2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
module SidekiqHelpers
2020-07-24 05:37:22 -04:00
# Assert job is enqueued:
# expect_enqueued_with(job: :post_process, args: { post_id: post.id }) do
# post.update!(raw: 'new raw')
# end
# Asserting jobs enqueued with delay:
# expect_enqueued_with(
# job: :post_process,
# args: { post_id: post.id },
# at: Time.zone.now + 1.hour
# ) do
# post.update!(raw: 'new raw')
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
# end
def expect_enqueued_with(job:, args: {}, at: nil, expectation: true)
klass = job.instance_of?(Class) ? job : "::Jobs::#{job.to_s.camelcase}".constantize
at = at.to_f if at.is_a?(Time)
expected = { job: job, args: args, at: at }.compact
original_jobs = klass.jobs.dup
yield if block_given?
matched_job = false
jobs = klass.jobs - original_jobs
matched_job = match_jobs(jobs: jobs, args: args, at: at) if jobs.present?
2023-01-09 06:18:21 -05:00
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
if expectation
2023-09-11 21:06:35 -04:00
"No enqueued job with #{expected}\nFound:\n #{jobs.inspect}"
2023-01-09 06:18:21 -05:00
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
"Enqueued job with #{expected} found"
2023-01-09 06:18:21 -05:00
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
2020-07-24 05:37:22 -04:00
# Assert job is not enqueued:
# expect_not_enqueued_with(job: :post_process) do
# post.update!(raw: 'new raw')
# end
# Assert job is not enqueued with specific params
# expect_not_enqueued_with(job: :post_process, args: { post_id: post.id }) do
# post.update!(raw: 'new raw')
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
# end
def expect_not_enqueued_with(job:, args: {}, at: nil)
expect_enqueued_with(job: job, args: args, at: at, expectation: false) { yield if block_given? }
2020-07-24 05:37:22 -04:00
# Checks whether a job has been enqueued with the given arguments
# job_enqueued?(job: :post_process, args: { post_id: post.id }) => true/false
# job_enqueued?(job: :post_process, args: { post_id: post.id }, at: Time.zone.now + 1.hour) => true/false
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
def job_enqueued?(job:, args: {}, at: nil)
klass = job.instance_of?(Class) ? job : "::Jobs::#{job.to_s.camelcase}".constantize
at = at.to_f if at.is_a?(Time)
match_jobs(jobs: klass.jobs, args: args, at: at)
2021-01-18 22:30:58 -05:00
# Same as job_enqueued? except it checks the expectation is true.
# Use this if you need to check if more than one job is enqueued from
# a single command, unlike expect_enqueued_with which needs a block
# to run code for the expectation to work. E.g.
# expect_not_enqueued_with(job: :close_topic, args: { topic_timer_id: deleted_timer.id })
# expect_not_enqueued_with(job: :close_topic, args: { topic_timer_id: future_timer.id })
# subject.execute
# expect_job_enqueued(job: :close_topic, args: { topic_timer_id: timer1.id })
# expect_job_enqueued(job: :open_topic, args: { topic_timer_id: timer2.id })
def expect_job_enqueued(job:, args: {}, at: nil)
expect(job_enqueued?(job: job, args: args, at: at)).to eq(true)
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
def match_jobs(jobs:, args:, at:)
matched_job = false
args = JSON.parse(args.to_json)
args.merge!(at: at) if at
jobs.each do |job|
job_args = job["args"].first.with_indifferent_access
job_args.merge!(at: job["at"]) if job["at"]
job_args.merge!(enqueued_at: job["enqueued_at"]) if job["enqueued_at"]
matched_job ||=
args.all? do |key, value|
value = value.to_s if value.is_a?(Symbol)
2020-12-16 19:18:45 -05:00
if key == :at
value.to_f == (job_args[:at] || job_args[:enqueued_at]).to_f
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00
value == job_args[key]
2023-01-09 06:18:21 -05:00
2020-07-24 05:16:52 -04:00