Jarek Radosz f62d8cc8a2
DEV: Update tests ()
new imports, resolved deprecations, qunit-dom, strict assertions, fixed flakes, migrated the legacy component test, typos, gjs
2024-08-28 13:51:37 +02:00

269 lines
7.7 KiB

import { click, render } from "@ember/test-helpers";
import { module, test } from "qunit";
import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test";
import I18n from "discourse-i18n";
import QueryResult from "../../discourse/components/query-result";
"Data Explorer Plugin | Integration | Component | query-result",
function (hooks) {
test("renders query results", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: [],
result_count: 2,
columns: ["user_name", "like_count"],
rows: [
["user1", 10],
["user2", 20],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(1) span")
.hasText(I18n.t("explorer.download_json"), "renders the JSON button");
.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(2) span")
.hasText(I18n.t("explorer.download_csv"), "renders the CSV button");
.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span")
.hasText(I18n.t("explorer.show_graph"), "renders the chart button");
assert.dom("div.result-about").exists("renders a query summary");
assert.dom("table thead tr th:nth-child(1)").hasText("user_name");
assert.dom("table thead tr th:nth-child(2)").hasText("like_count");
.dom("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")
assert.dom("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)").hasText("10");
.dom("table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(1)")
assert.dom("table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)").hasText("20");
test("renders badge names in query results", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: { 0: "badge" },
relations: {
badge: [
description: "description",
icon: "fa-user",
id: 1,
name: "badge name",
display_name: "badge display name",
result_count: 1,
columns: ["badge_id"],
rows: [[1]],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
.dom("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) span")
.hasText("badge display name");
test("renders a post in query results", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: { 0: "post" },
relations: {
post: [
description: "description",
id: 1,
topic_id: 1,
post_number: 1,
excerpt: "foo",
username: "user1",
avatar_template: "",
result_count: 1,
columns: [""],
rows: [[1]],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
.dom("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) aside")
.hasAttribute("data-post", "1");
.dom("table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) aside")
.hasAttribute("data-topic", "1");
test("renders a category_id in query results", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: { 0: "category" },
relations: {
category: [
id: 1,
name: "foo",
slug: "foo",
topic_count: 0,
position: 1,
description: "a category",
can_edit: true,
result_count: 1,
columns: [""],
rows: [[1]],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
"table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) .badge-category__name"
"Data Explorer Plugin | Integration | Component | query-result | chart",
function (hooks) {
test("navigation between a table and a chart works", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: [],
result_count: 2,
columns: ["user_name", "like_count"],
rows: [
["user1", 10],
["user2", 20],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span")
"the chart button was rendered"
assert.dom("table").exists("the table was rendered");
await click("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)");
.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span")
"the chart button was changed to the table button"
assert.dom("canvas").exists("the chart was rendered");
await click("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)");
.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span")
"the table button was changed to the chart button"
assert.dom("table").exists("the table was rendered");
test("renders a chart button when data has two columns and numbers in the second column", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: [],
result_count: 2,
columns: ["user_name", "like_count"],
rows: [
["user1", 10],
["user2", 20],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3) span")
test("doesn't render a chart button when data contains identifiers in the second column", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: { 1: "user" },
relations: {
user: [
{ id: 1, username: "user1" },
{ id: 2, username: "user2" },
result_count: 2,
columns: ["topic_id", "user_id"],
rows: [
[1, 10],
[2, 20],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
assert.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)").doesNotExist();
test("doesn't render a chart button when data contains one column", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: [],
result_count: 2,
columns: ["user_name"],
rows: [["user1"], ["user2"]],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
assert.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)").doesNotExist();
test("doesn't render a chart button when data contains more than two columns", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: [],
result_count: 2,
columns: ["user_name", "like_count", "post_count"],
rows: [
["user1", 10, 1],
["user2", 20, 2],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
assert.dom("div.result-info button:nth-child(3)").doesNotExist();
test("handles no results", async function (assert) {
const content = {
colrender: [],
result_count: 0,
columns: ["user_name", "like_count", "post_count"],
rows: [],
await render(<template><QueryResult @content={{content}} /></template>);
assert.dom("table tbody tr").doesNotExist("renders no results");