# frozen_string_literal: true module ::DiscourseDataExplorer class Parameter attr_accessor :identifier, :type, :default, :nullable def initialize(identifier, type, default, nullable, validate: true) unless identifier raise ValidationError.new("Parameter declaration error - identifier is missing") end raise ValidationError.new("Parameter declaration error - type is missing") unless type # process aliases type = type.to_sym type = Parameter.type_aliases[type] if Parameter.type_aliases[type] unless Parameter.types[type] raise ValidationError.new("Parameter declaration error - unknown type #{type}") end @identifier = identifier @type = type @default = default @nullable = nullable begin cast_to_ruby default if default.present? && validate rescue ValidationError raise ValidationError.new( "Parameter declaration error - the default value is not a valid #{type}", ) end end def to_hash { identifier: @identifier, type: @type, default: @default, nullable: @nullable } end def self.types @types ||= Enum.new( # Normal types :int, :bigint, :boolean, :string, :date, :time, :datetime, :double, # Selection help :user_id, :post_id, :topic_id, :category_id, :group_id, :badge_id, # Arrays :int_list, :string_list, :user_list, :group_list, ) end def self.type_aliases @type_aliases ||= { integer: :int, text: :string, timestamp: :datetime } end def self.create_from_sql(sql, opts = {}) in_params = false ret_params = [] sql.lines.find do |line| line.chomp! if in_params # -- (ident) :(ident) (= (ident))? if line =~ /^\s*--\s*([a-zA-Z_ ]+)\s*:([a-z_]+)\s*(?:=\s+(.*)\s*)?$/ type = $1 ident = $2 default = $3 nullable = false if type =~ /^(null)?(.*?)(null)?$/i nullable = true if $1 || $3 type = $2 end type = type.strip begin ret_params << Parameter.new(ident, type, default, nullable, validate: opts[:strict]) rescue StandardError raise if opts[:strict] end false elsif line =~ /^\s+$/ false else true end else in_params = true if line =~ /^\s*--\s*\[params\]\s*$/ false end end ret_params end def cast_to_ruby(string) string = @default unless string if string.blank? if @nullable return nil else raise ValidationError.new("Missing parameter #{identifier} of type #{type}") end end return nil if string.downcase == "#null" value = nil case @type when :int invalid_format string, "Not an integer" unless string =~ /^-?\d+$/ value = string.to_i invalid_format string, "Too large" unless Integer === value when :bigint invalid_format string, "Not an integer" unless string =~ /^-?\d+$/ value = string.to_i when :boolean value = !!(string =~ /t|true|y|yes|1/i) when :string value = string when :time begin value = Time.parse string rescue ArgumentError => e invalid_format string, e.message end when :date begin value = Date.parse string rescue ArgumentError => e invalid_format string, e.message end when :datetime begin value = DateTime.parse string rescue ArgumentError => e invalid_format string, e.message end when :double if string =~ /-?\d*(\.\d+)/ value = Float(string) elsif string =~ /^(-?)Inf(inity)?$/i if $1 value = -Float::INFINITY else value = Float::INFINITY end elsif string =~ /^(-?)NaN$/i if $1 value = -Float::NAN else value = Float::NAN end else invalid_format string end when :category_id if string =~ %r{(.*)/(.*)} parent_name = $1 child_name = $2 parent = Category.query_parent_category(parent_name) invalid_format string, "Could not find category named #{parent_name}" unless parent object = Category.query_category(child_name, parent) if object.blank? invalid_format string, "Could not find subcategory of #{parent_name} named #{child_name}" end else object = Category.where(id: string.to_i).first || Category.where(slug: string).first || Category.where(name: string).first invalid_format string, "Could not find category named #{string}" if object.blank? end value = object.id when :user_id, :post_id, :topic_id, :group_id, :badge_id if string.gsub(/[ _]/, "") =~ /^-?\d+$/ klass_name = (/^(.*)_id$/.match(type.to_s)[1].classify.to_sym) begin finder = if type == :post_id || type == :topic_id Object.const_get(klass_name).with_deleted else Object.const_get(klass_name) end object = finder.find(string.gsub(/[ _]/, "").to_i) value = object.id rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound invalid_format string, "The specified #{klass_name} was not found" end elsif type == :user_id object = User.find_by_username_or_email(string) invalid_format string, "The user named #{string} was not found" if object.blank? value = object.id elsif type == :post_id if string =~ %r{/t/[^/]+/(\d+)(\?u=.*)?$} object = Post.with_deleted.find_by(topic_id: $1, post_number: 1) invalid_format string, "The first post for topic:#{$1} was not found" if object.blank? value = object.id elsif string =~ %r{(\d+)/(\d+)(\?u=.*)?$} object = Post.with_deleted.find_by(topic_id: $1, post_number: $2) if object.blank? invalid_format string, "The post at topic:#{$1} post_number:#{$2} was not found" end value = object.id end elsif type == :topic_id if string =~ %r{/t/[^/]+/(\d+)} begin object = Topic.with_deleted.find($1) value = object.id rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound invalid_format string, "The topic with id #{$1} was not found" end end elsif type == :group_id object = Group.where(name: string).first invalid_format string, "The group named #{string} was not found" if object.blank? value = object.id else invalid_format string end when :int_list value = string.split(",").map { |s| s.downcase == "#null" ? nil : s.to_i } invalid_format string, "can't be empty" if value.length == 0 when :string_list value = string.split(",").map { |s| s.downcase == "#null" ? nil : s } invalid_format string, "can't be empty" if value.length == 0 when :user_list value = string.split(",").map { |s| User.find_by_username_or_email(s).id } invalid_format string, "can't be empty" if value.length == 0 when :group_list value = string.split(",").map { |s| Group.where(name: s).first.name } invalid_format string, "The group with id #{string} was not found" if value.length == 0 else raise TypeError.new("unknown parameter type??? should not get here") end value end private def invalid_format(string, msg = nil) if msg raise ValidationError.new("'#{string}' is an invalid #{type} - #{msg}") else raise ValidationError.new("'#{string}' is an invalid value for #{type}") end end end end