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Raw Normal View History

class ComposerMessagesFinder
def initialize(user, details)
@user = user
@details = details
@topic = Topic.find_by(id: details[:topic_id]) if details[:topic_id]
def find
check_reviving_old_topic ||
check_education_message ||
check_new_user_many_replies ||
check_avatar_notification ||
check_sequential_replies ||
# Determines whether to show the user education text
def check_education_message
return '' if @topic && @topic.archetype == Archetype.private_message
if creating_topic?
count = @user.created_topic_count
2015-11-27 17:00:26 -05:00
education_key = 'education.new-topic'
count = @user.post_count
2015-11-27 17:00:26 -05:00
education_key = 'education.new-reply'
if count < SiteSetting.educate_until_posts
education_posts_text = I18n.t('education.until_posts', count: SiteSetting.educate_until_posts)
return {
id: 'education',
templateName: 'education',
wait_for_typing: true,
2015-11-27 17:23:43 -05:00
body: PrettyText.cook(I18n.t(education_key, education_posts_text: education_posts_text, site_name: SiteSetting.title))
# New users have a limited number of replies in a topic
def check_new_user_many_replies
return unless replying? && @user.posted_too_much_in_topic?(@details[:topic_id])
id: 'too_many_replies',
templateName: 'education',
body: PrettyText.cook(I18n.t('education.too_many_replies', newuser_max_replies_per_topic: SiteSetting.newuser_max_replies_per_topic))
# Should a user be contacted to update their avatar?
def check_avatar_notification
# A user has to be basic at least to be considered for an avatar notification
return unless @user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[1])
# We don't notify users who have avatars or who have been notified already.
return if @user.uploaded_avatar_id || UserHistory.exists_for_user?(@user, :notified_about_avatar)
# Do not notify user if any of the following is true:
# - "disable avatar education message" is enabled
# - "sso overrides avatar" is enabled
# - "allow uploaded avatars" is disabled
return if SiteSetting.disable_avatar_education_message || SiteSetting.sso_overrides_avatar || !SiteSetting.allow_uploaded_avatars
# If we got this far, log that we've nagged them about the avatar
UserHistory.create!(action: UserHistory.actions[:notified_about_avatar], target_user_id: @user.id )
# Return the message
id: 'avatar',
templateName: 'education',
body: PrettyText.cook(I18n.t('education.avatar', profile_path: "/users/#{@user.username_lower}"))
# Is a user replying too much in succession?
def check_sequential_replies
# We only care about replies to topics
return unless replying? && @details[:topic_id] &&
# And who have posted enough
(@user.post_count >= SiteSetting.educate_until_posts) &&
# And it's not a message
(@topic.present? && !@topic.private_message?) &&
# And who haven't been notified about sequential replies already
!UserHistory.exists_for_user?(@user, :notified_about_sequential_replies, topic_id: @details[:topic_id])
# Count the topics made by this user in the last day
recent_posts_user_ids = Post.where(topic_id: @details[:topic_id])
.where("created_at > ?", 1.day.ago)
.order('created_at desc')
# Did we get back as many posts as we asked for, and are they all by the current user?
return if recent_posts_user_ids.size != SiteSetting.sequential_replies_threshold ||
recent_posts_user_ids.detect {|u| u != @user.id }
# If we got this far, log that we've nagged them about the sequential replies
UserHistory.create!(action: UserHistory.actions[:notified_about_sequential_replies],
target_user_id: @user.id,
topic_id: @details[:topic_id] )
id: 'sequential_replies',
templateName: 'education',
wait_for_typing: true,
extraClass: 'education-message',
body: PrettyText.cook(I18n.t('education.sequential_replies'))
def check_dominating_topic
# We only care about replies to topics for a user who has posted enough
return unless replying? &&
@details[:topic_id] &&
(@user.post_count >= SiteSetting.educate_until_posts) &&
!UserHistory.exists_for_user?(@user, :notified_about_dominating_topic, topic_id: @details[:topic_id])
return if @topic.blank? ||
@topic.user_id == @user.id ||
@topic.posts_count < SiteSetting.summary_posts_required ||
posts_by_user = @user.posts.where(topic_id: @topic.id).count
ratio = (posts_by_user.to_f / @topic.posts_count.to_f)
return if ratio < (SiteSetting.dominating_topic_minimum_percent.to_f / 100.0)
# Log the topic notification
UserHistory.create!(action: UserHistory.actions[:notified_about_dominating_topic],
target_user_id: @user.id,
topic_id: @details[:topic_id])
id: 'dominating_topic',
templateName: 'education',
wait_for_typing: true,
extraClass: 'education-message',
body: PrettyText.cook(I18n.t('education.dominating_topic', percent: (ratio * 100).round))
def check_reviving_old_topic
return unless replying?
return if @topic.nil? ||
SiteSetting.warn_reviving_old_topic_age < 1 ||
@topic.last_posted_at.nil? ||
@topic.last_posted_at > SiteSetting.warn_reviving_old_topic_age.days.ago
id: 'reviving_old',
templateName: 'education',
wait_for_typing: false,
extraClass: 'education-message',
body: PrettyText.cook(I18n.t('education.reviving_old_topic', days: (Time.zone.now - @topic.last_posted_at).round / 1.day))
def creating_topic?
@details[:composer_action] == "createTopic"
def replying?
@details[:composer_action] == "reply"