1. Add your STEAM WEB API KEY obtainable from [steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey](http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey). E.g. domain name: `forum.example.org`
1. Add the API key to your Discourse Docker configuration file located at `/var/discourse/containers/app.yml`. It needs to go under `env:` in the format ` STEAM_WEB_API_KEY: SOMEKEY`
2. Add the git clone of this plugin to the plugin list under `hooks:` below the Discourse Docker Manager plugin like so: `- git clone https://github.com/defaye/discourse-steam-login.git`
5. Run `./launcher rebuild app` to apply the changes.
6. You're done! Please consider starring [my repository][1] as it gives me some feedback on whether this is well received. This will encourage me to find more time to improve the plugin and enhance it in the future.
7. If you encounter problems, or know 100% that it is a bug with the plugin, make a report here, and include full details, screenshots, and sensored configuration of your `app.yml`. Go into precise details into how to reproduce the problem. Do not write bug reports if you do not have the time to write a proper report or can be bothered to investigate the issue methodically yourself first. For community help, head over to the [meta.discourse.org page][2].