).to eq('1501093331.439776') end it 'handles bold text' do expect(transcript.messages.first.text).to eq("Let’s try some **bold text**") end it 'handles links' do expect(transcript.messages[2].text).to eq("So, who's interested in the new [discourse plugin](") end it 'includes attachments' do expect(transcript.messages[1].attachments.first).to eq("Discourse can now be integrated with Mattermost! - @david") end it 'can generate URL' do expect(transcript.messages.first.url).to eq("") end it 'includes attachments in raw text' do transcript.set_first_message_by_ts('1501615820.949638') expect(transcript.first_message.raw_text).to eq("\n - Discourse can now be integrated with Mattermost! - @david\n") end it 'gives correct first and last messages' do expect(transcript.first_message_number).to eq(0) expect(transcript.last_message_number).to eq(transcript.messages.length - 1) expect(transcript.first_message.ts).to eq('1501093331.439776') expect(transcript.last_message.ts).to eq('1501801665.062694') end it 'can change first and last messages by index' do expect(transcript.set_first_message_by_index(999)).to be_falsey expect(transcript.set_first_message_by_index(1)).to be_truthy expect(transcript.set_last_message_by_index(-2)).to be_truthy expect(transcript.first_message.ts).to eq('1501615820.949638') expect(transcript.last_message.ts).to eq('1501801643.056375') end it 'can change first and last messages by ts' do expect(transcript.set_first_message_by_ts('blah')).to be_falsey expect(transcript.set_first_message_by_ts('1501615820.949638')).to be_truthy expect(transcript.set_last_message_by_ts('1501801629.052212')).to be_truthy expect(transcript.first_message_number).to eq(1) expect(transcript.last_message_number).to eq(2) end it 'can guess the first message' do expect(transcript.guess_first_message(skip_messages: 1)).to eq(true) expect(transcript.first_message.ts).to eq('1501801629.052212') end it 'handles usernames correctly' do expect(transcript.first_message.username).to eq('awesomeguy') # Normal user expect(transcript.messages[2].username).to eq(nil) # Unknown normal user expect(transcript.messages[1].username).to eq('Test Community') # Bot user end it 'handles avatars correctly' do expect(transcript.first_message.avatar).to eq("") # Normal user expect(transcript.messages[1].avatar).to eq(nil) # Bot user end it 'creates a transcript correctly' do transcript.set_last_message_by_index(1) text = transcript.build_transcript # Rubocop doesn't like this, but we really do need trailing whitespace in the string # rubocop:disable TrailingWhitespace expected = <<~END [quote] [**View in #general on Slack**]( ![awesomeguy] **@awesomeguy:** Let’s try some **bold text** **@Test Community:** > Discourse can now be integrated with Mattermost! - @david [/quote] [awesomeguy]: END # rubocop:enable TrailingWhitespace expect(text).to eq(expected) end it 'creates the slack UI correctly' do transcript.set_last_message_by_index(1) ui = transcript.build_slack_ui first_ui = ui[:attachments][0] last_ui = ui[:attachments][1] # The callback IDs are used to keep track of what the other option is expect(first_ui[:callback_id]).to eq(transcript.last_message.ts) expect(last_ui[:callback_id]).to eq(transcript.first_message.ts) # The timestamps should match up to the actual messages expect(first_ui[:ts]).to eq(transcript.first_message.ts) expect(last_ui[:ts]).to eq(transcript.last_message.ts) # Raw text should be used expect(first_ui[:text]).to eq(transcript.first_message.raw_text) end end end end