import { module, test } from "qunit"; import migrate from "../../../../migrations/settings/0002-migrate-custom-header-links"; module( "Custom Header Links | Migrations | Settings | 0002-migrate-custom-header-links", function () { test("migrate when value of setting is already an array", function (assert) { const settings = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [ { text: "Some link", title: "Some link title", url: "", view: "vdo", target: "blank", hide_on_scroll: "remove", }, ], }) ); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [ { text: "Some link", title: "Some link title", url: "", view: "vdo", target: "blank", hide_on_scroll: "remove", }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual( Object.fromEntries(result.entries()), Object.fromEntries(expectedResult.entries()) ); }); test("migrate when old setting value is an empty string", function (assert) { const settings = new Map(Object.entries({ custom_header_links: "" })); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [] }) ); assert.deepEqual( Object.fromEntries(result.entries()), Object.fromEntries(expectedResult.entries()) ); }); test("migrate when old setting value is invalid", function (assert) { const settings = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: "Invalid Link|Invalid Link 2, some title|Invalid Link 3, , ,", }) ); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [] }) ); assert.deepEqual( Object.fromEntries(result.entries()), Object.fromEntries(expectedResult.entries()) ); }); test("migrate when `hide_on_scroll` attribute is invalid", function (assert) { const settings = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: "External link, this link will open in a new tab,, vdo, blank, invalid", }) ); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [ { text: "External link", title: "this link will open in a new tab", url: "", view: "vdo", target: "blank", hide_on_scroll: "keep", }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual( Object.fromEntries(result.entries()), Object.fromEntries(expectedResult.entries()) ); }); test("migrate when `target` attribute is invalid", function (assert) { const settings = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: "External link, this link will open in a new tab,, vdo, invalid, remove", }) ); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [ { text: "External link", title: "this link will open in a new tab", url: "", view: "vdo", target: "blank", hide_on_scroll: "remove", }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual( Object.fromEntries(result.entries()), Object.fromEntries(expectedResult.entries()) ); }); test("migrate when `view` attribute is invalid", function (assert) { const settings = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: "External link, this link will open in a new tab,, invalid, blank, remove", }) ); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [ { text: "External link", title: "this link will open in a new tab", url: "", view: "vdm", target: "blank", hide_on_scroll: "remove", }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual( Object.fromEntries(result.entries()), Object.fromEntries(expectedResult.entries()) ); }); test("migrate when title is not provided", function (assert) { const settings = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: "External link, ,", }) ); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [ { text: "External link", url: "", view: "vdm", target: "blank", hide_on_scroll: "keep", }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual( Object.fromEntries(result.entries()), Object.fromEntries(expectedResult.entries()) ); }); test("migrate", function (assert) { const settings = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: "External link, this link will open in a new tab,, vdo, blank, remove|Most Liked, Posts with the most amount of likes, /latest/?order=op_likes, vdo, self, keep|Privacy, Our Privacy Policy, /privacy, vdm, self, keep, en", }) ); const result = migrate(settings); const expectedResult = new Map( Object.entries({ custom_header_links: [ { text: "External link", title: "this link will open in a new tab", url: "", view: "vdo", target: "blank", hide_on_scroll: "remove", }, { text: "Most Liked", title: "Posts with the most amount of likes", url: "/latest/?order=op_likes", view: "vdo", target: "self", hide_on_scroll: "keep", }, { text: "Privacy", title: "Our Privacy Policy", url: "/privacy", view: "vdm", target: "self", hide_on_scroll: "keep", locale: "en", }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual(Array.from(result), Array.from(expectedResult)); }); } );