
2287 lines
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2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// needs Markdown.Converter.js at the moment
// To insert extra buttons:
// Before this file is required, define a PagedownCustom object. Give it an attribtue of insertButtons, which is an array
// of the buttons you want to insert. For example:
// window.PagedownCustom = {
// insertButtons: [
// {
// id: 'wmd-bark',
// description: 'Bark',
// execute: function() {
// return alert('woof!');
// }
// }
// ]
// };
// To extend actions:
// window.PagedownCustom = {
// customActions: {
// "doBlockquote": function(chunk, postProcessing, oldDoBlockquote) {
// console.log('custom blockquote called!');
// return oldDoBlockquote.call(this, chunk, postProcessing);
// }
// }
// };
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
(function () {
var util = {},
position = {},
ui = {},
doc = window.document,
re = window.RegExp,
nav = window.navigator,
SETTINGS = { lineLength: 72 },
// Used to work around some browser bugs where we can't use feature testing.
uaSniffed = {
isIE: /msie/.test(nav.userAgent.toLowerCase()),
isIE_5or6: /msie 6/.test(nav.userAgent.toLowerCase()) || /msie 5/.test(nav.userAgent.toLowerCase()),
isOpera: /opera/.test(nav.userAgent.toLowerCase())
var defaultsStrings = {
bold: "Strong <strong> Ctrl+B",
boldexample: "strong text",
italic: "Emphasis <em> Ctrl+I",
italicexample: "emphasized text",
link: "Hyperlink <a> Ctrl+L",
linkdescription: "enter link description here",
linkdialog: "<p><b>Insert Hyperlink</b></p><p>http://example.com/ \"optional title\"</p>",
quote: "Blockquote <blockquote> Ctrl+Q",
quoteexample: "Blockquote",
code: "Code Sample <pre><code> Ctrl+K",
codeexample: "enter code here",
image: "Image <img> Ctrl+G",
imagedescription: "enter image description here",
imagedialog: "<p><b>Insert Image</b></p><p>http://example.com/images/diagram.jpg \"optional title\"<br><br>Need <a href='http://www.google.com/search?q=free+image+hosting' target='_blank'>free image hosting?</a></p>",
olist: "Numbered List <ol> Ctrl+O",
ulist: "Bulleted List <ul> Ctrl+U",
litem: "List item",
heading: "Heading <h1>/<h2> Ctrl+H",
headingexample: "Heading",
hr: "Horizontal Rule <hr> Ctrl+R",
undo: "Undo - Ctrl+Z",
redo: "Redo - Ctrl+Y",
redomac: "Redo - Ctrl+Shift+Z",
help: "Markdown Editing Help"
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
// I've tried to localize the things you are likely to change to
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// this area.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// The default text that appears in the dialog input box when entering
// links.
var imageDefaultText = "http://";
var linkDefaultText = "http://";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// options, if given, can have the following properties:
// options.helpButton = { handler: yourEventHandler }
// options.strings = { italicexample: "slanted text" }
// `yourEventHandler` is the click handler for the help button.
// If `options.helpButton` isn't given, not help button is created.
// `options.strings` can have any or all of the same properties as
// `defaultStrings` above, so you can just override some string displayed
// to the user on a case-by-case basis, or translate all strings to
// a different language.
// For backwards compatibility reasons, the `options` argument can also
// be just the `helpButton` object, and `strings.help` can also be set via
// `helpButton.title`. This should be considered legacy.
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// The constructed editor object has the methods:
// - getConverter() returns the markdown converter object that was passed to the constructor
// - run() actually starts the editor; should be called after all necessary plugins are registered. Calling this more than once is a no-op.
// - refreshPreview() forces the preview to be updated. This method is only available after run() was called.
Markdown.Editor = function (markdownConverter, idPostfix, options) {
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
options = options || {};
if (typeof options.handler === "function") { //backwards compatible behavior
options = { helpButton: options };
options.strings = options.strings || {};
if (options.helpButton) {
options.strings.help = options.strings.help || options.helpButton.title;
var getString = function (identifier) { return options.strings[identifier] || defaultsStrings[identifier]; }
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
idPostfix = idPostfix || "";
var hooks = this.hooks = new Markdown.HookCollection();
hooks.addNoop("onPreviewRefresh"); // called with no arguments after the preview has been refreshed
hooks.addNoop("postBlockquoteCreation"); // called with the user's selection *after* the blockquote was created; should return the actual to-be-inserted text
hooks.addFalse("insertImageDialog"); /* called with one parameter: a callback to be called with the URL of the image. If the application creates
* its own image insertion dialog, this hook should return true, and the callback should be called with the chosen
* image url (or null if the user cancelled). If this hook returns false, the default dialog will be used.
this.getConverter = function () { return markdownConverter; }
var that = this,
this.run = function () {
if (panels)
return; // already initialized
panels = new PanelCollection(idPostfix);
var commandManager = new CommandManager(hooks, getString);
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var previewManager = new PreviewManager(markdownConverter, panels, function () { hooks.onPreviewRefresh(); });
var undoManager, uiManager;
if (!/\?noundo/.test(doc.location.href)) {
undoManager = new UndoManager(function () {
if (uiManager) // not available on the first call
}, panels);
this.textOperation = function (f) {
uiManager = new UIManager(idPostfix, panels, undoManager, previewManager, commandManager, options.helpButton, getString);
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var forceRefresh = that.refreshPreview = function () { previewManager.refresh(true); };
// before: contains all the text in the input box BEFORE the selection.
// after: contains all the text in the input box AFTER the selection.
function Chunks() { }
// startRegex: a regular expression to find the start tag
// endRegex: a regular expresssion to find the end tag
Chunks.prototype.findTags = function (startRegex, endRegex) {
var chunkObj = this;
var regex;
if (startRegex) {
regex = util.extendRegExp(startRegex, "", "$");
this.before = this.before.replace(regex,
function (match) {
chunkObj.startTag = chunkObj.startTag + match;
return "";
regex = util.extendRegExp(startRegex, "^", "");
this.selection = this.selection.replace(regex,
function (match) {
chunkObj.startTag = chunkObj.startTag + match;
return "";
if (endRegex) {
regex = util.extendRegExp(endRegex, "", "$");
this.selection = this.selection.replace(regex,
function (match) {
chunkObj.endTag = match + chunkObj.endTag;
return "";
regex = util.extendRegExp(endRegex, "^", "");
this.after = this.after.replace(regex,
function (match) {
chunkObj.endTag = match + chunkObj.endTag;
return "";
// If remove is false, the whitespace is transferred
// to the before/after regions.
// If remove is true, the whitespace disappears.
