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# frozen_string_literal: true
class ThemeJavascriptCompiler
class CompileError < StandardError
@@terser_disabled = false
def self.disable_terser!
raise "Tests only" if !Rails.env.test?
@@terser_disabled = true
def self.enable_terser!
raise "Tests only" if !Rails.env.test?
@@terser_disabled = false
def initialize(theme_id, theme_name)
@theme_id = theme_id
@output_tree = []
@theme_name = theme_name
def compile!
if !@compiled
@compiled = true
output =
if !has_content?
{ "code" => "" }
elsif @@terser_disabled
{ "code" => raw_content }
DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler.new.terser(@output_tree.to_h, terser_config)
@content = output["code"]
@source_map = output["map"]
[@content, @source_map]
rescue DiscourseJsProcessor::TranspileError => e
message = "[THEME #{@theme_id} '#{@theme_name}'] Compile error: #{e.message}"
@content = "console.error(#{message.to_json});\n"
[@content, @source_map]
def terser_config
# Based on https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli-terser/blob/28df3d90a5/index.js#L12-L26
sourceMap: {
includeSources: true,
root: "theme-#{@theme_id}/",
compress: {
negate_iife: false,
sequences: 30,
drop_debugger: false,
output: {
semicolons: false,
def content
def source_map
def raw_content
@output_tree.map { |filename, source| source }.join("")
def has_content?
def prepend_settings(settings_hash)
@output_tree.prepend ["settings.js", <<~JS]
(function() {
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 08:02:58 -04:00
if ('require' in window) {
require("discourse/lib/theme-settings-store").registerSettings(#{@theme_id}, #{settings_hash.to_json});
def append_tree(tree, for_tests: false)
# Replace legacy extensions
tree.transform_keys! do |filename|
if filename.ends_with? ".js.es6"
filename.sub(/\.js\.es6\z/, ".js")
elsif filename.include? "/templates/"
filename = filename.sub(/\.raw\.hbs\z/, ".hbr") if filename.ends_with? ".raw.hbs"
if filename.ends_with? ".hbr"
filename.sub(%r{/templates/}, "/raw-templates/")
# Some themes are colocating connector JS under `/connectors`. Move template to /templates to avoid module name clash
tree.transform_keys! do |filename|
match = COLOCATED_CONNECTOR_REGEX.match(filename)
next filename if !match
is_template = match[:extension] == "hbs"
is_in_templates_directory = match[:prefix].split("/").last == "templates"
if is_template && !is_in_templates_directory
elsif !is_template && is_in_templates_directory
# Handle colocated components
tree.dup.each_pair do |filename, content|
is_component_template =
filename.end_with?(".hbs") &&
filename.start_with?("discourse/components/", "admin/components/")
next if !is_component_template
template_contents = content
hbs_invocation_options = { moduleName: filename, parseOptions: { srcName: filename } }
hbs_invocation = "hbs(#{template_contents.to_json}, #{hbs_invocation_options.to_json})"
prefix = <<~JS
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
const __COLOCATED_TEMPLATE__ = #{hbs_invocation};
js_filename = filename.sub(/\.hbs\z/, ".js")
js_contents = tree[js_filename] # May be nil for template-only component
if js_contents && !js_contents.include?("export default")
message =
"#{filename} does not contain a `default export`. Did you forget to export the component class?"
js_contents += "throw new Error(#{message.to_json});"
if js_contents.nil?
