import { iconHTML } from "discourse-common/lib/icon-library"; import showModal from "discourse/lib/show-modal"; import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; import { later, debounce } from "@ember/runloop"; const VALID_TAGS = "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, code, blockquote, .md-table, li"; const DELIMITER = "="; function buildPlaceholderUI(element, clearButton, placeholderNodes) { const ui = document.createElement("div"); ui.classList.add("placeholder-ui"); const placeholdersContainer = document.createElement("div"); placeholdersContainer.classList.add("placeholders-container"); placeholderNodes.forEach(placeholderNode => { const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = `#placeholder-key-${placeholderNode.dataset.key}`; link.innerText = placeholderNode.dataset.key; placeholdersContainer.append(link); }); ui.appendChild(placeholdersContainer); ui.appendChild(clearButton); return ui; } function buildInput(key, placeholder) { const input = document.createElement("input"); input.classList.add("discourse-placeholder-value"); input.dataset.key = key; input.dataset.delimiter = placeholder.delimiter; if (placeholder.description) { input.setAttribute("placeholder", placeholder.description); } if (placeholder.default) { input.value = placeholder.default; } return input; } function addSelectOption(select, options = {}) { const option = document.createElement("option"); option.classList.add("discourse-placeholder-option"); option.value = options.value; option.text = options.description || options.value; if (options.selected) { option.setAttribute("selected", true); } select.appendChild(option); } function buildSelect(key, placeholder) { const select = document.createElement("select"); select.classList.add("discourse-placeholder-select"); select.dataset.key = key; select.dataset.delimiter = placeholder.delimiter; if (placeholder.description) { addSelectOption(select, { value: "none", description: placeholder.description }); } placeholder.defaults.forEach(value => addSelectOption(select, { value, selected: placeholder.default === value }) ); return select; } function buildClearButton() { const clearButton = document.createElement("button"); clearButton.innerHTML = iconHTML("trash-alt"); clearButton.classList.add( "clear-placeholder", "btn", "no-text", "btn-default", "btn-primary" ); clearButton.disabled = true; return clearButton; } export default { name: "discourse-placeholder-theme-component", initialize() { withPluginApi("0.8.7", api => { api.decorateCooked( ($cooked, postWidget) => { if (!postWidget) return; const postIdentifier = `d-placeholder-${postWidget.widget.attrs.topicId}-${}-`; const clearButton = buildClearButton(); clearButton.addEventListener("click", _clearPlaceholders); const mappings = []; const placeholders = {}; function processChange(inputEvent) { const value =; const key =; const delimiter =; const placeholderIdentifier = `${postIdentifier}${key}`; if (value) { $.cookie(placeholderIdentifier, value); } else { $.removeCookie(placeholderIdentifier); } let newValue; if (value && value.length && value !== "none") { newValue = value; clearButton.disabled = false; } else { newValue = `${delimiter}${key}${delimiter}`; } $cooked.find(VALID_TAGS).each((index, elem) => { const mapping = mappings[index]; if (!mapping) return; let diff = 0; let replaced = false; let newInnnerHTML = elem.innerHTML; mapping.forEach(m => { if (m.pattern !== `${delimiter}${key}${delimiter}`) { m.position = m.position + diff; return; } replaced = true; const previousLength = m.length; const prefix = newInnnerHTML.slice(0, m.position + diff); const suffix = newInnnerHTML.slice( m.position + diff + m.length, newInnnerHTML.length ); newInnnerHTML = `${prefix}${newValue}${suffix}`; m.length = newValue.length; m.position = m.position + diff; diff = diff + newValue.length - previousLength; }); if (replaced) elem.innerHTML = newInnnerHTML; }); } function processPlaceholders() { mappings.length = 0; const keys = Object.keys(placeholders); const pattern = keys .map(key => { const placeholder = placeholders[key]; return `(${placeholder.delimiter}${key}${placeholder.delimiter})`; }) .join("|"); const regex = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); $cooked.find(VALID_TAGS).each((index, elem) => { let match; mappings[index] = mappings[index] || []; while ((match = regex.exec(elem.innerHTML)) != null) { mappings[index].push({ pattern: match[0], position: match.index, length: match[0].length }); } }); } function _fillPlaceholders() { if (Object.keys(placeholders).length > 0) { processPlaceholders(placeholders, $cooked, mappings); // trigger fake event to setup initial state Object.keys(placeholders).forEach(placeholderKey => { const placeholder = placeholders[placeholderKey]; const placeholderIdentifier = `${postIdentifier}${placeholderKey}`; const value = $.cookie(placeholderIdentifier); if (value) { clearButton.disabled = false; } processChange({ target: { value, dataset: { key: placeholderKey, delimiter: placeholder.delimiter } } }); }); } } function _clearPlaceholders(event) { $cooked[0] .querySelectorAll( ".discourse-placeholder-value, .discourse-placeholder-select" ) .forEach(node => { $.removeCookie(`${postIdentifier}${node.dataset.key}`); node.value = node.parentNode.dataset.default || (node.tagName === "SELECT" ? "none" : ""); }); = true; } const placeholderNodes = $cooked[0].querySelectorAll( ".d-wrap[data-wrap=placeholder]:not(.placeholdered)" ); if (placeholderNodes.length) { $cooked[0].prepend( buildPlaceholderUI($cooked[0], clearButton, placeholderNodes) ); } placeholderNodes.forEach(elem => { const dataKey = elem.dataset.key; if (!dataKey) return; = `placeholder-key-${dataKey}`; const placeholderIdentifier = `${postIdentifier}${dataKey}`; const valueFromCookie = $.cookie(placeholderIdentifier); const defaultValues = (elem.dataset.defaults || "") .split(",") .filter(Boolean); placeholders[dataKey] = { default: valueFromCookie || elem.dataset.default, defaults: defaultValues, delimiter: elem.dataset.delimiter || DELIMITER, description: elem.dataset.description }; const span = document.createElement("span"); span.classList.add("discourse-placeholder-name", "placeholdered"); span.innerText = dataKey; // content has been set inside the [wrap][/wrap] block if (elem.querySelector("p")) { elem.querySelector("p").prepend(span); } else { elem.prepend(span); } if (defaultValues && defaultValues.length) { const select = buildSelect(dataKey, placeholders[dataKey]); elem.appendChild(select); } else { const input = buildInput(dataKey, placeholders[dataKey]); elem.appendChild(input); } }); $cooked .on("input", ".discourse-placeholder-value", inputEvent => debounce(this, processChange, inputEvent, 250) ) .on("change", ".discourse-placeholder-select", inputEvent => debounce(this, processChange, inputEvent, 250) ); later(_fillPlaceholders, 500); }, { onlyStream: true, id: "discourse-placeholder-theme-component" } ); api.addToolbarPopupMenuOptionsCallback(() => { return { action: "insertPlaceholder", icon: "file", label: themePrefix("toolbar.builder") }; }); api.modifyClass("controller:composer", { actions: { insertPlaceholder() { showModal("discourse-placeholder-builder", { model: { toolbarEvent: this.toolbarEvent } }); } } }); }); } };