Chunks.prototype.trimWhitespace = function (remove) {
var beforeReplacer, afterReplacer, that = this;
if (remove) {
beforeReplacer = afterReplacer = "";
} else {
beforeReplacer = function (s) { that.before += s; return ""; }
afterReplacer = function (s) { that.after = s + that.after; return ""; }
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
this.selection = this.selection.replace(/^(\s*)/, beforeReplacer).replace(/(\s*)$/, afterReplacer);
Chunks.prototype.skipLines = function (nLinesBefore, nLinesAfter, findExtraNewlines) {
if (nLinesBefore === undefined) {
nLinesBefore = 1;
if (nLinesAfter === undefined) {
nLinesAfter = 1;
var regexText;
var replacementText;
// chrome bug ... documented at: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/63307/blockquote-glitch-in-editor-in-chrome-6-and-7/65985#65985
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/)) {
this.selection = this.selection.replace(/(^\n*)/, "");
this.startTag = this.startTag + re.$1;
this.selection = this.selection.replace(/(\n*$)/, "");
this.endTag = this.endTag + re.$1;
this.startTag = this.startTag.replace(/(^\n*)/, "");
this.before = this.before + re.$1;
this.endTag = this.endTag.replace(/(\n*$)/, "");
this.after = this.after + re.$1;
if (this.before) {
regexText = replacementText = "";
while (nLinesBefore--) {
regexText += "\\n?";
replacementText += "\n";
if (findExtraNewlines) {
regexText = "\\n*";
this.before = this.before.replace(new re(regexText + "$", ""), replacementText);
if (this.after) {
regexText = replacementText = "";
while (nLinesAfter--) {
regexText += "\\n?";
replacementText += "\n";
if (findExtraNewlines) {
regexText = "\\n*";
this.after = this.after.replace(new re(regexText, ""), replacementText);
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
// end of Chunks
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// A collection of the important regions on the page.
// Cached so we don't have to keep traversing the DOM.
// Also holds ieCachedRange and ieCachedScrollTop, where necessary; working around
// this issue:
// Internet explorer has problems with CSS sprite buttons that use HTML
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
// lists. When you click on the background image "button", IE will
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// select the non-existent link text and discard the selection in the
// textarea. The solution to this is to cache the textarea selection
// on the button's mousedown event and set a flag. In the part of the
// code where we need to grab the selection, we check for the flag
// and, if it's set, use the cached area instead of querying the
// textarea.
// This ONLY affects Internet Explorer (tested on versions 6, 7
// and 8) and ONLY on button clicks. Keyboard shortcuts work
// normally since the focus never leaves the textarea.
function PanelCollection(postfix) {
this.buttonBar = doc.getElementById("wmd-button-bar" + postfix);
this.preview = doc.getElementById("wmd-preview" + postfix);
this.input = doc.getElementById("wmd-input" + postfix);
// Returns true if the DOM element is visible, false if it's hidden.
// Checks if display is anything other than none.
util.isVisible = function (elem) {
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
// Most browsers
return window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue("display") !== "none";
else if (elem.currentStyle) {
// IE
return elem.currentStyle["display"] !== "none";
// Adds a listener callback to a DOM element which is fired on a specified
// event.
util.addEvent = function (elem, event, listener) {
if (elem.attachEvent) {
// IE only. The "on" is mandatory.
elem.attachEvent("on" + event, listener);
else {
// Other browsers.
elem.addEventListener(event, listener, false);
// Removes a listener callback from a DOM element which is fired on a specified
// event.
util.removeEvent = function (elem, event, listener) {
if (elem.detachEvent) {
// IE only. The "on" is mandatory.
elem.detachEvent("on" + event, listener);
else {
// Other browsers.
elem.removeEventListener(event, listener, false);
// Converts \r\n and \r to \n.
util.fixEolChars = function (text) {
text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
text = text.replace(/\r/g, "\n");
return text;
// Extends a regular expression. Returns a new RegExp
// using pre + regex + post as the expression.
// Used in a few functions where we have a base
// expression and we want to pre- or append some
// conditions to it (e.g. adding "$" to the end).
// The flags are unchanged.
// regex is a RegExp, pre and post are strings.
util.extendRegExp = function (regex, pre, post) {
if (pre === null || pre === undefined) {
pre = "";
if (post === null || post === undefined) {
post = "";
var pattern = regex.toString();
var flags;
// Replace the flags with empty space and store them.
pattern = pattern.replace(/\/([gim]*)$/, function (wholeMatch, flagsPart) {
flags = flagsPart;
return "";
// Remove the slash delimiters on the regular expression.
pattern = pattern.replace(/(^\/|\/$)/g, "");
pattern = pre + pattern + post;
return new re(pattern, flags);
// The assignment in the while loop makes jslint cranky.
// I'll change it to a better loop later.
position.getTop = function (elem, isInner) {
var result = elem.offsetTop;
if (!isInner) {
while (elem = elem.offsetParent) {
result += elem.offsetTop;
return result;
position.getHeight = function (elem) {
return elem.offsetHeight || elem.scrollHeight;
position.getWidth = function (elem) {
return elem.offsetWidth || elem.scrollWidth;
position.getPageSize = function () {
var scrollWidth, scrollHeight;
var innerWidth, innerHeight;
// It's not very clear which blocks work with which browsers.
if (self.innerHeight && self.scrollMaxY) {
scrollWidth = doc.body.scrollWidth;
scrollHeight = self.innerHeight + self.scrollMaxY;
else if (doc.body.scrollHeight > doc.body.offsetHeight) {
scrollWidth = doc.body.scrollWidth;
scrollHeight = doc.body.scrollHeight;
else {
scrollWidth = doc.body.offsetWidth;
scrollHeight = doc.body.offsetHeight;
if (self.innerHeight) {
// Non-IE browser
innerWidth = self.innerWidth;
innerHeight = self.innerHeight;
else if (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.clientHeight) {
// Some versions of IE (IE 6 w/ a DOCTYPE declaration)
innerWidth = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
innerHeight = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
else if (doc.body) {
// Other versions of IE
innerWidth = doc.body.clientWidth;
innerHeight = doc.body.clientHeight;
var maxWidth = Math.max(scrollWidth, innerWidth);
var maxHeight = Math.max(scrollHeight, innerHeight);
return [maxWidth, maxHeight, innerWidth, innerHeight];
// Handles pushing and popping TextareaStates for undo/redo commands.
