# name: discourse-data-explorer # about: Interface for running analysis SQL queries on the live database # version: 0.2 # authors: Riking # url: https://github.com/discourse/discourse-data-explorer enabled_site_setting :data_explorer_enabled register_asset 'stylesheets/explorer.scss' # route: /admin/plugins/explorer add_admin_route 'explorer.title', 'explorer' module ::DataExplorer def self.plugin_name 'discourse-data-explorer'.freeze end def self.pstore_get(key) PluginStore.get(DataExplorer.plugin_name, key) end def self.pstore_set(key, value) PluginStore.set(DataExplorer.plugin_name, key, value) end def self.pstore_delete(key) PluginStore.remove(DataExplorer.plugin_name, key) end end after_initialize do module ::DataExplorer class Engine < ::Rails::Engine engine_name "data_explorer" isolate_namespace DataExplorer end class ValidationError < StandardError; end # Extract :colon-style parameters from the SQL query and replace them with # $1-style parameters. # # @return [Hash] :sql => [String] the new SQL query to run, :names => # [Array] the names of all parameters, in order by their $-style name. # (The first name is $0.) def self.extract_params(sql) names = [] new_sql = sql.gsub(/(:?):([a-z_]+)/) do |_| if $1 == ':' # skip casts $& else names << $2 "$#{names.length - 1}" end end {sql: new_sql, names: names} end # Run a data explorer query on the currently connected database. # # @param [DataExplorer::Query] query the Query object to run # @param [Hash] params the colon-style query parameters to pass to AR # @param [Hash] opts hash of options # explain - include a query plan in the result # @return [Hash] # error - any exception that was raised in the execution. Check this # first before looking at any other fields. # pg_result - the PG::Result object # duration_nanos - the query duration, in nanoseconds # explain - the query def self.run_query(query, params={}, opts={}) # Safety checks if query.sql =~ /;/ err = DataExplorer::ValidationError.new(I18n.t('js.errors.explorer.no_semicolons')) return {error: err, duration_nanos: 0} end query_args = (query.qopts[:defaults] || {}).with_indifferent_access.merge(params) # Rudimentary types query_args.each do |k, arg| if arg =~ /\A\d+\z/ query_args[k] = arg.to_i end end # If we don't include this, then queries with a % sign in them fail # because AR thinks we want percent-based parametes query_args[:xxdummy] = 1 time_start, time_end, explain, err, result = nil begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction do # Setting transaction to read only prevents shoot-in-foot actions like SELECT FOR UPDATE ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql "SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY" # SQL comments are for the benefits of the slow queries log sql = < ex err = ex time_end = Time.now end { error: err, pg_result: result, duration_secs: time_end - time_start, explain: explain, params_full: query_args.tap {|h| h.delete :xxdummy} } end def self.sensitive_column_names %w( #_IP_Addresses topic_views.ip_address users.ip_address users.registration_ip_address incoming_links.ip_address topic_link_clicks.ip_address user_histories.ip_address #_Emails email_tokens.email users.email invites.email user_histories.email email_logs.to_address posts.raw_email badge_posts.raw_email #_Secret_Tokens email_tokens.token email_logs.reply_key api_keys.key site_settings.value users.password_hash users.salt #_Authentication_Info user_open_ids.email oauth2_user_infos.uid oauth2_user_infos.email facebook_user_infos.facebook_user_id facebook_user_infos.email twitter_user_infos.twitter_user_id github_user_infos.github_user_id single_sign_on_records.external_email single_sign_on_records.external_id google_user_infos.google_user_id google_user_infos.email ) end def self.schema # refer user to http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/datatype.html @schema ||= begin results = ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql < 0 @id = self.class.alloc_id end DataExplorer.pstore_set "q:#{id}", to_hash end def destroy DataExplorer.pstore_delete "q:#{id}" end def read_attribute_for_serialization(attr) self.send(attr) end def self.all PluginStoreRow.where(plugin_name: DataExplorer.plugin_name) .where("key LIKE 'q:%'") .where("key != 'q:_id'") .map do |psr| DataExplorer::Query.from_hash PluginStore.cast_value(psr.type_name, psr.value) end end end require_dependency 'application_controller' class