# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ fa_IR: js: explorer: or: "یا" import: label: "ورود داده‌ها" help: label: "کمک" schema: filter: "جستجو..." types: bool: yes: "بله" no: "خیر" export: "خروجی گرفتن" save: "ذخیره تغییرات" run: "اجرا" edit: "ویرایش" delete: "حذف" result_count: one: "%{count} نتیجه." other: "%{count} نتیجه." max_result_count: one: "نمایش %{count} نتیجه برتر." other: "نمایش %{count} نتیجه برتر." query_groups: "گروه ها" link: "پیوند برای" report_name: "گزارش" query_description: "توضیح" query_time: "آخرین اجرا" query_user: "ایجاد شده توسط" reset_params: "بازنشانی" search_placeholder: "جستجو..." group: reports: "گزارشات"