// I should rename the stack variables to list.
function UndoManager(callback, panels) {
var undoObj = this;
var undoStack = []; // A stack of undo states
var stackPtr = 0; // The index of the current state
var mode = "none";
var lastState; // The last state
var timer; // The setTimeout handle for cancelling the timer
var inputStateObj;
// Set the mode for later logic steps.
var setMode = function (newMode, noSave) {
if (mode != newMode) {
mode = newMode;
if (!noSave) {
if (!uaSniffed.isIE || mode != "moving") {
timer = setTimeout(refreshState, 1);
else {
inputStateObj = null;
var refreshState = function (isInitialState) {
inputStateObj = new TextareaState(panels, isInitialState);
timer = undefined;
this.setCommandMode = function () {
mode = "command";
timer = setTimeout(refreshState, 0);
this.canUndo = function () {
return stackPtr > 1;
this.canRedo = function () {
if (undoStack[stackPtr + 1]) {
return true;
return false;
// Removes the last state and restores it.
this.undo = function () {
if (undoObj.canUndo()) {
if (lastState) {
// What about setting state -1 to null or checking for undefined?
lastState = null;
else {
undoStack[stackPtr] = new TextareaState(panels);
if (callback) {
mode = "none";
// Redo an action.
this.redo = function () {
if (undoObj.canRedo()) {
if (callback) {
mode = "none";
// Push the input area state to the stack.
var saveState = function () {
var currState = inputStateObj || new TextareaState(panels);
if (!currState) {
return false;
if (mode == "moving") {
if (!lastState) {
lastState = currState;
if (lastState) {
if (undoStack[stackPtr - 1].text != lastState.text) {
undoStack[stackPtr++] = lastState;
lastState = null;
undoStack[stackPtr++] = currState;
undoStack[stackPtr + 1] = null;
if (callback) {
var handleCtrlYZ = function (event) {
var handled = false;
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// IE and Opera do not support charCode.
var keyCode = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
var keyCodeChar = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
switch (keyCodeChar.toLowerCase()) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
case "y":
if (!event.shiftKey) {
handled = true;
case "z":
if (!event.shiftKey) {
else {
handled = true;
if (handled) {
if (event.preventDefault) {
if (window.event) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
// Set the mode depending on what is going on in the input area.
var handleModeChange = function (event) {
if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 40) || (keyCode >= 63232 && keyCode <= 63235)) {
// 33 - 40: page up/dn and arrow keys
// 63232 - 63235: page up/dn and arrow keys on safari
else if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 127) {
// 8: backspace
// 46: delete
// 127: delete
else if (keyCode == 13) {
// 13: Enter
else if (keyCode == 27) {
// 27: escape
else if ((keyCode < 16 || keyCode > 20) && keyCode != 91) {
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
// 16-20 are shift, etc.
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// 91: left window key
// I think this might be a little messed up since there are
// a lot of nonprinting keys above 20.
var setEventHandlers = function () {
util.addEvent(panels.input, "keypress", function (event) {
// keyCode 89: y
// keyCode 90: z
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey && (event.keyCode == 89 || event.keyCode == 90)) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var handlePaste = function () {
if (uaSniffed.isIE || (inputStateObj && inputStateObj.text != panels.input.value)) {
if (timer == undefined) {
mode = "paste";
util.addEvent(panels.input, "keydown", handleCtrlYZ);
util.addEvent(panels.input, "keydown", handleModeChange);
util.addEvent(panels.input, "mousedown", function () {
panels.input.onpaste = handlePaste;
panels.input.ondrop = handlePaste;
var init = function () {
// end of UndoManager
// The input textarea state/contents.
// This is used to implement undo/redo by the undo manager.
function TextareaState(panels, isInitialState) {
// Aliases
var stateObj = this;
var inputArea = panels.input;
this.init = function () {
if (!util.isVisible(inputArea)) {
if (!isInitialState && doc.activeElement && doc.activeElement !== inputArea) { // this happens when tabbing out of the input box
this.scrollTop = inputArea.scrollTop;
if (!this.text && inputArea.selectionStart || inputArea.selectionStart === 0) {
this.text = inputArea.value;
// Sets the selected text in the input box after we've performed an
// operation.
this.setInputAreaSelection = function () {
if (!util.isVisible(inputArea)) {
if (inputArea.selectionStart !== undefined && !uaSniffed.isOpera) {
inputArea.selectionStart = stateObj.start;
inputArea.selectionEnd = stateObj.end;
inputArea.scrollTop = stateObj.scrollTop;
else if (doc.selection) {
if (doc.activeElement && doc.activeElement !== inputArea) {
var range = inputArea.createTextRange();
range.moveStart("character", -inputArea.value.length);
range.moveEnd("character", -inputArea.value.length);
range.moveEnd("character", stateObj.end);
range.moveStart("character", stateObj.start);
this.setInputAreaSelectionStartEnd = function () {
if (!panels.ieCachedRange && (inputArea.selectionStart || inputArea.selectionStart === 0)) {
stateObj.start = inputArea.selectionStart;
stateObj.end = inputArea.selectionEnd;
else if (doc.selection) {
stateObj.text = util.fixEolChars(inputArea.value);
// IE loses the selection in the textarea when buttons are
// clicked. On IE we cache the selection. Here, if something is cached,
// we take it.
var range = panels.ieCachedRange || doc.selection.createRange();
var fixedRange = util.fixEolChars(range.text);
var marker = "\x07";
var markedRange = marker + fixedRange + marker;
range.text = markedRange;
var inputText = util.fixEolChars(inputArea.value);
range.moveStart("character", -markedRange.length);
range.text = fixedRange;
stateObj.start = inputText.indexOf(marker);
stateObj.end = inputText.lastIndexOf(marker) - marker.length;
var len = stateObj.text.length - util.fixEolChars(inputArea.value).length;
if (len) {
range.moveStart("character", -fixedRange.length);
while (len--) {
fixedRange += "\n";
stateObj.end += 1;
range.text = fixedRange;
if (panels.ieCachedRange)
stateObj.scrollTop = panels.ieCachedScrollTop; // this is set alongside with ieCachedRange
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
panels.ieCachedRange = null;
// Restore this state into the input area.
this.restore = function () {
if (stateObj.text != undefined && stateObj.text != inputArea.value) {
inputArea.value = stateObj.text;
inputArea.scrollTop = stateObj.scrollTop;
// Gets a collection of HTML chunks from the inptut textarea.
this.getChunks = function () {
var chunk = new Chunks();
chunk.before = util.fixEolChars(stateObj.text.substring(0, stateObj.start));
chunk.startTag = "";
chunk.selection = util.fixEolChars(stateObj.text.substring(stateObj.start, stateObj.end));
chunk.endTag = "";
chunk.after = util.fixEolChars(stateObj.text.substring(stateObj.end));
chunk.scrollTop = stateObj.scrollTop;
return chunk;
// Sets the TextareaState properties given a chunk of markdown.
this.setChunks = function (chunk) {
chunk.before = chunk.before + chunk.startTag;
chunk.after = chunk.endTag + chunk.after;
this.start = chunk.before.length;
this.end = chunk.before.length + chunk.selection.length;
this.text = chunk.before + chunk.selection + chunk.after;
this.scrollTop = chunk.scrollTop;
function PreviewManager(converter, panels, previewRefreshCallback) {
var managerObj = this;
var timeout;
var elapsedTime;
var oldInputText;
var maxDelay = 3000;
var startType = "delayed"; // The other legal value is "manual"
// Adds event listeners to elements
var setupEvents = function (inputElem, listener) {
util.addEvent(inputElem, "input", listener);
inputElem.onpaste = listener;
inputElem.ondrop = listener;
util.addEvent(inputElem, "keypress", listener);
util.addEvent(inputElem, "keydown", listener);
var getDocScrollTop = function () {
var result = 0;
if (window.innerHeight) {
result = window.pageYOffset;
if (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.scrollTop) {
result = doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (doc.body) {
result = doc.body.scrollTop;
return result;
var makePreviewHtml = function () {
// If there is no registered preview panel
// there is nothing to do.
if (!panels.preview)
var text = panels.input.value;
if (text && text == oldInputText) {
return; // Input text hasn't changed.
else {
oldInputText = text;
var prevTime = new Date().getTime();
text = converter.makeHtml(text);
// Calculate the processing time of the HTML creation.
