2014-01-20 15:49:43 -05:00
unless Rails.env.test?
lounge = Category.where(id: SiteSetting.lounge_category_id).first
if lounge and !lounge.group_ids.include?(Group[:trust_level_3].id)
# The category for users with trust level 3 has been created.
# Add permissions and a description to it.
lounge.group_names = ['trust_level_3']
unless lounge.save
puts lounge.errors.full_messages
raise "Failed to set permissions on trust level 3 lounge category!"
2014-03-14 10:26:17 -04:00
if lounge.topic_id.nil?
creator = PostCreator.new(Discourse.system_user,
raw: I18n.t('vip_category_description'),
title: I18n.t('category.topic_prefix', category: lounge.name),
category: lounge.name,
archetype: Archetype.default
post = creator.create
2014-01-20 15:49:43 -05:00
2014-03-14 10:26:17 -04:00
unless post && post.id
puts post.errors.full_messages if post
puts creator.errors.inspect
raise "Failed to create description for trust level 3 lounge!"
2014-01-20 15:49:43 -05:00
2014-03-14 10:26:17 -04:00
lounge.topic_id = post.topic.id
unless lounge.save
puts lounge.errors.full_messages
puts "Failed to set the lounge description topic!"
2014-01-20 15:49:43 -05:00
2014-03-14 10:26:17 -04:00
# Reset topic count because we don't count the description topic
Category.exec_sql "UPDATE categories SET topic_count = 0 WHERE id = #{lounge.id}"
2014-01-20 15:49:43 -05:00