# encoding: utf-8 # # Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/ zh_CN: js: admin: site_settings: categories: chat_integration: "聊天功能整合" chat_integration: menu_title: "聊天功能整合" settings: "设置" group_mention_template: "提及: @{{name}}" group_message_template: "发给 @%{name}的消息" choose_group: "(选择一个群组)" all_categories: "(所有分类)" all_tags: "(所有标签)" create_rule: "创建规则" create_channel: "创建频道" delete_channel: "删除" test_channel: "测试" edit_channel: "编辑" test_modal: title: "发送一个测试信息" topic: "主题" send: "发送测试信息" close: "关闭" success: "消息发送成功" type: normal: 正常 group_message: 群组信息 group_mention: 群组提及 filter: mute: '禁言' follow: '第一帖' watch: '所有帖子和回复' rule_table: filter: "过滤器" category: "分类" tags: "标签" edit_rule: "编辑" delete_rule: "删除" edit_channel_modal: title: "编辑频道" save: "保存频道" cancel: "取消" channel_validation: ok: "有效" fail: "格式无效" edit_rule_modal: title: 编辑规则 channel: 频道 filter: 筛选 category: 分类 group: 群组 tags: 标签 provider: slack: param: identifier: title: 频道 help: "例如:#频道, @用户名。" telegram: title: "Telegram" param: name: title: "名称" discord: param: name: title: "名称" hipchat: param: name: title: "名称" webhook_url: title: Webhook URL color: title: 颜色 mattermost: param: identifier: help: "例如:#频道, @用户名。" matrix: title: "矩阵" param: room_id: title: "房间号" errors: unknown_room: "房间ID无效" zulip: param: stream: title: "流串" subject: title: "主题" rocketchat: title: "Rocket.Chat" param: identifier: title: 频道 help: "例如:#频道, @用户名。" errors: invalid_channel: "这个频道在 Rocket Chat 上不存在" gitter: param: name: title: "名字" webhook_url: title: "Webhook 地址"