// It's used as the delay time in the event listener.
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
elapsedTime = currTime - prevTime;
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// makePreviewHtml = window.probes.measure(makePreviewHtml, {
// before: function(){ window.probes.clear(); },
// name: "makePreview",
// after: function(p) { window.probes.clear(); console.log("Total time to preview: " + p.time); }
// });
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
// TODO allow us to inject this in (its our debouncer)
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var debounce = function(func,wait,trickle) {
var timeout = null;
return function(){
var context = this;
var args = arguments;
later = function(){
timeout = null;
func.apply(context, args);
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
if (timeout!=null && trickle) {
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
var currentWait;
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
if (typeof wait == "function") {
currentWait = wait();
} else {
currentWait = wait;
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); }
timeout = setTimeout(later, currentWait);
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
makePreviewHtml = debounce(makePreviewHtml, function(){
return Math.min(Math.max((elapsedTime || 1) * 10, 80),1000);
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
}, true);
// setTimeout is already used. Used as an event listener.
var applyTimeout = function () {
if (timeout) {
timeout = undefined;
if (startType !== "manual") {
var delay = 0;
if (startType === "delayed") {
delay = elapsedTime;
if (delay > maxDelay) {
delay = maxDelay;
timeout = setTimeout(makePreviewHtml, delay);
var getScaleFactor = function (panel) {
if (panel.scrollHeight <= panel.clientHeight) {
return 1;
return panel.scrollTop / (panel.scrollHeight - panel.clientHeight);
var setPanelScrollTops = function () {
if (panels.preview) {
panels.preview.scrollTop = (panels.preview.scrollHeight - panels.preview.clientHeight) * getScaleFactor(panels.preview);
this.refresh = function (requiresRefresh) {
if (requiresRefresh) {
oldInputText = "";
else {
this.processingTime = function () {
return elapsedTime;
var isFirstTimeFilled = true;
// IE doesn't let you use innerHTML if the element is contained somewhere in a table
// (which is the case for inline editing) -- in that case, detach the element, set the
// value, and reattach. Yes, that *is* ridiculous.
var ieSafePreviewSet = function (text) {
var preview = panels.preview;
var parent = preview.parentNode;
var sibling = preview.nextSibling;
preview.innerHTML = text;
if (!sibling)
parent.insertBefore(preview, sibling);
var nonSuckyBrowserPreviewSet = function (text) {
panels.preview.innerHTML = text;
var previewSetter;
var previewSet = function (text) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
if (previewSetter)
return previewSetter(text);
try {
previewSetter = nonSuckyBrowserPreviewSet;
} catch (e) {
previewSetter = ieSafePreviewSet;
var pushPreviewHtml = function (text) {
var emptyTop = position.getTop(panels.input) - getDocScrollTop();
if (panels.preview) {
if (isFirstTimeFilled) {
isFirstTimeFilled = false;
var fullTop = position.getTop(panels.input) - getDocScrollTop();
if (uaSniffed.isIE) {
setTimeout(function () {
window.scrollBy(0, fullTop - emptyTop);
}, 0);
else {
window.scrollBy(0, fullTop - emptyTop);
var init = function () {
// TODO: make option to disable. We don't need this in discourse
// setupEvents(panels.input, applyTimeout);
if (panels.preview) {
panels.preview.scrollTop = 0;
// Creates the background behind the hyperlink text entry box.
// And download dialog
// Most of this has been moved to CSS but the div creation and
// browser-specific hacks remain here.
ui.createBackground = function () {
var background = doc.createElement("div"),
style = background.style;
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
background.className = "wmd-prompt-background";
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
style.position = "absolute";
style.top = "0";
style.zIndex = "2000";
if (uaSniffed.isIE) {
style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)";
else {
style.opacity = "0.5";
var pageSize = position.getPageSize();
style.height = pageSize[1] + "px";
if (uaSniffed.isIE) {
style.left = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft;
style.width = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
else {
style.left = "0";
style.width = "100%";
return background;
// This simulates a modal dialog box and asks for the URL when you
// click the hyperlink or image buttons.
// text: The html for the input box.
// defaultInputText: The default value that appears in the input box.
// callback: The function which is executed when the prompt is dismissed, either via OK or Cancel.
// It receives a single argument; either the entered text (if OK was chosen) or null (if Cancel
// was chosen).
ui.prompt = function (text, defaultInputText, callback) {
// These variables need to be declared at this level since they are used
// in multiple functions.
var dialog; // The dialog box.
var input; // The text box where you enter the hyperlink.
if (defaultInputText === undefined) {
defaultInputText = "";
// Used as a keydown event handler. Esc dismisses the prompt.
// Key code 27 is ESC.
var checkEscape = function (key) {
var code = (key.charCode || key.keyCode);
if (code === 27) {
// Dismisses the hyperlink input box.
// isCancel is true if we don't care about the input text.
// isCancel is false if we are going to keep the text.
var close = function (isCancel) {
util.removeEvent(doc.body, "keydown", checkEscape);
var text = input.value;
if (isCancel) {
text = null;
else {
// Fixes common pasting errors.
text = text.replace(/^http:\/\/(https?|ftp):\/\//, '$1://');
if (!/^(?:https?|ftp):\/\//.test(text))
text = 'http://' + text;
return false;
// Create the text input box form/window.
var createDialog = function () {
// The main dialog box.
dialog = doc.createElement("div");
dialog.className = "wmd-prompt-dialog";
dialog.style.padding = "10px;";
dialog.style.position = "fixed";
dialog.style.width = "400px";
dialog.style.zIndex = "2001";
// The dialog text.
var question = doc.createElement("div");
question.innerHTML = text;
question.style.padding = "5px";
// The web form container for the text box and buttons.
var form = doc.createElement("form"),
style = form.style;
form.onsubmit = function () { return close(false); };
style.padding = "0";
style.margin = "0";
style.cssFloat = "left";
style.width = "100%";
style.textAlign = "center";
style.position = "relative";
// The input text box
input = doc.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
input.value = defaultInputText;
style = input.style;
style.display = "block";
style.width = "80%";
style.marginLeft = style.marginRight = "auto";
// The ok button
var okButton = doc.createElement("input");
okButton.type = "button";
okButton.onclick = function () { return close(false); };
okButton.value = "OK";
style = okButton.style;
style.margin = "10px";
style.display = "inline";
style.width = "7em";
// The cancel button
var cancelButton = doc.createElement("input");
cancelButton.type = "button";
cancelButton.onclick = function () { return close(true); };
cancelButton.value = "Cancel";
style = cancelButton.style;
style.margin = "10px";
style.display = "inline";
style.width = "7em";
util.addEvent(doc.body, "keydown", checkEscape);
dialog.style.top = "50%";
dialog.style.left = "50%";
dialog.style.display = "block";
if (uaSniffed.isIE_5or6) {
dialog.style.position = "absolute";
dialog.style.top = doc.documentElement.scrollTop + 200 + "px";
dialog.style.left = "50%";
// This has to be done AFTER adding the dialog to the form if you
// want it to be centered.
dialog.style.marginTop = -(position.getHeight(dialog) / 2) + "px";
dialog.style.marginLeft = -(position.getWidth(dialog) / 2) + "px";
// Why is this in a zero-length timeout?
