David Battersby ee308c637c
FIX: Scheduled PM with Data Explorer Results not sending PM (#250)
This PR fixes 2 issues that were picked up by users for the Scheduled Data Explorer Report automation script and a couple of small improvements to better match the format of manual data explorer query results.

The first issue is that within result_to_markdown the colrender contains null values, and we are currently checking length (previously treated as a packed array but it is actually a sparse array). Therefore we can check if the current index of the array is null rather than checking the size of the array.

The second issue addresses the blank query_params field. When the data explorer script does not require any params to be passed in via the automation script then it will have a nil value, however it should be defaulted to {} within the plugin.

To improve formatting the markdown table for PMs is now aligned to left and where values are substituted (for example user_id becomes username) we then include the id within brackets, for example:
user_id becomes username (user_id)
2023-07-04 14:18:56 +08:00

50 lines
1.5 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
include HasSanitizableFields
module ::DiscourseDataExplorer
class ResultToMarkdown
def self.convert(pg_result)
relations, colrender = DataExplorer.add_extra_data(pg_result)
result_data = []
# column names to search in place of id columns (topic_id, user_id etc)
cols = %w[name title username]
# find values from extra data, based on result id
pg_result.values.each do |row|
row_data = []
row.each_with_index do |col, col_index|
col_name = pg_result.fields[col_index]
related = relations.dig(colrender[col_index].to_sym) unless colrender[col_index].nil?
if related.is_a?(ActiveModel::ArraySerializer)
related_row = related.object.find_by(id: col)
if col_name.include?("_id")
column = cols.find { |c| related_row.try c }
column = related_row.try(col_name)
if column.nil?
row_data[col_index] = col
row_data[col_index] = "#{related_row[column]} (#{col})"
row_data[col_index] = col
result_data << row_data.map { |c| "| #{sanitize_field(c.to_s)} " }.join + "|\n"
table_headers = pg_result.fields.map { |c| " #{c.gsub("_id", "")} |" }.join
table_body = pg_result.fields.size.times.map { " :----- |" }.join