# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ it: site_settings: discourse_subscriptions_enabled: Abilita il plug-in Subscriptions js: discourse_subscriptions: optional: Opzionale plans: interval: adverb: week: Settimanale month: Mensile year: Annuale user: payments: created_at: Creazione plans: product: Nome subscriptions: status: Stato created_at: Creazione subscribe: customer: title: Dettagli Cliente billing: email: Email admin: dashboard: title: Cruscotto table: head: user: Utente products: product: description: Descrizione active: Attivi created_at: Creazione updated_at: Aggiornato plans: operations: add: Aggiungi nuovo Piano create: Crea Piano update: Aggiorna Piano new: Nuovo Piano plan: active: Attivo created_at: Creato subscriptions: subscription: user: Utente customer: Cliente plan: Piano status: Stato created_at: Creato