// Is it working around a browser bug?
setTimeout(function () {
var defTextLen = defaultInputText.length;
if (input.selectionStart !== undefined) {
input.selectionStart = 0;
input.selectionEnd = defTextLen;
else if (input.createTextRange) {
var range = input.createTextRange();
range.moveStart("character", -defTextLen);
range.moveEnd("character", defTextLen);
}, 0);
function UIManager(postfix, panels, undoManager, previewManager, commandManager, helpOptions, getString) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var inputBox = panels.input,
buttons = {}; // buttons.undo, buttons.link, etc. The actual DOM elements.
var keyEvent = "keydown";
if (uaSniffed.isOpera) {
keyEvent = "keypress";
util.addEvent(inputBox, keyEvent, function (key) {
// Check to see if we have a button key and, if so execute the callback.
if ((key.ctrlKey || key.metaKey) && !key.altKey && !key.shiftKey) {
var keyCode = key.charCode || key.keyCode;
var keyCodeStr = String.fromCharCode(keyCode).toLowerCase();
switch (keyCodeStr) {
case "b":
case "i":
case "l":
case "q":
case "k":
case "g":
case "o":
case "u":
case "h":
case "y":
case "z":
if (key.shiftKey) {
else {
if (key.preventDefault) {
if (window.event) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
// Auto-indent on shift-enter
util.addEvent(inputBox, "keyup", function (key) {
if (key.shiftKey && !key.ctrlKey && !key.metaKey) {
var keyCode = key.charCode || key.keyCode;
// Character 13 is Enter
if (keyCode === 13) {
var fakeButton = {};
fakeButton.textOp = bindCommand("doAutoindent");
// special handler because IE clears the context of the textbox on ESC
if (uaSniffed.isIE) {
util.addEvent(inputBox, "keydown", function (key) {
var code = key.keyCode;
if (code === 27) {
return false;
// Perform the button's action.
function doClick(button) {
if (button.textOp) {
if (undoManager) {
var state = new TextareaState(panels);
if (!state) {
var chunks = state.getChunks();
// Some commands launch a "modal" prompt dialog. Javascript
// can't really make a modal dialog box and the WMD code
// will continue to execute while the dialog is displayed.
// This prevents the dialog pattern I'm used to and means
// I can't do something like this:
// var link = CreateLinkDialog();
// makeMarkdownLink(link);
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// Instead of this straightforward method of handling a
// dialog I have to pass any code which would execute
// after the dialog is dismissed (e.g. link creation)
// in a function parameter.
// Yes this is awkward and I think it sucks, but there's
// no real workaround. Only the image and link code
// create dialogs and require the function pointers.
var fixupInputArea = function () {
if (chunks) {
var noCleanup = button.textOp(chunks, fixupInputArea);
if (!noCleanup) {
if (button.execute) {
function setupButton(button, isEnabled) {
if (isEnabled) {
button.disabled = false
// IE tries to select the background image "button" text (it's
// implemented in a list item) so we have to cache the selection
// on mousedown.
if (uaSniffed.isIE) {
button.onmousedown = function () {
if (doc.activeElement && doc.activeElement !== panels.input) { // we're not even in the input box, so there's no selection
panels.ieCachedRange = document.selection.createRange();
panels.ieCachedScrollTop = panels.input.scrollTop;
if (!button.isHelp) {
button.onclick = function () {
if (this.onmouseout) {
return false;
else {
button.disabled = true
button.onmouseover = button.onmouseout = button.onclick = function () { };
function bindCommand(method) {
if (typeof PagedownCustom != "undefined" && PagedownCustom.customActions) {
var custom = PagedownCustom.customActions[method];
if (custom) {
return function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return custom.apply(commandManager, args);
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
if (typeof method === "string")
method = commandManager[method];
return function () { method.apply(commandManager, arguments); }
function makeSpritedButtonRow() {
var buttonBar = panels.buttonBar;
var buttonRow = document.createElement("div");
buttonRow.id = "wmd-button-row" + postfix;
buttonRow.className = 'wmd-button-row';
buttonRow = buttonBar.appendChild(buttonRow);
var xPosition = 0;
var makeButton = function (id, title, textOp) {
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.className = "wmd-button";
xPosition += 25;
button.id = id + postfix;
button.title = title;
if (textOp)
button.textOp = textOp;
setupButton(button, true);
return button;
var makeSpacer = function (num) {
var spacer = document.createElement("div");
spacer.className = "wmd-spacer";
spacer.id = "wmd-spacer" + num + postfix;
xPosition += 25;
// If we have any buttons to insert, do it!
if (typeof PagedownCustom != "undefined") {
insertButtons = PagedownCustom.insertButtons
if (insertButtons && (insertButtons.length > 0)) {
for (var i=0; i<insertButtons.length; i++) {
var b = insertButtons[i];
makeButton(b.id, b.description, b.execute)
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
buttons.bold = makeButton("wmd-bold-button", getString("bold"), bindCommand("doBold"));
buttons.italic = makeButton("wmd-italic-button", getString("italic"), bindCommand("doItalic"));
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
buttons.link = makeButton("wmd-link-button", getString("link"), bindCommand(function (chunk, postProcessing) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
return this.doLinkOrImage(chunk, postProcessing, false);
buttons.quote = makeButton("wmd-quote-button", getString("quote"), bindCommand("doBlockquote"));
buttons.code = makeButton("wmd-code-button", getString("code"), bindCommand("doCode"));
buttons.image = makeButton("wmd-image-button", getString("image"), bindCommand(function (chunk, postProcessing) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
return this.doLinkOrImage(chunk, postProcessing, true);
buttons.olist = makeButton("wmd-olist-button", getString("olist"), bindCommand(function (chunk, postProcessing) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
this.doList(chunk, postProcessing, true);
buttons.ulist = makeButton("wmd-ulist-button", getString("ulist"), bindCommand(function (chunk, postProcessing) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
this.doList(chunk, postProcessing, false);
buttons.heading = makeButton("wmd-heading-button", getString("heading"), bindCommand("doHeading"));
buttons.hr = makeButton("wmd-hr-button", getString("hr"), bindCommand("doHorizontalRule"));
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
buttons.undo = makeButton("wmd-undo-button", getString("undo"), null);
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
buttons.undo.execute = function (manager) { if (manager) manager.undo(); };
var redoTitle = /win/.test(nav.platform.toLowerCase()) ?
