en: site_settings: discourse_subscriptions_enabled: Enable the Discourse Subscriptions plugin. discourse_subscriptions_extra_nav_subscribe: Show the subscribe button in the primary navigation discourse_subscriptions_public_key: Stripe Publishable Key discourse_subscriptions_secret_key: Stripe Secret Key discourse_subscriptions_webhook_secret: Stripe Webhook Secret discourse_subscriptions_currency: Default Currency Code. This can be overridden when creating a subscription plan. errors: discourse_patrons_amount_must_be_currency: "Currency amounts must be currencies without dollar symbol (eg 1.50)" js: filters: subscribe: help: Support this site by subscribing discourse_subscriptions: title: Discourse Subscriptions admin_navigation: Subscriptions optional: Optional navigation: billing: Billing payments: Payments subscriptions: Subscriptions subscribe: Subscribe user_activity: payments: Payments one_time_payment: One-Time Payment plans: purchase: Purchase a subscription select: Select subscription plan interval: adverb: day: Daily week: Weekly month: Monthly year: Yearly payment_button: Subscribe success: Thank you! Your subscription has been created. incomplete: The payment is incomplete. Your subscription will be updated when payment is complete. validate: payment_options: required: Please select a subscription plan. user: payments: id: Payment ID amount: Amount created_at: Created payments_help: There are no payments plans: rate: Rate product: Name subscriptions_help: You have no active subscriptions. subscriptions: id: Subscription ID status: Status renews: Renews created_at: Created cancel: cancel cancelled: cancelled operations: destroy: confirm: Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription? subscribe: title: Subscribe no_products: There are currently no products available. unauthenticated: Log in or create an account to subscribe. card: title: Payment customer: title: Customer Details buttons: subscribe: Subscribe purchased: Purchased go_to_billing: Go to Billing billing: name: Full name email: Email phone: Phone Number confirmation: amount: Amount last4: Card number buttons: make_payment: Make payment confirm_payment: Confirm payment success: Go back admin: unconfigured: 'Stripe is not configured correctly. Please see Discourse Meta for information.' dashboard: title: Dashboard table: head: user: User payment_intent: Payment ID receipt_email: Receipt Email amount: Amount products: title: Products operations: create: Create New Product update: Update Product new: New Product destroy: confirm: Are you sure you want to destroy this product? product: product_id: Product ID name: Product Name statement_descriptor: Statement Descriptor statement_descriptor_help: Extra information about a product which will appear on your customer’s credit card statement. plan_help: Create a pricing plan to subscribe customers to this product. description: Description description_help: This describes your subscription product. active: Active active_help: Toggle this off until your product is ready for consumers. created_at: Created updated_at: Updated product_help: Before cutomers can subscribe to your site, you need to create at least one product and an associated plan. plans: title: Pricing Plans operations: add: Add New Plan create: Create Plan update: Update Plan create_help: Once a pricing plan is created, only its nickname, trial period and user group can be updated. new: New Plan destroy: confirm: Are you sure you want to destroy this plan? plan: nickname: Plan Nickname nickname_help: This won't be visible to customers, but will help you find this plan later plan_id: Plan ID product: Product interval: Billing Interval amount: Amount trial: Trial Period Days trial_help: Subscriptions to this plan will automatically start with a free trial of this length group: User Group group_help: This is the discourse user group the customer gets added to when the subscription is created. active: Active created_at: Created recurring: Recurring Plan? subscriptions: title: Subscriptions subscription: user: User subscription_id: Subscription ID customer: Customer product: Product plan: Plan status: Status created_at: Created ask_refund: Refund the last payment made by the customer? canceled: "The subscription is canceled."