module DiscourseChat module Provider module HipchatProvider PROVIDER_NAME = "hipchat".freeze PROVIDER_ENABLED_SETTING = :chat_integration_hipchat_enabled CHANNEL_PARAMETERS = [ { key: "name", regex: '^\S+' }, { key: "webhook_url", regex: 'hipchat\.com', unique: true, hidden: true }, { key: "color", regex: '(yellow|green|red|purple|gray|random)' } ] def self.send_message(url, message) uri = URI(url) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true req =, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') req.body = message.to_json response = http.request(req) return response end def self.generate_hipchat_message(post) display_name = "@#{post.user.username}" full_name = || "" if !(full_name.strip.empty?) && (full_name.strip.gsub(' ', '_').casecmp(post.user.username) != 0) && (full_name.strip.gsub(' ', '').casecmp(post.user.username) != 0) display_name = "#{full_name} @#{post.user.username}" end topic = post.topic message_text = I18n.t( "chat_integration.provider.hipchat.message", user: display_name, post_url: post.full_url, title: CGI::escapeHTML(topic.title), ) icon_url = if !SiteSetting.chat_integration_hipchat_icon_url.blank? UrlHelper.absolute(SiteSetting.chat_integration_hipchat_icon_url) elsif !SiteSetting.logo_small_url.blank? UrlHelper.absolute(SiteSetting.logo_small_url) end message = { message: message_text, # Fallback for clients that don't support the card markup notify: true, card: { style: "application", url: post.full_url, format: "medium", id: "discoursecard:#{}", title: topic.title, description: post.excerpt(SiteSetting.chat_integration_hipchat_excerpt_length, text_entities: true, strip_links: true, remap_emoji: true), icon: { url: icon_url, }, activity: { html: message_text } } } return message end def self.trigger_notification(post, channel) webhook_url =['webhook_url'] message = generate_hipchat_message(post) message[:color] =['color'] response = send_message(webhook_url, message) if not response.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess error_key = nil raise info: { error_key: error_key, message: message, response_body: response.body } end end end end end