getString("redo") :
getString("redomac"); // mac and other non-Windows platforms
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
buttons.redo = makeButton("wmd-redo-button", redoTitle, null);
buttons.redo.execute = function (manager) { if (manager) manager.redo(); };
if (helpOptions) {
var helpButton = document.createElement("li");
var helpButtonImage = document.createElement("span");
helpButton.className = "wmd-button wmd-help-button";
helpButton.id = "wmd-help-button" + postfix;
helpButton.isHelp = true;
helpButton.style.right = "0px";
helpButton.title = getString("help");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
helpButton.onclick = helpOptions.handler;
setupButton(helpButton, true);
buttons.help = helpButton;
function setUndoRedoButtonStates() {
if (undoManager) {
setupButton(buttons.undo, undoManager.canUndo());
setupButton(buttons.redo, undoManager.canRedo());
this.setUndoRedoButtonStates = setUndoRedoButtonStates;
function CommandManager(pluginHooks, getString) {
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
this.hooks = pluginHooks;
this.getString = getString;
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var commandProto = CommandManager.prototype;
// The markdown symbols - 4 spaces = code, > = blockquote, etc.
commandProto.prefixes = "(?:\\s{4,}|\\s*>|\\s*-\\s+|\\s*\\d+\\.|=|\\+|-|_|\\*|#|\\s*\\[[^\n]]+\\]:)";
// Remove markdown symbols from the chunk selection.
commandProto.unwrap = function (chunk) {
var txt = new re("([^\\n])\\n(?!(\\n|" + this.prefixes + "))", "g");
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(txt, "$1 $2");
commandProto.wrap = function (chunk, len) {
var regex = new re("(.{1," + len + "})( +|$\\n?)", "gm"),
that = this;
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(regex, function (line, marked) {
if (new re("^" + that.prefixes, "").test(line)) {
return line;
return marked + "\n";
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\s+$/, "");
commandProto.doBold = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
return this.doBorI(chunk, postProcessing, 2, this.getString("boldexample"));
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
commandProto.doItalic = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
return this.doBorI(chunk, postProcessing, 1, this.getString("italicexample"));
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// chunk: The selected region that will be enclosed with */**
// nStars: 1 for italics, 2 for bold
// insertText: If you just click the button without highlighting text, this gets inserted
commandProto.doBorI = function (chunk, postProcessing, nStars, insertText) {
// Get rid of whitespace and fixup newlines.
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n");
// Look for stars before and after. Is the chunk already marked up?
// note that these regex matches cannot fail
var starsBefore = /(\**$)/.exec(chunk.before)[0];
var starsAfter = /(^\**)/.exec(chunk.after)[0];
var prevStars = Math.min(starsBefore.length, starsAfter.length);
// Remove stars if we have to since the button acts as a toggle.
if ((prevStars >= nStars) && (prevStars != 2 || nStars != 1)) {
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(re("[*]{" + nStars + "}$", ""), "");
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(re("^[*]{" + nStars + "}", ""), "");
else if (!chunk.selection && starsAfter) {
// It's not really clear why this code is necessary. It just moves
// some arbitrary stuff around.
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^([*_]*)/, "");
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\s?)$/, "");
var whitespace = re.$1;
chunk.before = chunk.before + starsAfter + whitespace;
else {
// In most cases, if you don't have any selected text and click the button
// you'll get a selected, marked up region with the default text inserted.
if (!chunk.selection && !starsAfter) {
chunk.selection = insertText;
// Add the true markup.
var markup = nStars <= 1 ? "*" : "**"; // shouldn't the test be = ?
chunk.before = chunk.before + markup;
chunk.after = markup + chunk.after;
commandProto.stripLinkDefs = function (text, defsToAdd) {
text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}\[(\d+)\]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?(\S+?)>?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["(](.+?)[")][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|$)/gm,
function (totalMatch, id, link, newlines, title) {
defsToAdd[id] = totalMatch.replace(/\s*$/, "");
if (newlines) {
// Strip the title and return that separately.
defsToAdd[id] = totalMatch.replace(/["(](.+?)[")]$/, "");
return newlines + title;
return "";
return text;
commandProto.addLinkDef = function (chunk, linkDef) {
var refNumber = 0; // The current reference number
var defsToAdd = {}; //
// Start with a clean slate by removing all previous link definitions.
chunk.before = this.stripLinkDefs(chunk.before, defsToAdd);
chunk.selection = this.stripLinkDefs(chunk.selection, defsToAdd);
chunk.after = this.stripLinkDefs(chunk.after, defsToAdd);
var defs = "";
var regex = /(\[)((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)(\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[)(\d+)(\])/g;
var addDefNumber = function (def) {
def = def.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}\[(\d+)\]:/, " [" + refNumber + "]:");
defs += "\n" + def;
// note that
// a) the recursive call to getLink cannot go infinite, because by definition
// of regex, inner is always a proper substring of wholeMatch, and
// b) more than one level of nesting is neither supported by the regex
// nor making a lot of sense (the only use case for nesting is a linked image)
var getLink = function (wholeMatch, before, inner, afterInner, id, end) {
inner = inner.replace(regex, getLink);
if (defsToAdd[id]) {
return before + inner + afterInner + refNumber + end;
return wholeMatch;
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(regex, getLink);
if (linkDef) {
else {
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(regex, getLink);
var refOut = refNumber;
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(regex, getLink);
if (chunk.after) {
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/\n*$/, "");
if (!chunk.after) {
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n*$/, "");
chunk.after += "\n\n" + defs;
return refOut;
// takes the line as entered into the add link/as image dialog and makes
// sure the URL and the optinal title are "nice".
function properlyEncoded(linkdef) {
return linkdef.replace(/^\s*(.*?)(?:\s+"(.+)")?\s*$/, function (wholematch, link, title) {
link = link.replace(/\?.*$/, function (querypart) {
return querypart.replace(/\+/g, " "); // in the query string, a plus and a space are identical
link = decodeURIComponent(link); // unencode first, to prevent double encoding
link = encodeURI(link).replace(/'/g, '%27').replace(/\(/g, '%28').replace(/\)/g, '%29');
link = link.replace(/\?.*$/, function (querypart) {
return querypart.replace(/\+/g, "%2b"); // since we replaced plus with spaces in the query part, all pluses that now appear where originally encoded
if (title) {
title = title.trim ? title.trim() : title.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
title = title.replace(/"/g, "quot;").replace(/\(/g, "&#40;").replace(/\)/g, "&#41;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
return title ? link + ' "' + title + '"' : link;
commandProto.doLinkOrImage = function (chunk, postProcessing, isImage) {
chunk.findTags(/\s*!?\[/, /\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?(\[.*?\])?/);
var background;
if (chunk.endTag.length > 1 && chunk.startTag.length > 0) {
chunk.startTag = chunk.startTag.replace(/!?\[/, "");
chunk.endTag = "";
this.addLinkDef(chunk, null);
else {
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// We're moving start and end tag back into the selection, since (as we're in the else block) we're not
// *removing* a link, but *adding* one, so whatever findTags() found is now back to being part of the
// link text. linkEnteredCallback takes care of escaping any brackets.
chunk.selection = chunk.startTag + chunk.selection + chunk.endTag;
chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = "";
if (/\n\n/.test(chunk.selection)) {
this.addLinkDef(chunk, null);
var that = this;
// The function to be executed when you enter a link and press OK or Cancel.
