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2014-01-31 01:53:08 -05:00
var controller, oldSearchTextField, oldSearchResultsTypeView, oldViews;
var SearchTextFieldStub = Ember.View.extend({
classNames: ["search-text-field-stub"],
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("{{view.value}} {{view.searchContext}}")
var SearchResultsTypeViewStub = Ember.View.extend({
classNames: ["search-results-type-view-stub"],
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("{{view.type}} {{view.content}}")
var setUpController = function(properties) {
Ember.run(function() {
var appendView = function() {
Ember.run(function() {
container: Discourse.__container__,
controller: controller,
templateName: "search"
var resultsSectionSelector = "ul";
var resultsFilterSelector = ".filter";
var noResultsSelector = ".no-results";
var searchInProgressSelector = ".searching";
module("Template: search", {
setup: function() {
sinon.stub(I18n, "t").returnsArg(0);
oldSearchTextField = Discourse.SearchTextField;
Discourse.SearchTextField = SearchTextFieldStub;
oldSearchResultsTypeView = Discourse.SearchResultsTypeView;
Discourse.SearchResultsTypeView = SearchResultsTypeViewStub;
2014-01-31 01:53:08 -05:00
oldViews = Ember.View.views;
Ember.View.views = {};
controller = Ember.ArrayController.create();
teardown: function() {
Discourse.SearchTextField = oldSearchTextField;
Discourse.SearchResultsTypeView = oldSearchResultsTypeView;
2014-01-31 01:53:08 -05:00
Ember.View.views = oldViews;
test("contain search text field (correctly bound to contextual placeholder and search term values)", function() {
term: "term",
searchContext: "searchContext"
var $searchTextField = fixture(".search-text-field-stub");
ok(exists($searchTextField), "the field exists");
equal($searchTextField.text(), "term searchContext", "the placeholder and search term values are correctly bound");
test("shows spinner icon instead of results area when loading", function() {
loading: true
ok(exists(fixture(".search-text-field-stub")), "the search field is still shown, even when loading results");
ok(!exists(fixture(resultsSectionSelector)), "no results are shown");
ok(!exists(fixture(noResultsSelector)), "the 'no results' message is not shown");
var $searchInProgress = fixture(searchInProgressSelector);
ok(exists($searchInProgress), "the 'search in progress' message is shown");
2013-12-09 16:27:49 -05:00
ok(exists($searchInProgress.find(".fa-spinner")), "the 'search in progress' message contains a spinner icon");
test("shows 'no results' message when loading has finished and there are no results found", function() {
loading: false,
noResults: true
ok(exists(fixture(".search-text-field-stub")), "the search field is shown to allow another search");
ok(!exists(fixture(resultsSectionSelector)), "no results are shown");
ok(!exists(fixture(searchInProgressSelector)), "the 'search in progress' message is not shown");
var $noResults = fixture(noResultsSelector);
ok(exists($noResults), "the 'no results' message is shown");
notEqual($noResults.text().indexOf("search.no_results"), -1, "the 'no results' message contains correct text");
test("shows only search text field when user starts typing a new search term, but there are not enough characters typed yet", function() {
loading: false,
noResults: false,
content: []
ok(exists(fixture(".search-text-field-stub")), "search text field is shown");
ok(!exists(fixture(resultsSectionSelector)), "no results are shown");
ok(!exists(fixture(searchInProgressSelector)), "the 'search in progress' message is not shown");
ok(!exists(fixture(noResultsSelector)), "the 'no results' message is not shown");
test("correctly iterates through and displays search results when the search succeeds", function() {
loading: false,
noResults: false,
content: [
more: true,
name: "name_1",
results: "results_1",
type: "type_1"
more: false,
name: "name_2",
results: "results_2",
type: "type_2"
var $resultSections = fixture(resultsSectionSelector);
equal(count($resultSections), 2, "the number of sections in results is correct");
var $firstSection = $resultSections.eq(0);
var $filter = $firstSection.find(resultsFilterSelector);
notEqual($firstSection.text().indexOf("name_1"), -1, "the name of the first section is correct");
ok(exists($filter), "the 'show more' link in the first section exists");
notEqual($filter.text().indexOf("show_more"), -1, "the 'show more' link in the first section contains correct text");
equal($firstSection.find(".search-results-type-view-stub").text(), "type_1 results_1", "the results view in the first section is correctly rendered");
var $secondSection = $resultSections.eq(1);
notEqual($secondSection.text().indexOf("name_2"), -1, "the name of the second section is correct");
ok(!exists($secondSection.find(resultsFilterSelector)), "the 'show more' link in the second section does not exist");
equal($secondSection.find(".search-results-type-view-stub").text(), "type_2 results_2", "the results view in the second section is correctly rendered");
test("displays 'close more results' button when the search is in the more results mode", function() {
loading: false,
noResults: false,
showCancelFilter: true,
content: [
more: false
var $firstSection = fixture(resultsSectionSelector).eq(0);
var $filter = $firstSection.find(resultsFilterSelector);
ok(exists($filter), "the 'close more results' button exists");
2013-12-09 16:27:49 -05:00
ok(exists($filter.find(".fa-times-circle")), "the 'close more results' contains correct icon");