import Controller from "@ember/controller"; import BookmarkModal from "discourse/components/modal/bookmark"; import { BookmarkFormData } from "discourse/lib/bookmark"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { NO_REMINDER_ICON, WITH_REMINDER_ICON, } from "discourse/models/bookmark"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { bind } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { inject as service } from "@ember/service"; export default class GroupReportsShowController extends Controller { @service currentUser; @service modal; @tracked showResults = false; @tracked loading = false; @tracked results = this.model.results; @tracked queryGroupBookmark = this.queryGroup?.bookmark; explain = false; get hasParams() { return this.model.param_info.length > 0; } get bookmarkLabel() { return this.queryGroupBookmark ? "bookmarked.edit_bookmark" : "bookmarked.title"; } get bookmarkIcon() { if (this.queryGroupBookmark && this.queryGroupBookmark.reminder_at) { return WITH_REMINDER_ICON; } return NO_REMINDER_ICON; } get bookmarkClassName() { return this.queryGroupBookmark ? ["query-group-bookmark", "bookmarked"].join(" ") : "query-group-bookmark"; } @bind async run() { this.loading = true; this.showResults = false; try { const response = await ajax( `/g/${this.get("")}/reports/${}/run`, { type: "POST", data: { params: JSON.stringify(this.model.params), explain: this.explain, }, } ); this.results = response; if (!response.success) { return; } this.showResults = true; } catch (error) { if (error.jqXHR?.status === 422 && error.jqXHR.responseJSON) { this.results = error.jqXHR.responseJSON; } else { popupAjaxError(error); } } finally { this.loading = false; } } @action toggleBookmark() { const modalBookmark = this.queryGroupBookmark ||"bookmark", { bookmarkable_type: "DiscourseDataExplorer::QueryGroup", bookmarkable_id:, user_id:, }); return, { model: { bookmark: new BookmarkFormData(modalBookmark), afterSave: (savedData) => { const bookmark ="bookmark", savedData); this.queryGroupBookmark = bookmark; this.appEvents.trigger( "bookmarks:changed", savedData, bookmark.attachedTo() ); }, afterDelete: () => { this.queryGroupBookmark = null; }, }, }); } // This is necessary with glimmer's one way data stream to get the child's // changes of 'params' to bubble up. @action updateParams(identifier, value) { this.set(`model.params.${identifier}`, value); } }