// Marks up the link and adds the ref.
var linkEnteredCallback = function (link) {
if (link !== null) {
// ( $1
// [^\\] anything that's not a backslash
// (?:\\\\)* an even number (this includes zero) of backslashes
// )
// (?= followed by
// [[\]] an opening or closing bracket
// )
// In other words, a non-escaped bracket. These have to be escaped now to make sure they
// don't count as the end of the link or similar.
// Note that the actual bracket has to be a lookahead, because (in case of to subsequent brackets),
// the bracket in one match may be the "not a backslash" character in the next match, so it
// should not be consumed by the first match.
// The "prepend a space and finally remove it" steps makes sure there is a "not a backslash" at the
// start of the string, so this also works if the selection begins with a bracket. We cannot solve
// this by anchoring with ^, because in the case that the selection starts with two brackets, this
// would mean a zero-width match at the start. Since zero-width matches advance the string position,
// the first bracket could then not act as the "not a backslash" for the second.
chunk.selection = (" " + chunk.selection).replace(/([^\\](?:\\\\)*)(?=[[\]])/g, "$1\\").substr(1);
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var linkDef = " [999]: " + properlyEncoded(link);
var num = that.addLinkDef(chunk, linkDef);
chunk.startTag = isImage ? "![" : "[";
chunk.endTag = "][" + num + "]";
if (!chunk.selection) {
if (isImage) {
chunk.selection = that.getString("imagedescription");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
else {
chunk.selection = that.getString("linkdescription");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
background = ui.createBackground();
if (isImage) {
if (!this.hooks.insertImageDialog(linkEnteredCallback))
ui.prompt(this.getString("imagedialog"), imageDefaultText, linkEnteredCallback);
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
else {
ui.prompt(this.getString("linkdialog"), linkDefaultText, linkEnteredCallback);
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
return true;
// When making a list, hitting shift-enter will put your cursor on the next line
// at the current indent level.
commandProto.doAutoindent = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
var commandMgr = this,
fakeSelection = false;
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]*\n$/, "\n\n");
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>[ \t]*\n$/, "\n\n");
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\n|^)[ \t]+\n$/, "\n\n");
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// There's no selection, end the cursor wasn't at the end of the line:
// The user wants to split the current list item / code line / blockquote line
// (for the latter it doesn't really matter) in two. Temporarily select the
// (rest of the) line to achieve this.
if (!chunk.selection && !/^[ \t]*(?:\n|$)/.test(chunk.after)) {
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^[^\n]*/, function (wholeMatch) {
chunk.selection = wholeMatch;
return "";
fakeSelection = true;
if (/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) {
if (commandMgr.doList) {
if (/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>[ \t]+.*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) {
if (commandMgr.doBlockquote) {
if (/(\n|^)(\t|[ ]{4,}).*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) {
if (commandMgr.doCode) {
2013-02-25 11:42:20 -05:00
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
if (fakeSelection) {
chunk.after = chunk.selection + chunk.after;
chunk.selection = "";
commandProto.doBlockquote = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(\n*)([^\r]+?)(\n*)$/,
function (totalMatch, newlinesBefore, text, newlinesAfter) {
chunk.before += newlinesBefore;
chunk.after = newlinesAfter + chunk.after;
return text;
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(>[ \t]*)$/,
function (totalMatch, blankLine) {
chunk.selection = blankLine + chunk.selection;
return "";
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(\s|>)+$/, "");
chunk.selection = chunk.selection || this.getString("quoteexample");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
// The original code uses a regular expression to find out how much of the
// text *directly before* the selection already was a blockquote:
if (chunk.before) {
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/\n?$/, "\n");
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(((\n|^)(\n[ \t]*)*>(.+\n)*.*)+(\n[ \t]*)*$)/,
function (totalMatch) {
chunk.startTag = totalMatch;
return "";
// This comes down to:
// Go backwards as many lines a possible, such that each line
// a) starts with ">", or
// b) is almost empty, except for whitespace, or
// c) is preceeded by an unbroken chain of non-empty lines
// leading up to a line that starts with ">" and at least one more character
// and in addition
// d) at least one line fulfills a)
// Since this is essentially a backwards-moving regex, it's susceptible to
// catstrophic backtracking and can cause the browser to hang;
// see e.g. http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/9807.
// Hence we replaced this by a simple state machine that just goes through the
// lines and checks for a), b), and c).
var match = "",
leftOver = "",
if (chunk.before) {
var lines = chunk.before.replace(/\n$/, "").split("\n");
var inChain = false;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var good = false;
line = lines[i];
inChain = inChain && line.length > 0; // c) any non-empty line continues the chain
if (/^>/.test(line)) { // a)
good = true;
if (!inChain && line.length > 1) // c) any line that starts with ">" and has at least one more character starts the chain
inChain = true;
} else if (/^[ \t]*$/.test(line)) { // b)
good = true;
} else {
good = inChain; // c) the line is not empty and does not start with ">", so it matches if and only if we're in the chain
if (good) {
match += line + "\n";
} else {
leftOver += match + line;
match = "\n";
if (!/(^|\n)>/.test(match)) { // d)
leftOver += match;
match = "";
chunk.startTag = match;
chunk.before = leftOver;
// end of change
if (chunk.after) {
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^\n?/, "\n");
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^(((\n|^)(\n[ \t]*)*>(.+\n)*.*)+(\n[ \t]*)*)/,
function (totalMatch) {
chunk.endTag = totalMatch;
return "";
var replaceBlanksInTags = function (useBracket) {
var replacement = useBracket ? "> " : "";
if (chunk.startTag) {
chunk.startTag = chunk.startTag.replace(/\n((>|\s)*)\n$/,
function (totalMatch, markdown) {
return "\n" + markdown.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}>?[ \t]*$/gm, replacement) + "\n";
if (chunk.endTag) {
chunk.endTag = chunk.endTag.replace(/^\n((>|\s)*)\n/,
function (totalMatch, markdown) {
return "\n" + markdown.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}>?[ \t]*$/gm, replacement) + "\n";
if (/^(?![ ]{0,3}>)/m.test(chunk.selection)) {
this.wrap(chunk, SETTINGS.lineLength - 2);
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^/gm, "> ");
} else {
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}> ?/gm, "");
if (!/^(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>/.test(chunk.selection) && chunk.startTag) {
chunk.startTag = chunk.startTag.replace(/\n{0,2}$/, "\n\n");
if (!/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>.*$/.test(chunk.selection) && chunk.endTag) {
chunk.endTag = chunk.endTag.replace(/^\n{0,2}/, "\n\n");
chunk.selection = this.hooks.postBlockquoteCreation(chunk.selection);
if (!/\n/.test(chunk.selection)) {
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(> *)/,
function (wholeMatch, blanks) {
chunk.startTag += blanks;
return "";
commandProto.doCode = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
var hasTextBefore = /\S[ ]*$/.test(chunk.before);
var hasTextAfter = /^[ ]*\S/.test(chunk.after);
// Use 'four space' markdown if the selection is on its own
// line or is multiline.
