# frozen_string_literal: true module DiscourseChatIntegration::Provider::SlackProvider class SlackTranscript class UserFetchError < RuntimeError end attr_reader :users, :channel_id, :messages def initialize(channel_name:, channel_id:, requested_thread_ts: nil) @channel_name = channel_name @channel_id = channel_id @requested_thread_ts = requested_thread_ts @first_message_index = 0 @last_message_index = -1 # We can use negative array indicies to select the last message - fancy! end def set_first_message_by_ts(ts) message_index = @messages.find_index { |m| m.ts == ts } @first_message_index = message_index if message_index end def set_last_message_by_ts(ts) message_index = @messages.find_index { |m| m.ts == ts } @last_message_index = message_index if message_index end def set_first_message_by_index(val) @first_message_index = val if @messages[val] end def set_last_message_by_index(val) @last_message_index = val if @messages[val] end # Apply a heuristic to decide which is the first message in the current conversation def guess_first_message(skip_messages: 5) # Can skip the last n messages return true if @requested_thread_ts # Always start thread on first message return false if @messages.blank? || @messages.size < skip_messages possible_first_messages = @messages[0..-skip_messages] # Work through the messages in order. If a gap is found, this could be the first message new_first_message_index = nil previous_message_ts = @messages[-skip_messages].ts.split(".").first.to_i possible_first_messages.each_with_index do |message, index| # Calculate the time since the last message this_ts = message.ts.split(".").first.to_i time_since_previous_message = this_ts - previous_message_ts # If greater than 3 minutes, this could be the first message new_first_message_index = index if time_since_previous_message > 3.minutes previous_message_ts = this_ts end if new_first_message_index @first_message_index = new_first_message_index true else false end end def first_message @messages[@first_message_index] end def last_message @messages[@last_message_index] end # These two methods convert potentially negative array indices into positive ones def first_message_number @first_message_index < 0 ? @messages.length + @first_message_index : @first_message_index end def last_message_number @last_message_index < 0 ? @messages.length + @last_message_index : @last_message_index end def build_transcript post_content = +"" post_content << "[quote]\n" if SiteSetting.chat_integration_slack_transcript_quote post_content << "[**#{I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.view_on_slack", name: @channel_name)}**](#{first_message.url})\n" all_avatars = {} last_username = "" transcript_messages = @messages[@first_message_index..@last_message_index] transcript_messages.each do |m| same_user = m.username == last_username last_username = m.username unless same_user if avatar = m.avatar all_avatars[m.username] ||= avatar end post_content << "\n" post_content << "![#{m.username}] " if m.avatar post_content << "**@#{m.username}:** " end post_content << m.text m.attachments.each { |attachment| post_content << "\n> #{attachment}\n" } post_content << "\n" end post_content << "[/quote]" if SiteSetting.chat_integration_slack_transcript_quote post_content << "\n\n" all_avatars.each { |username, url| post_content << "[#{username}]: #{url}\n" } if not @requested_thread_ts.nil? post_content << "" end post_content end def build_modal_ui data = { type: "modal", title: { type: "plain_text", text: I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.modal_title"), }, blocks: [ { type: "section", text: { type: "mrkdwn", text: I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.modal_description"), }, }, ], } if @messages post_content = build_transcript secret = DiscourseChatIntegration::Helper.save_transcript(post_content) link = "#{Discourse.base_url}/chat-transcript/#{secret}" data[:blocks] << { type: "section", text: { type: "mrkdwn", text: ":writing_hand: *#{I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.transcript_ready")}*", }, accessory: { type: "button", text: { type: "plain_text", text: I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.continue_on_discourse"), emoji: true, }, style: "primary", url: link, action_id: "null_action", }, } else data[:blocks] << { type: "section", text: { type: "mrkdwn", text: ":writing_hand: #{I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.loading")}", }, } end data end def build_slack_ui post_content = build_transcript secret = DiscourseChatIntegration::Helper.save_transcript(post_content) link = "#{Discourse.base_url}/chat-transcript/#{secret}" if @requested_thread_ts return( { text: "<#{link}|#{I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.post_to_discourse")}>", } ) end { text: "<#{link}|#{I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.post_to_discourse")}>", attachments: [ { pretext: I18n.t( "chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.first_message_pretext", n: @messages.length - first_message_number, ), fallback: "#{first_message.username} - #{first_message.raw_text}", color: "#007AB8", author_name: first_message.username, author_icon: first_message.avatar, text: first_message.raw_text, footer: I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.posted_in", name: @channel_name), ts: first_message.ts, callback_id: last_message.ts, actions: [ { name: "first_message", text: I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.change_first_message"), type: "select", options: first_message_options = @messages[[(first_message_number - 20), 0].max..last_message_number].map do |m| { text: "#{m.username}: #{m.processed_text_with_attachments}", value: m.ts } end, }, ], }, { pretext: I18n.t( "chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.last_message_pretext", n: @messages.length - last_message_number, ), fallback: "#{last_message.username} - #{last_message.raw_text}", color: "#007AB8", author_name: last_message.username, author_icon: last_message.avatar, text: last_message.raw_text, footer: I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.posted_in", name: @channel_name), ts: last_message.ts, callback_id: first_message.ts, actions: [ { name: "last_message", text: I18n.t("chat_integration.provider.slack.transcript.change_last_message"), type: "select", options: @messages[first_message_number..(last_message_number + 20)].map do |m| { text: "#{m.username}: #{m.processed_text_with_attachments}", value: m.ts } end, }, ], }, ], } end def load_user_data key = "slack_user_info_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(SiteSetting.chat_integration_slack_access_token)}" @users = Discourse.cache.fetch(key, expires_in: 10.minutes) { fetch_user_data } true rescue UserFetchError false end def fetch_user_data http = ::DiscourseChatIntegration::Provider::SlackProvider.slack_api_http cursor = nil req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(URI("https://slack.com/api/users.list")) users = {} loop do break if cursor == "" req.set_form_data( token: SiteSetting.chat_integration_slack_access_token, limit: 200, cursor: cursor, ) response = http.request(req) raise UserFetchError.new unless response.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess json = JSON.parse(response.body) raise UserFetchError.new unless json["ok"] cursor = json["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"] json["members"].each do |user| # Slack uses display_name and falls back to real_name if it is not set if user["profile"]["display_name"].blank? user["_transcript_username"] = user["profile"]["real_name"] else user["_transcript_username"] = user["profile"]["display_name"] end user["_transcript_username"] = user["_transcript_username"].gsub(" ", "_") users[user["id"]] = user end end users end def load_chat_history(count: 500) http = DiscourseChatIntegration::Provider::SlackProvider.slack_api_http endpoint = @requested_thread_ts ? "replies" : "history" req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(URI("https://slack.com/api/conversations.#{endpoint}")) data = { token: SiteSetting.chat_integration_slack_access_token, channel: @channel_id, limit: count, } data[:ts] = @requested_thread_ts if @requested_thread_ts req.set_form_data(data) response = http.request(req) return false unless response.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess json = JSON.parse(response.body) return false unless json["ok"] raw_messages = json["messages"] raw_messages = raw_messages.reverse unless @requested_thread_ts # Build some message objects @messages = [] raw_messages.each_with_index do |message, index| # Only load messages next unless message["type"] == "message" # Don't load responses to threads unless specifically requested (if ts==thread_ts then it's the thread parent) if !@requested_thread_ts && message["thread_ts"] && message["thread_ts"] != message["ts"] next end this_message = SlackMessage.new(message, self) @messages << this_message end end end end