import { fillIn, render } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import formKit from "discourse/tests/helpers/form-kit-helper"; import selectKit from "discourse/tests/helpers/select-kit-helper"; import { ERRORS } from "discourse/plugins/discourse-data-explorer/discourse/components/param-input-form"; const InputTestCases = [ { type: "string", default: "foo", initial: "bar", tests: [ { input: "", data_null: "", error: ERRORS.REQUIRED }, { input: " ", data_null: " ", error: ERRORS.REQUIRED }, { input: "str", data: "str" }, ], }, { type: "int", default: "123", initial: "456", tests: [ { input: "", data_null: "", error: ERRORS.REQUIRED }, { input: "1234", data: "1234" }, { input: "0", data: "0" }, { input: "-2147483648", data: "-2147483648" }, { input: "2147483649", error: ERRORS.OVERFLOW_HIGH }, { input: "-2147483649", error: ERRORS.OVERFLOW_LOW }, ], }, { type: "bigint", default: "123", initial: "456", tests: [ { input: "", data_null: undefined, error: ERRORS.REQUIRED }, { input: "123", data: "123" }, { input: "0", data: "0" }, { input: "-2147483649", data: "-2147483649" }, { input: "2147483649", data: "2147483649" }, { input: "abcd", error: ERRORS.NOT_A_NUMBER }, { input: "114.514", error: ERRORS.NOT_AN_INTEGER }, ], }, { type: "category_id", default: "4", initial: "3", tests: [ { input: null, data_null: "", error: ERRORS.REQUIRED, }, { input: async () => { const categoryChooser = selectKit(".category-chooser"); await categoryChooser.expand(); await categoryChooser.selectRowByValue(2); }, data: "2", }, ], }, { type: "group_id", default: "trust_level_1", initial: "trust_level_3", tests: [ { input: null, data_null: undefined, error: ERRORS.REQUIRED, }, { input: async () => { const groupChooser = selectKit(".group-chooser"); await groupChooser.expand(); await groupChooser.selectRowByValue("trust_level_2"); }, data: "trust_level_2", }, ], }, { type: "group_list", default: "trust_level_1", initial: "trust_level_3,trust_level_4", tests: [ { input: null, data_null: "", error: ERRORS.REQUIRED, }, ], }, { type: "date", default: "2024-07-13", initial: "1970-01-01", tests: [ { input: null, data_null: undefined, error: ERRORS.REQUIRED, }, { input: "2038-01-20", data: "2038-01-20", }, ], }, { type: "time", default: "12:34", initial: "11:45", tests: [ { input: null, data_null: undefined, error: ERRORS.REQUIRED, }, { input: "03:14", data: "03:14", }, ], }, { type: "datetime", default: "2024-07-13 12:00", initial: "1970-01-01 00:00", tests: [ { input: null, data_null: undefined, error: ERRORS.REQUIRED, }, { input: "2038-01-19 03:15", data: "2038-01-19 03:15", }, ], }, ]; module("Data Explorer Plugin | Component | param-input", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); for (const testcase of InputTestCases) { for (const config of [ { default: testcase.default }, { nullable: false, initial: testcase.initial }, { nullable: false, default: testcase.default, initial: testcase.initial }, { nullable: true }, ]) { const testName = ["type"]; if (config.nullable) { testName.push("nullable"); } testName.push(testcase.type); if (config.initial) { testName.push("with initial value"); } if (config.initial) { testName.push("with default"); } test(testName.join(" "), async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ param_info: [ { identifier: testcase.type, type: testcase.type, default: config.default ?? null, nullable: config.nullable, }, ], initialValues: config.initial ? { [testcase.type]: config.initial } : {}, onRegisterApi: ({ submit, allNormalized }) => { this.submit = submit; this.allNormalized = allNormalized; }, }); await render(hbs` `); await this.allNormalized; if (config.initial || config.default) { const data = await this.submit(); const val = config.initial || config.default; assert.strictEqual( data[testcase.type], val, `has initial/default value "${val}"` ); } for (const t of testcase.tests) { if (t.input == null && (config.initial || config.default)) { continue; } await formKit().reset(); if (t.input != null) { if (typeof t.input === "function") { await t.input(); } else { await fillIn(`[name="${testcase.type}"]`, t.input); } } if (config.nullable && "data_null" in t) { const data = await this.submit(); assert.strictEqual( data[testcase.type], t.data_null, `should have null data` ); } else if (t.error) { await formKit().submit(); assert.form().field(testcase.type).hasError(t.error); } else { const data = await this.submit(); assert.strictEqual( data[testcase.type],, `data should be "${}"` ); } } }); } } test("empty form will reject submit", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ param_info: [ { identifier: "string", type: "string", default: null, nullable: false, }, ], initialValues: {}, onRegisterApi: ({ submit }) => { this.submit = submit; }, }); await render(hbs` `); assert.rejects(this.submit()); // After successfully submitting the test once, edit and submit again. await fillIn(`[name="string"]`, "foo"); await this.submit(); await fillIn(`[name="string"]`, ""); assert.rejects(this.submit()); }); test("async normalization", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ param_info: [ { identifier: "category_id", type: "category_id", default: "support", nullable: false, }, ], initialValues: {}, onRegisterApi: (paramInputApi) => { this.paramInputApi = paramInputApi; }, }); await render(hbs` `); await this.paramInputApi.allNormalized; this.paramInputApi.submit().then((res) => { assert.strictEqual(res.category_id, "1003"); }); }); test("show error message when default value is invalid", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ param_info: [ { identifier: "group_id", type: "group_id", default: "invalid_group_name", nullable: false, }, ], initialValues: {}, onRegisterApi: () => {}, }); await render(hbs` `); assert .form() .field("group_id") .hasError(`${ERRORS.NO_SUCH_GROUP}: invalid_group_name`); }); test("date, time, datetime with initial value in other formats", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ param_info: [ { identifier: "date", type: "date", default: null, nullable: false, }, { identifier: "time", type: "time", default: null, nullable: false, }, { identifier: "datetime", type: "datetime", default: null, nullable: false, }, ], initialValues: { date: "19 January 2038", time: "3:15 am", datetime: "19 January 2038 3:15 am", }, onRegisterApi: ({ submit }) => { this.submit = submit; }, }); await render(hbs` `); this.submit().then((res) => { assert.deepEqual(res, { date: "2038-01-19", time: "03:15", datetime: "2038-01-19 03:15", }); }); }); });