if ((!hasTextAfter && !hasTextBefore) || /\n/.test(chunk.selection)) {
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/[ ]{4}$/,
function (totalMatch) {
chunk.selection = totalMatch + chunk.selection;
return "";
var nLinesBack = 1;
var nLinesForward = 1;
if (/(\n|^)(\t|[ ]{4,}).*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) {
nLinesBack = 0;
if (/^\n(\t|[ ]{4,})/.test(chunk.after)) {
nLinesForward = 0;
chunk.skipLines(nLinesBack, nLinesForward);
if (!chunk.selection) {
chunk.startTag = " ";
chunk.selection = this.getString("codeexample");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
else {
if (/^[ ]{0,3}\S/m.test(chunk.selection)) {
if (/\n/.test(chunk.selection))
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^/gm, " ");
else // if it's not multiline, do not select the four added spaces; this is more consistent with the doList behavior
chunk.before += " ";
else {
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(?:[ ]{4}|[ ]{0,3}\t)/gm, "");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
else {
// Use backticks (`) to delimit the code block.
chunk.findTags(/`/, /`/);
if (!chunk.startTag && !chunk.endTag) {
chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = "`";
if (!chunk.selection) {
chunk.selection = this.getString("codeexample");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
else if (chunk.endTag && !chunk.startTag) {
chunk.before += chunk.endTag;
chunk.endTag = "";
else {
chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = "";
commandProto.doList = function (chunk, postProcessing, isNumberedList) {
// These are identical except at the very beginning and end.
// Should probably use the regex extension function to make this clearer.
var previousItemsRegex = /(\n|^)(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*)(\n.+|\n{2,}([*+-].*|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*|\n{2,}[ \t]+\S.*)*)\n*$/;
var nextItemsRegex = /^\n*(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*)(\n.+|\n{2,}([*+-].*|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*|\n{2,}[ \t]+\S.*)*)\n*/;
// The default bullet is a dash but others are possible.
// This has nothing to do with the particular HTML bullet,
// it's just a markdown bullet.
var bullet = "-";
// The number in a numbered list.
var num = 1;
// Get the item prefix - e.g. " 1. " for a numbered list, " - " for a bulleted list.
var getItemPrefix = function () {
var prefix;
if (isNumberedList) {
prefix = " " + num + ". ";
else {
prefix = " " + bullet + " ";
return prefix;
// Fixes the prefixes of the other list items.
var getPrefixedItem = function (itemText) {
// The numbering flag is unset when called by autoindent.
if (isNumberedList === undefined) {
isNumberedList = /^\s*\d/.test(itemText);
// Renumber/bullet the list element.
itemText = itemText.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])\s/gm,
function (_) {
return getItemPrefix();
return itemText;
chunk.findTags(/(\n|^)*[ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])\s+/, null);
if (chunk.before && !/\n$/.test(chunk.before) && !/^\n/.test(chunk.startTag)) {
chunk.before += chunk.startTag;
chunk.startTag = "";
if (chunk.startTag) {
var hasDigits = /\d+[.]/.test(chunk.startTag);
chunk.startTag = "";
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n[ ]{4}/g, "\n");
if (hasDigits) {
// Have to renumber the bullet points if this is a numbered list.
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(nextItemsRegex, getPrefixedItem);
if (isNumberedList == hasDigits) {
var nLinesUp = 1;
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(previousItemsRegex,
function (itemText) {
if (/^\s*([*+-])/.test(itemText)) {
bullet = re.$1;
nLinesUp = /[^\n]\n\n[^\n]/.test(itemText) ? 1 : 0;
return getPrefixedItem(itemText);
if (!chunk.selection) {
chunk.selection = this.getString("litem");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
var prefix = getItemPrefix();
var nLinesDown = 1;
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(nextItemsRegex,
function (itemText) {
nLinesDown = /[^\n]\n\n[^\n]/.test(itemText) ? 1 : 0;
return getPrefixedItem(itemText);
chunk.skipLines(nLinesUp, nLinesDown, true);
chunk.startTag = prefix;
var spaces = prefix.replace(/./g, " ");
this.wrap(chunk, SETTINGS.lineLength - spaces.length);
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n/g, "\n" + spaces);
commandProto.doHeading = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
// Remove leading/trailing whitespace and reduce internal spaces to single spaces.
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, "");
// If we clicked the button with no selected text, we just
// make a level 2 hash header around some default text.
if (!chunk.selection) {
chunk.startTag = "## ";
chunk.selection = this.getString("headingexample");
2013-02-05 14:16:51 -05:00
chunk.endTag = " ##";
var headerLevel = 0; // The existing header level of the selected text.
// Remove any existing hash heading markdown and save the header level.
chunk.findTags(/#+[ ]*/, /[ ]*#+/);
if (/#+/.test(chunk.startTag)) {
headerLevel = re.lastMatch.length;
chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = "";
// Try to get the current header level by looking for - and = in the line
// below the selection.
chunk.findTags(null, /\s?(-+|=+)/);
if (/=+/.test(chunk.endTag)) {
headerLevel = 1;
if (/-+/.test(chunk.endTag)) {
headerLevel = 2;
// Skip to the next line so we can create the header markdown.
chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = "";
chunk.skipLines(1, 1);
// We make a level 2 header if there is no current header.
// If there is a header level, we substract one from the header level.
// If it's already a level 1 header, it's removed.
var headerLevelToCreate = headerLevel == 0 ? 2 : headerLevel - 1;
if (headerLevelToCreate > 0) {
// The button only creates level 1 and 2 underline headers.
// Why not have it iterate over hash header levels? Wouldn't that be easier and cleaner?
var headerChar = headerLevelToCreate >= 2 ? "-" : "=";
var len = chunk.selection.length;
if (len > SETTINGS.lineLength) {
len = SETTINGS.lineLength;
chunk.endTag = "\n";
while (len--) {
chunk.endTag += headerChar;
commandProto.doHorizontalRule = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
chunk.startTag = "----------\n";
chunk.selection = "";
chunk.skipLines(2, 1, true);