2013-06-11 11:10:52 +04:00
# encoding: utf-8
desc " Seed database for production "
task " db:seed:welcome " = > :environment do
[ User , Category , Topic , Post ] . each do | klass |
fail " Database already has some #{ klass . name . pluralize } , aborting " if klass . exists?
include Rails . application . routes . url_helpers
old_url_options = Rails . application . routes . default_url_options . clone
host_names = ActiveRecord :: Base . connection_pool . spec . config [ :host_names ]
host = ( host_names || [ ] ) . first || " localhost "
if Rails . env == " production " && host =~ / localhost /
fail " Set the host_names in config/database.yml "
Rails . application . routes . default_url_options [ :host ] = host
port = Rails . env == 'development' ? 3000 : 80
Rails . application . routes . default_url_options [ :port ] = port
ActiveRecord :: Base . transaction do
# Not using admin:create cause it will become uneccessary complicated between handling passed args and user input
2013-06-17 16:02:50 -04:00
admin = User . create! ( email : " change_me@example.com " , username : " forumadmin " , password : " password " )
2013-06-11 11:10:52 +04:00
admin . grant_admin!
admin . change_trust_level! ( TrustLevel . levels . max_by { | k , v | v } [ 0 ] )
admin . email_tokens . update_all ( confirmed : true )
meta = Category . create! ( name : " meta " , user : admin )
definition = meta . topics . first . posts . first
definition . raw = _meta_definition_raw # Text is at the end of this file
definition . save!
what_is_meta = PostCreator . create ( admin , {
raw : _what_is_meta_raw ,
reply_to_post_number : " " ,
category : " meta " ,
archetype : " regular " ,
title : " Long title to pass validation "
} )
fail " Failed to create post: \n #{ p . errors . full_messages . join ( '\n' ) } " if what_is_meta . errors . present?
what_is_meta . topic . update_status ( " pinned " , true , admin )
what_is_meta . topic . update_attribute ( :title , " What is meta? " )
admin_guide = PostCreator . create ( admin , {
raw : _admin_guide_raw ,
reply_to_post_number : " " ,
archetype : " regular " ,
title : " The Discourse Admin Quick Start Guide " ,
visible : true
} )
fail " Failed to create admin guide: \n #{ admin_guide . errors . full_messages . join ( '\n' ) } " if admin_guide . errors . present?
Rails . application . routes . default_url_options = old_url_options
def _meta_definition_raw
Use the 'meta' category to discuss this forum - - things like deciding what sort of topics and replies are appropriate here , what the standards for posts and behavior are , and how we should moderate our community .
def _what_is_meta_raw
faq_url = faq_url ( )
Meta means discussion * of the discussion itself * instead of the actual topic of the discussion . For example , discussions about ...
- The style of discussion .
- The participants in the discussion .
- The setting in which the discussion occurs .
- The relationship of the discussion to other discussions .
The etymology for the “ meta - ” prefix dates back to [ Aristotle ’ s Metaphysics ] [ 1 ] , which came after his works on physics . Meta means “ after ” in Greek .
### Why do we need a meta category? ###
Meta is incredibly important . It is where communities come together to decide who they are and what they are * about * . It is where communities form their core identity and mission statement .
Meta is for the folks who enjoy the forum so much that they want to go beyond merely reading and posting - - they want to work together to improve their community in various ways . Meta is the place where all leadership and governance forms within a community , a way to debate and decide direction for the whole community .
Meta serves as * community memory * , documenting the history of the community and its culture . There ' s a story behind every evolution in rules or tone ; these shared stories are what bind communities together . Meta also provides a home for all the tiny unique things that make your community what it is : its terminology , its acronyms , its slang .
### What kinds of meta topics can I post? ###
Some examples of meta topics :
- What sort of topics should we allow and encourage? Which kinds should we explicitly discourage?
- What kinds of replies are we looking for ? What makes a good reply , and what makes a reply out of bounds or off - topic?
- What are our standards for community behavior , beyond what is [ defined in the FAQ ] [ 2 ] ?
- How can we encourage new members of our community and welcome them?
- Are we setting a good example for the kinds of discussions we want in our community?
- What problems and challenges does our community face , and how can they be resolved?
- How should we moderate our community , and who should the moderators be? What should our flag reasons be?
- How do we publicize and grow our community?
- What does does TLA mean? Who was Kilroy and why does everyone drop his name when they make a typo?
- How should ( or why did ) the rules change?
But really , anything is fair game in the meta category , provided it ' s a discussion about the community or the forum in some way .
[ 1 ] : http : / /en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Metaphysics_ ( Aristotle )
[ 2 ] : #{faq_url}
def _admin_guide_raw
admin_url = admin_url ( )
tos_url = tos_url ( )
meta_url = category_url ( category : " meta " )
email_logs_url = logs_admin_email_index_url
content_license_url = admin_site_content_url ( id : " tos_user_content_license " )
You are now the proud owner of your very own Civilized Discourse Construction Kit . Congratulations ! As a new forum admin admin , here ' s a quick start guide to get you going :
### Login as an Admin ###
The production seed data for Discourse forums comes with this topic ( obviously! ) and a pre - built admin account :
> username : ` forumadmin `
> password : ` password `
You can login via the blue " Log in " button in the upper - right hand corner of Discourse .