# No backing class, use template-only
js_contents = <<~JS
import templateOnly from '@ember/component/template-only';
export default templateOnly();
js_contents = prefix + js_contents
tree[js_filename] = js_contents
# Transpile and write to output
tree.each_pair do |filename, content|
module_name, extension = filename.split(".", 2)
module_name = "test/#{module_name}" if for_tests
if extension == "js"
append_module(content, module_name)
elsif extension == "hbs"
append_ember_template(module_name, content)
elsif extension == "hbr"
append_raw_template(module_name.sub("discourse/raw-templates/", ""), content)
append_js_error(filename, "unknown file extension '#{extension}' (#{filename})")
rescue CompileError => e
append_js_error filename, "#{e.message} (#{filename})"
def append_ember_template(name, hbs_template)
module_name = name
module_name = "/#{module_name}" if !module_name.start_with?("/")
module_name = "discourse/theme-#{@theme_id}#{module_name}"
# Mimics the ember-cli implementation
# https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli-htmlbars/blob/d5aa14b3/lib/template-compiler-plugin.js#L18-L26
script = <<~JS
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
export default hbs(#{hbs_template.to_json}, { moduleName: #{module_name.to_json} });
template_module = DiscourseJsProcessor.transpile(script, "", module_name, theme_id: @theme_id)
@output_tree << ["#{name}.js", <<~JS]
if ('define' in window) {
rescue MiniRacer::RuntimeError, DiscourseJsProcessor::TranspileError => ex
raise CompileError.new ex.message
def raw_template_name(name)
name = name.sub(/\.(raw|hbr)\z/, "")
def append_raw_template(name, hbs_template)
compiled =
DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler.new.compile_raw_template(hbs_template, theme_id: @theme_id)
source_for_comment = hbs_template.gsub("*/", '*\/').indent(4, " ")
@output_tree << ["#{name}.js", <<~JS]
(function() {
const addRawTemplate = requirejs('discourse-common/lib/raw-templates').addRawTemplate;
const template = requirejs('discourse-common/lib/raw-handlebars').template(#{compiled});
addRawTemplate(#{raw_template_name(name)}, template);
rescue MiniRacer::RuntimeError, DiscourseJsProcessor::TranspileError => ex
raise CompileError.new ex.message
def append_raw_script(filename, script)
@output_tree << [filename, script + "\n"]
def append_module(script, name, include_variables: true)
original_filename = name
name = "discourse/theme-#{@theme_id}/#{name.gsub(%r{\Adiscourse/}, "")}"
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 08:02:58 -04:00
script = "#{theme_settings}#{script}" if include_variables
transpiler = DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler.new
@output_tree << ["#{original_filename}.js", <<~JS]
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 08:02:58 -04:00
if ('define' in window) {
#{transpiler.perform(script, "", name, theme_id: @theme_id).strip}
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 08:02:58 -04:00
rescue MiniRacer::RuntimeError, DiscourseJsProcessor::TranspileError => ex
raise CompileError.new ex.message
def append_js_error(filename, message)
message = "[THEME #{@theme_id} '#{@theme_name}'] Compile error: #{message}"
append_raw_script filename, "console.error(#{message.to_json});"
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 08:02:58 -04:00
def theme_settings
FEATURE: Introduce theme/component QUnit tests (take 2) (#12661) This commit allows themes and theme components to have QUnit tests. To add tests to your theme/component, create a top-level directory in your theme and name it `test`, and Discourse will save all the files in that directory (and its sub-directories) as "tests files" in the database. While tests files/directories are not required to be organized in a specific way, we recommend that you follow Discourse core's tests [structure](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests). Writing theme tests should be identical to writing plugins or core tests; all the `import` statements and APIs that you see in core (or plugins) to define/setup tests should just work in themes. You do need a working Discourse install to run theme tests, and you have 2 ways to run theme tests: * In the browser at the `/qunit` route. `/qunit` will run tests of all active themes/components as well as core and plugins. The `/qunit` now accepts a `theme_name` or `theme_url` params that you can use to run tests of a specific theme/component like so: `/qunit?theme_name=<your_theme_name>`. * In the command line using the `themes:qunit` rake task. This take is meant to run tests of a single theme/component so you need to provide it with a theme name or URL like so: `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[name=<theme_name>]` or `bundle exec rake themes:qunit[url=<theme_url>]`. There are some refactors to how Discourse processes JavaScript that comes with themes/components, and these refactors may break your JS customizations; see https://meta.discourse.org/t/upcoming-core-changes-that-may-break-some-themes-components-april-12/186252?u=osama for details on how you can check if your themes/components are affected and what you need to do to fix them. This commit also improves theme error handling in Discourse. We will now be able to catch errors that occur when theme initializers are run and prevent them from breaking the site and other themes/components.
2021-04-12 08:02:58 -04:00
const settings = require("discourse/lib/theme-settings-store")
const themePrefix = (key) => `theme_translations.#{@theme_id}.${key}`;