DataExplorer::QueryController < ::ApplicationController requires_plugin DataExplorer.plugin_name before_filter :check_enabled def check_enabled raise Discourse::NotFound unless SiteSetting.data_explorer_enabled? end def index # guardian.ensure_can_use_data_explorer! queries = DataExplorer::Query.all render_serialized queries, DataExplorer::QuerySerializer, root: 'queries' end skip_before_filter :check_xhr, only: [:show] def show check_xhr unless params[:export] query = DataExplorer::Query.find(params[:id].to_i) if params[:export] response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=#{query.slug}.dcquery.json" response.sending_file = true end # guardian.ensure_can_see! query render_serialized query, DataExplorer::QuerySerializer, root: 'query' end def create # guardian.ensure_can_create_explorer_query! query = DataExplorer::Query.from_hash params.require(:query) query.id = nil # json import will assign an id, which is wrong query.save render_serialized query, DataExplorer::QuerySerializer, root: 'query' end def update query = DataExplorer::Query.find(params[:id].to_i, ignore_deleted: true) hash = params.require(:query) # Undeleting unless query.id if hash[:id] query.id = hash[:id].to_i else raise Discourse::NotFound end end [:name, :sql, :description, :qopts].each do |sym| query.send("#{sym}=", hash[sym]) if hash[sym] end query.save render_serialized query, DataExplorer::QuerySerializer, root: 'query' end def destroy query = DataExplorer::Query.find(params[:id].to_i) query.destroy render json: {success: true, errors: []} end def schema schema_version = ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql("SELECT max(version) AS tag FROM schema_migrations").first['tag'] if stale?(public: true, etag: schema_version) render json: DataExplorer.schema end end skip_before_filter :check_xhr, only: [:run] # Return value: # success - true/false. if false, inspect the errors value. # errors - array of strings. # params - hash. Echo of the query parameters as executed. # duration - float. Time to execute the query, in milliseconds, to 1 decimal place. # columns - array of strings. Titles of the returned columns, in order. # explain - string. (Optional - pass explain=true in the request) Postgres query plan, UNIX newlines. # rows - array of array of strings. Results of the query. In the same order as 'columns'. def run check_xhr unless params[:download] query = DataExplorer::Query.find(params[:id].to_i) if params[:download] response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=#{query.slug}@#{Slug.for(Discourse.current_hostname, 'discourse')}-#{Date.today}.dcqresult.json" response.sending_file = true end query_params = MultiJson.load(params[:params]) opts = {current_user: current_user.username} opts[:explain] = true if params[:explain] == "true" opts[:limit] = params[:limit].to_i if params[:limit] result = DataExplorer.run_query(query, query_params, opts) if result[:error] err = result[:error] # Pretty printing logic err_class = err.class err_msg = err.message if err.is_a? ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid err_class = err.original_exception.class err_msg.gsub!("#{err_class}:", '') else err_msg = "#{err_class}: #{err_msg}" end render json: { success: false, errors: [err_msg] } else pg_result = result[:pg_result] cols = pg_result.fields json = { success: true, errors: [], duration: (result[:duration_secs].to_f * 1000).round(1), params: result[:params_full], columns: cols, } json[:explain] = result[:explain] if opts[:explain] # TODO - special serialization # This is dead code in the client right now # if cols.any? { |col_name| special_serialization? col_name } # json[:relations] = DataExplorer.add_extra_data(pg_result) # end json[:rows] = pg_result.values render json: json end end end class DataExplorer::QuerySerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :sql, :name, :description, :qopts, :param_names end DataExplorer::Engine.routes.draw do root to: "query#index" get 'schema' => "query#schema" get 'queries' => "query#index" post 'queries' => "query#create" get 'queries/:id' => "query#show" put 'queries/:id' => "query#update" delete 'queries/:id' => "query#destroy" get 'queries/parse_params' => "query#parse_params" post 'queries/:id/run' => "query#run" end Discourse::Application.routes.append do mount ::DataExplorer::Engine, at: '/admin/plugins/explorer', constraints: AdminConstraint.new end end