en: accepted_answer: "Accepted Answer" site_settings: solved_enabled: "Enable solved plugin, allow users to select solutions for topics" allow_solved_on_all_topics: "Allow users to select solutions on all topics (when unchecked, solutions can be enabled per category or tag)" accept_all_solutions_trust_level: "Minimum trust level required to accept solutions on any topic (even when not OP)" accept_all_solutions_allowed_groups: "Groups that are allowed to accept solutions on any topic (even when not OP). Admins and moderators are always allowed." empty_box_on_unsolved: "Display an empty box next to unsolved topics" solved_quote_length: "Number of characters to quote when displaying the solution under the first post" solved_topics_auto_close_hours: "Auto close topic (n) hours after the last reply once the topic has been marked as solved. Set to 0 to disable auto closing." show_filter_by_solved_status: "Show a dropdown to filter a topic list by solved status." notify_on_staff_accept_solved: "Send notification to the topic creator when a post is marked as solution by a staff." ignore_solved_topics_in_assigned_reminder: "Prevent reminders for assignments from including solved topics. Only relevant when using the discourse-assign plugin." assignment_status_on_solve: "When a topic is solved update all assignments to this status" assignment_status_on_unsolve: "When a topic is unsolved update all assignments to this status" disable_solved_education_message: "Disable education message for solved topics." accept_solutions_topic_author: "Allow the topic author to accept a solution." solved_add_schema_markup: "Add QAPage schema markup to HTML." enable_solved_tags: "Tags that will allow users to select solutions." prioritize_solved_topics_in_search: "Prioritize solved topics in search results." keywords: accept_all_solutions_allowed_groups: "accept_all_solutions_trust_level" reports: accepted_solutions: title: "Accepted solutions" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Total" solved: no_solutions: self: "You have no accepted solutions yet." others: "No accepted solutions." badges: solved_1: name: "Solved!" description: "Have a reply marked as a Solution" long_description: "This badge is granted for having a reply marked as a Solution to a topic. :white_check_mark: Nice job. :+1:" solved_2: name: "Guidance Counsellor" description: "Have 10 replies marked as Solutions" long_description: "This badge is granted for having 10 of your replies marked as Solutions to topics. :white_check_mark: You are a true asset to your fellow community members." solved_3: name: "Know-it-All" description: "Have 50 replies marked as Solutions" long_description: "This badge is granted for having 50 of your replies marked as Solutions to topics. :white_check_mark: You really know your stuff. :clap:" solved_4: name: "Solution Institution" description: "Have 150 replies marked as Solutions" long_description: "This badge is granted for having 150 of your replies marked as Solutions to topics. :white_check_mark: Excellent work. :slightly_smiling_face: You are officially a Solution Institution. :brain:" discourse_automation: triggerables: first_accepted_solution: title: First accepted solution doc: Triggers when a user got a solution accepted for the first time. education: topic_is_solved: | ### This topic has been solved Only reply here if: - You have additional details - The solution doesn't work for you If you have an unrelated issue, please [start a new topic](%{base_url}/new-topic) instead.