Needless to say , do NOT forget to change the password on that account .
### Access the Admin Console ###
To access the Discourse admin console , add ` /admin ` to the base URL , like so :
### [/admin](#{admin_url}) ###
From here , you ' ll be able to access the Admin functions , all of which are very important , so do check them out : site settings , users , email , flags , and customize .
### Enable Twitter Logins ###
1 . From the Administrative console above , enter ** Site Settings ** .
2 . Scroll down to the two text fields named :
` twitter_consumer_key `
` twitter_consumer_secret `
3 . Enter in your respective ** key ** and ** secret ** that is issued to you via dev . twitter . com . If you are unsure of what your key / secret is , or you have yet to obtain one , visit the Twitter Dev API FAQ on [ how to obtain these keys ] ( https : / / dev . twitter . com / docs / faq #7447).
### Enable Facebook Logins ###
1 . From the Administrative console above , enter ** Site Settings ** .
2 . Scroll down to the two text fields named :
` facebook_app_id `
` facebook_app_secret `
3 . Enter in your respective ** id ** and ** secret ** that is issued to you via developers . facebook . com . If you are unsure of what your id / secret is , or you have yet to obtain one , visit the [ Facebook Developers :: Access Tokens and Types ] ( https : / / developers . facebook . com / docs / concepts / login / access - tokens - and - types / ) page for more information .
### Creating New Categories ###
You will get one new category by default , meta . [ Check it out! It ' s important ] ( #{meta_url}). But you may want more.
Categories are the ** colored labels ** used to organize groups of topics in Discourse , and they are completely customizable :
1 . Log in to Discourse via an account that has Administrative access .
2 . Click the " Categories " button in the navigation along the top of the site .
3 . You should now see a " Create Category " button .
4 . Select a name and set of colors for the category for it in the dialog that pops up .
5 . Write a paragraph describing what the category is about in the first post of the Category Definition Topic associated with that category . It ' ll be pinned to the top of the category , and used in a bunch of places .
### File and Image Uploads ###
Image uploads should work fine out of the box , stored locally , though you can configure it so that images users upload go to Amazon S3 .
Discourse currently does not support arbitrary file uploads , but this functionality is being built as we speak and should be available soon . We ' ll update this guide when it is ( [ Reference ] ( http : / /me ta . discourse . org / t / file - upload - support / 2879 / 7 ) ) .
### Test Email Sending ###
Discourse relies heavily on emails to notify folks about conversations happening on the forum . Visit [ the admin email logs ] ( #{email_logs_url}), then enter an email address in the "email address to test" field and click <kbd>send test email</kbd>. Did it work? Great! If not, your users may not be getting any email notifications.
### Set your Terms of Service and User Content Licensing ###
Make sure you set your company name and domain variables for the [ Terms of Service ] ( #{tos_url}), which is a creative commons document.
You ' ll also need to make an important legal decision about the content users post on your forum :
> Your users will always retain copyright on their posts , and will always grant the forum owner enough rights to include their content on the forum .
> Who is allowed to republish the content posted on this forum?
> - Only the author
> - Author and the owner of this forum
> - Anybody
Please see our [ admin User Content Licensing ] ( #{content_license_url}) page for a brief form that will let you cut and paste your decision into section #3 of the [Terms of Service](/tos).
### Customize CSS / Header Logos ###
1 . Access the Administrative console , and select " Customize " .
2 . You ' ll see a list of styles down the left - hand column , and two subcategories : " Stylesheet " and " Header " .
- Insert your custom CSS styles into the " Stylesheet " section .
- Insert your custom HTML header into the " Header " section .
3 . ** Enable : ** If you wish to have your styles and header take effect on the site , check the " Enable " checkbox , then click " Save " . This is also known as " live reloading " , which will cause your changes to take effect immediately .
4 . ** Preview : ** If you wish to preview your changes before saving them , click the " preview " link at the bottom of the screen . Your changes will be applied to the site as they are currently saved in the " Customize " panel . If you aren ' t happy with your changes and wish to revert , simply click the " Undo Preview " link .
5 . ** Override : ** If you wish to have your styles override the default styles on the site , check the " Do not include standard style sheet " checkbox .
Here is some example HTML that would go into the " Header " section within " Customize " :
` ` `
< div class = 'myheader' style = 'text-align:center;background-color:#CDCDCD' >
< a href = " / " > < img src = " http://dummyimage.com/1111x90/CDCDCD/000000.jpg&text=Placeholder+Custom+Header " width = " 1111px " height = " 90px " border = " 0 " / >< / a >
< / div>
` ` `
### Ruby and Rails Performance Tweaks ###
- Be sure you have at least 1 GB of memory for your Discourse server . You might be able to squeak by with less , but we don ' t recommend it , unless you are an expert .
- We strongly advise setting ` RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT ` to something much higher than the default for optimal performance . See [ this meta . discourse topic for more details ] [ 1 ] .
### Need more Help? ###
This guide is a work in progress and we will be continually improving it with your feedback .
For more assistance on configuring and running your Discourse forum , see [ the support category on meta . discourse . org ] ( ) .
[ 1 ] : http : / /me ta . discourse . org / t / tuning - ruby - and - rails - for - discourse / 4126
[ 2 ] : http : / /me ta . discourse . org / category / support