# frozen_string_literal: true class DiscourseChatIntegration::Rule < DiscourseChatIntegration::PluginModel # Setup ActiveRecord::Store to use the JSON field to read/write these values store :value, accessors: [ :channel_id, :type, :group_id, :category_id, :tags, :filter ], coder: JSON scope :with_type, ->(type) { where("value::json->>'type'=?", type.to_s) } scope :with_channel, ->(channel) { with_channel_id(channel.id) } scope :with_channel_id, ->(channel_id) { where("value::json->>'channel_id'=?", channel_id.to_s) } scope :with_category_id, ->(category_id) do if category_id.nil? where("(value::json->'category_id') IS NULL OR json_typeof(value::json->'category_id')='null'") else where("value::json->>'category_id'=?", category_id.to_s) end end scope :with_group_ids, ->(group_id) do where("value::json->>'group_id' IN (?)", group_id.map!(&:to_s)) end scope :order_by_precedence, -> { order(" CASE WHEN value::json->>'type' = 'group_mention' THEN 1 WHEN value::json->>'type' = 'group_message' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END ", " CASE WHEN value::json->>'filter' = 'mute' THEN 1 WHEN value::json->>'filter' = 'thread' THEN 2 WHEN value::json->>'filter' = 'watch' THEN 3 WHEN value::json->>'filter' = 'follow' THEN 4 END ") } after_initialize :init_filter validates :filter, inclusion: { in: %w(thread watch follow mute), message: "%{value} is not a valid filter" } validates :type, inclusion: { in: %w(normal group_message group_mention), message: "%{value} is not a valid filter" } validate :channel_valid?, :category_valid?, :group_valid?, :tags_valid? def self.key_prefix 'rule:'.freeze end # We never want an empty array, set it to nil instead def tags=(array) if array.nil? || array.empty? super(nil) else super(array) end end # These are only allowed to be integers %w(channel_id category_id group_id).each do |name| define_method "#{name}=" do |val| if val.nil? || val.blank? super(nil) else super(val.to_i) end end end # Mock foreign key # Could return nil def channel DiscourseChatIntegration::Channel.find_by(id: channel_id) end def channel=(val) self.channel_id = val.id end private def channel_valid? if !(DiscourseChatIntegration::Channel.where(id: channel_id).exists?) errors.add(:channel_id, "#{channel_id} is not a valid channel id") end end def category_valid? if type != 'normal' && !category_id.nil? errors.add(:category_id, "cannot be specified for that type of rule") end return unless type == 'normal' if !(category_id.nil? || Category.where(id: category_id).exists?) errors.add(:category_id, "#{category_id} is not a valid category id") end end def group_valid? if type == 'normal' && !group_id.nil? errors.add(:group_id, "cannot be specified for that type of rule") end return if type == 'normal' if !Group.where(id: group_id).exists? errors.add(:group_id, "#{group_id} is not a valid group id") end end def tags_valid? return if tags.nil? tags.each do |tag| if !Tag.where(name: tag).exists? errors.add(:tags, "#{tag} is not a valid tag") end end end def init_filter self.filter ||= 'watch' self.type ||= 'normal' end end