# frozen_string_literal: true # name: discourse-steam-login # about: Allows users to login to your forum using Steam Authentication. # meta_topic_id: 18153 # version: 2.0.1 # author: J. de Faye, tgxworld # omniauth-openid is not included in core since v2.4.0.beta10 unless defined?(OmniAuth::Strategies::OpenID) gem "ruby-openid", "2.9.2", require: false gem "rack-openid", "1.4.2", require: false gem "omniauth-openid", "2.0.1" end gem "omniauth-steam", "1.0.6" register_svg_icon "fab-steam" if respond_to?(:register_svg_icon) %w[ ../lib/auth/steam_authenticator.rb ../lib/validators/enable_steam_logins_validator.rb ].each { |path| load File.expand_path(path, __FILE__) } auth_provider authenticator: Auth::SteamAuthenticator.new, icon: "fab-steam"