import RestModel from 'discourse/models/rest'; const Query = RestModel.extend({ dirty: false, params: {}, results: null, _init: function() { this._super(); if (!this.get('options')) { this.set('options', {defaults:{}}); } this.set('dirty', false); }.on('init'), _initParams: function() { this.resetParams(); }.on('init').observes('param_names'), // the server uses 'qopts' and the client uses 'options' due to ActiveRecord // freaking out if a serialized value is named 'options' options: Em.computed.alias('qopts'), markDirty: function() { this.set('dirty', true); }.observes('name', 'description', 'sql', 'options', 'options.defaults'), markNotDirty() { this.set('dirty', false); }, resetParams() { const newParams = {}; const oldParams = this.get('params'); const defaults = this.get('options.defaults') || {}; (this.get('param_names') || []).forEach(function(name) { if (defaults[name]) { newParams[name] = defaults[name]; } else if (oldParams[name]) { newParams[name] = oldParams[name]; } else { newParams[name] = ''; } }); this.set('params', newParams); }, saveDefaults() { const currentParams = this.get('params'); let defaults = {}; (this.get('param_names') || []).forEach(function(name) { if (currentParams[name]) { defaults[name] = currentParams[name]; } else { delete defaults[name]; } }); this.set('options.defaults', defaults); }, downloadUrl: function() { // TODO - can we change this to use the store/adapter? return Discourse.getURL("/admin/plugins/explorer/queries/" + this.get('id') + ".json?export=1"); }.property('id'), listName: function() { let name = this.get('name'); if (this.get('dirty')) { name += " (*)"; } if (this.get('destroyed')) { name += " (deleted)"; } return name; }.property('name', 'dirty', 'destroyed'), createProperties() { if (this.get('sql')) { // Importing return this.updateProperties(); } return this.getProperties("name"); }, updateProperties() { let props = this.getProperties(Query.updatePropertyNames); if (this.get('destroyed')) { = this.get('id'); } return props; }, run() { console.log("Called query#run"); } }); Query.reopenClass({ updatePropertyNames: ["name", "description", "sql", "qopts"] }); export default Query;