en: theme_metadata: settings: links_position: "Note that when links are displayed on the left, they're automatically hidden while scrolling within topics to make room for the title" custom_header_links: description: Custom links to be displayed in the header schema: properties: text: label: Text description: The text for the link title: label: Title description: The title attribute for the link url: label: URL description: The URL for the link view: label: View description: | vdm = desktop and mobile vdo = desktop only vmo = mobile only target: label: Target description: | blank = opens in a new tab self = opens in the same tab hide_on_scroll: label: Hide on scroll description: | remove = hides the link when the title is expanded on topic pages keep = keeps the link visible even when the title is visible on topic pages locale: label: Locale description: The locale in which the link should be displayed on. The link will be displayed on all locales if left blank.